Wow. There's a lot of misinformation in this thread. On weeknights, the last train for Greenbelt is at 12:21am. It's never early and is almost always 5 minutes late, sometimes more, as it is literally one of the last two trains in the whole Metro system; "the sweeper," I believe is what they call it. The train meet-up at L'Enfant Plaza is often ~5 minutes late, but don't rely on that, of course. I've never had a problem catching the last train to Greenbelt after any 9:30 Club show. I've done it hundreds of times. If you're going in the other direction or you need to transfer to the Red line at Fort Totten, then you need to be at the Metro by 11:45pm, so plan accordingly. Most shows end by 11:40pm, but it can take a good 5 minutes to get out of the club, if it's crowded, and another 5 minutes to walk to the Metro.