Actually, a friend of mine does emergency food relief across the world for the U.S., and as a purely practical matter, genetically-altered crops (which refers to many crops grown in the U.S.) often can't be exported to other countries as growable crops. While you could have one great crop yield, it will ruin the soil for any subsequent crops for up to four or five years. Our crops actually contaminate the farms of other countries. This is a "give them the fish, but don't teach them to fish" issue for food shortages around the world. Also why we have thousands of tons of grain we just trash because we can't send it out of the country.
Yeah, Greenpeace has its nutjobs who are anti-any technology and are just plain weird, and P&T found many of them for this piece. But there are real concerns over these farming issues. How does some co-op with a housefull of folks who only eat raw food have any impact on this issue globally? P&T are looking at folks here in the U.S., where there are choices of organically or not grown foods, but those aren't the options at the heart of global food issues.