First off, thanks again for your criticisms (be them accolades, slams, suggestions, etc)...
We did take our time trying to get the recording right..I'm sure that a year from now and with hindsight we'll wish we'd done some things different..but with the budget at hand (which we went over), time-constraints, etc...we are as proud as we can be at the outcome of things. We will be printing the EP as soon as we finish the final mixing & mastering within the next 2 weeks, and hopefully you'll hear me blabbing in about a month about the places to buy our EP or some cd release show. We will try to get our EP in as many hands as possible and see what comes of it...I talked to redsock about getting a bigyawn review and if any of you know anyone who might be interested in doing a write-up for their blog, website, etc let me know and I'll be happy to get the cd to them ASAP...
BTW, thanks to the person who some two years back told our guitar player through this forum that I played bass and was looking for people to play with who were into much of the bands people here talk about..if it wasn't for you the Cartel of today wouldn't have thanks to whoever it was(methinks Jaguar)...