Author Topic: fantasy football: a league of our own  (Read 320571 times)


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Re: fantasy football: a league of our own
« Reply #450 on: December 29, 2010, 02:55:20 pm »
Damn I didn't pay attention to how the playoffs worked and didn't know I was playing this week. I didn't set my team for the consolation game. Was there a 3rd place prize that I screwed myself out of?

unfortunately, yes - 3rd place prize is $25.  ugh...  next year?


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Re: fantasy football: a league of our own
« Reply #451 on: December 29, 2010, 02:59:25 pm »
my take: it'll come down to whether or not Vick pulls a superman tomorrow night.

plus you got philly d against an incompetent QB.

eh, can't say incompetent...


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Re: fantasy football: a league of our own
« Reply #452 on: December 30, 2010, 01:56:01 am »
wow, what a final.  bookerT's decision to not start webb was very honorable and we went down to the last minute of last night's game without knowing if the threepeat was on or not.  i looked forward to waving a victory in BookerT's face but right now i'm humbled.  i consider myself very lucky to have won.  vick pulled a half superman, which was enough.  luckily i also finished the regular season in first place so i'll take that as backup of my superiority ;D

once again i had a blast playing FF with you lot.  hope to see you all, and maybe a new face or three, next year.  enjoy the (real) playoffs.


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Re: fantasy football: a league of our own
« Reply #453 on: August 18, 2011, 11:53:27 am »
Are we doing this? Where's my invite?

I'd like to suggest a couple minor rules changes, like allowing percentage points.


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Re: fantasy football: a league of our own
« Reply #454 on: August 18, 2011, 12:37:03 pm »
yes, let's do this!  i'll set up the league this afternoon - unless anyone else wants to commish (commisherate?).

i'm happy to implement any and all rule changes, as long as no one in the league strongly objects.  by percentage points, do you mean fractional points - like 12 yards rushing is 1.2 points?


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Re: fantasy football: a league of our own
« Reply #455 on: August 19, 2011, 10:33:03 am »
yes, let's do this!  i'll set up the league this afternoon - unless anyone else wants to commish (commisherate?).

i'm happy to implement any and all rule changes, as long as no one in the league strongly objects.  by percentage points, do you mean fractional points - like 12 yards rushing is 1.2 points?


Cock Van Der Palm

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Re: fantasy football: a league of our own
« Reply #456 on: August 19, 2011, 12:17:46 pm »
I'd like an invite if there is space.


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Re: fantasy football: a league of our own
« Reply #457 on: August 19, 2011, 01:03:45 pm »
awrite ladies and gents,  let's do this: welcome to the 2011 season of League930 fantasy football!

to join:
    - go to yahoo fantasy football homepage (
    - click on "JOIN an existing league and compete against other players - Join a League"
    - sign in to your yahoo account (or create one)
    - click on "Join Custom League"
    - League ID: 606094, password: "930rox"
    - create a team
    - beat BookerT

league dues are $20, payable before the first game of the season.  payment can be made via paypal or check & snail-mail, see commissioner's note on the league page:

last year's managers should have already received an invite to resurrect their old teams.  if you don't want to play this year, please decline the invitation as soon as you can - spots are reserved for returning teams, so free up your spot if your not going to use it. 

i have tentatively set the live online draft for Monday, August 29 8:30pm EDT.  i'm entirely flexible about when this goes down, both in terms of the date and time of day (lunch time is an option too).  please chime in with your preferences.

I'd like an invite if there is space.

with pleasure - please PM me your e-mail address and i'll send you one, or follow instructions above.  because of our head-to-head format we need an even number of teams, but if that becomes an issue we'll deal with it later.
« Last Edit: August 19, 2011, 01:11:36 pm by sweetcell »


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Re: fantasy football: a league of our own
« Reply #458 on: August 19, 2011, 01:20:01 pm »
awrite ladies and gents,  let's do this: welcome to the 2011 season of League930 fantasy football!

to join:
    - go to yahoo fantasy football homepage (
    - click on "JOIN an existing league and compete against other players - Join a League"
    - sign in to your yahoo account (or create one)
    - click on "Join Custom League"
    - League ID: 606094, password: "930rox"
    - create a team
    - beat BookerT

league dues are $20, payable before the first game of the season.  payment can be made via paypal or check & snail-mail, see commissioner's note on the league page:

last year's managers should have already received an invite to resurrect their old teams.  if you don't want to play this year, please decline the invitation as soon as you can - spots are reserved for returning teams, so free up your spot if your not going to use it. 

i have tentatively set the live online draft for Monday, August 29 8:30pm EDT.  i'm entirely flexible about when this goes down, both in terms of the date and time of day (lunch time is an option too).  please chime in with your preferences.

I'd like an invite if there is space.

with pleasure - please PM me your e-mail address and i'll send you one, or follow instructions above.  because of our head-to-head format we need an even number of teams, but if that becomes an issue we'll deal with it later.

I'm assuming the open spots have already been taken as I just tried to join...


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Re: fantasy football: a league of our own
« Reply #459 on: August 19, 2011, 01:24:56 pm »
yada - please try again, i've added 2 spots. 

former managers - please accept or decline your invites as soon as possible.  looks like we have a folks who would like to join, but can't.

aspiring new managers: if you can't sign up right away, please wait a little.  spots will open up as last year's managers retire.  i suspect that several of them won't be making decisions until tonight/this weekend.


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Re: fantasy football: a league of our own
« Reply #460 on: August 19, 2011, 01:45:10 pm »
yada - please try again, i've added 2 spots. 

former managers - please accept or decline your invites as soon as possible.  looks like we have a folks who would like to join, but can't.

aspiring new managers: if you can't sign up right away, please wait a little.  spots will open up as last year's managers retire.  i suspect that several of them won't be making decisions until tonight/this weekend.

I'm either non internet savvy or I don't have an option to join the league. Maybe because I"m already in another Yahoo league?


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Re: fantasy football: a league of our own
« Reply #461 on: August 19, 2011, 01:52:02 pm »
nah, being in one league won't stop you from joining, so that's not the issue.

GOT IT: if you're already in a league, you need to join through this page: (otherwise, you're taken to the page of your other league)


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Re: fantasy football: a league of our own
« Reply #462 on: August 19, 2011, 02:05:07 pm »
nah, being in one league won't stop you from joining, so that's not the issue.

GOT IT: if you're already in a league, you need to join through this page: (otherwise, you're taken to the page of your other league)



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Re: fantasy football: a league of our own
« Reply #463 on: August 19, 2011, 02:46:31 pm »
one semi-major rule change worth considering -- set it so all free agents are on waivers from the time the week's first game starts through the monday night game. this will prevent someone from scoring a hot free agent pickup just because they happen to be at a computer at 145pm when a star running back gets injured. this really levels the playing field.


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Re: fantasy football: a league of our own
« Reply #464 on: August 19, 2011, 03:29:32 pm »
one semi-major rule change worth considering -- set it so all free agents are on waivers from the time the week's first game starts through the monday night game. this will prevent someone from scoring a hot free agent pickup just because they happen to be at a computer at 145pm when a star running back gets injured. this really levels the playing field.

I have dropped out of more leagues than I can count because they don't adopt this rule.  However, I would set it for kick off of that teams games.

For example, when the 1 o'clock games kickoff, all of those players are locked.  When the 4 o'clock games kick off, they're now locked and so on.

That way if you have injury concerns about the 4, Sunday night or Monday night game, you can still make moves to grab a back up.  Nothing worse than needing one point from Marshall Faulk on a Monday night to tie, 2 to win and finding out that he isn't playing 15 minutes before kickoff, especially when the fullback and third down back of the Rams were available.  I'm not saying this happened in 2001 or anything....