Last night was toooo long. The Evens were awesome, very excited to see them again. Metric was good, except for that extended thing at the end. Does anyone have their albums? My guess is that their danceable goodness carries over pretty well. It was the second time i had seen them, and I think I like them more. And the annoying bassist finally cut his little tail.
The Stills were pretty good too, pretty much just played thier album note for note. I think they are a band I could really get to like, if i had the time. I'll just have to settle with 'kinda like.' And for those of you who care, flyering went relatively well too. My night was made when I heard one guy say he had been on the site yesterday. And Niall, he complimented 'us' on the Hersh interview. Perhaps he's a largehearted boy reader, eh?
Good to finally meet GGW and Skeeter, and to see all of you other lovely people again, even if it was exhausting.