Author Topic: fantasy football: a league of our own  (Read 320592 times)

Cock Van Der Palm

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Re: fantasy football: a league of our own
« Reply #480 on: August 22, 2011, 05:57:08 pm »
Sunday night would work or after Wednesday (I'm on travel M-W). 

I know it is tough to schedule a draft time that is good for everyone, so if no one else has a problem with the current time, I'll work with it.  Otherwise I would be ok with changing it.

if you had a choice, what would be your preference?

as mentioned before, i'm completely flexible - whatever works best for the group.


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Re: fantasy football: a league of our own
« Reply #481 on: August 23, 2011, 10:43:28 am »
I signed up, guys.  Hope everyone is cool with a semi-newbie joining the fray!


this is what the league currently looks like:
- New Jersey Barebacks (sweetcell)
- Pigskin&Pigtails6949
- BookerT-Bars
- Rock N Roll Outlaws (Shadrach)
- TBD (Yada)
- Hoya Paranoia
- I Hate Pink Floyd (Brian Wallace)
- We Are Both Carls (crevers)
- Crump's Brother (jeffml)
- Stillwater

we're at 10 teams, which i think is the perfect size: good competition while allowing for some low-level talent to remain in free agency. should we lock down the league at 10?  or allow for 12 teams?

Currently has 11 teams, I assumed we were doing 10. Says there is a max of 14 teams. I honestly don't want to play with that many teams. Since we already have 11, I guess we have to make it 12, but if it goes over 12, I'm out.


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Re: fantasy football: a league of our own
« Reply #482 on: August 23, 2011, 12:09:04 pm »
Currently has 11 teams, I assumed we were doing 10. Says there is a max of 14 teams. I honestly don't want to play with that many teams. Since we already have 11, I guess we have to make it 12, but if it goes over 12, I'm out.

I think that's pissy and elitist.  The more, the merrier, I say.  People are so anal about this stuff.  It's NOT REAL FOOTBALL!  It's a game!  A diversion!  If more than 12 teams gives some menstrual cramps, then form two leagues.  The mods and the rockers.



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Re: fantasy football: a league of our own
« Reply #483 on: August 23, 2011, 12:15:38 pm »
we'll limit to 12, so there is room for one more team.  brian - i don't think it's elitist.  it make the game more interesting by assuring that there is a little depth to the free agent field.  otherwise, lose a starter and you're toast.

I've tried to set the limit to 12, but I get the following error message: "You cannot reduce the max teams below 14 because your league contains 11 teams and 3 teams have not yet been renewed from last season. (Error #643)"

so we need one of the three old-timers to step up, OR we need one to decline their invite so some fresh meat can join in.  i'll ping the geriatrics to get some movement (prune juice optional).

i am gay and i like cats

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Re: fantasy football: a league of our own
« Reply #484 on: August 23, 2011, 12:38:59 pm »
can i take the guy with the gun who's had too many beers tailgaiting . . . and you can have the other one with the "(insert team name here) sucks" shirt?


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Re: fantasy football: a league of our own
« Reply #485 on: August 23, 2011, 12:47:30 pm »
Currently has 11 teams, I assumed we were doing 10. Says there is a max of 14 teams. I honestly don't want to play with that many teams. Since we already have 11, I guess we have to make it 12, but if it goes over 12, I'm out.

I think that's pissy and elitist.  The more, the merrier, I say.  People are so anal about this stuff.  It's NOT REAL FOOTBALL!  It's a game!  A diversion!  If more than 12 teams gives some menstrual cramps, then form two leagues.  The mods and the rockers.


Is this coming from someone who actually plays fantasy football? It's neither pissy, nor elitist to put a cap on the number of teams allowed in the league. It may be a "game" or a "diversion" but there is money on the line, which makes it a serious competition. In most fantasy leagues 10 or 12 teams is standard. More teams than that and the available pool of players is so watered down that it makes it nearly impossible to compete if you have a couple injuries. I'm speaking from experience, having played in many many leagues over the years. As for your "more than merrier" take, we've had problems filling the league with 10 teams in past years, so capping it isn't like shutting anyone out.

Perhaps you should start your own league, it's free on Yahoo and you can invite as many teams to join as you want. Good luck with that.


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Re: fantasy football: a league of our own
« Reply #486 on: August 23, 2011, 01:11:17 pm »

Is this coming from someone who actually plays fantasy football? It's neither pissy, nor elitist to put a cap on the number of teams allowed in the league. It may be a "game" or a "diversion" but there is money on the line, which makes it a serious competition. In most fantasy leagues 10 or 12 teams is standard. More teams than that and the available pool of players is so watered down that it makes it nearly impossible to compete if you have a couple injuries. I'm speaking from experience, having played in many many leagues over the years. As for your "more than merrier" take, we've had problems filling the league with 10 teams in past years, so capping it isn't like shutting anyone out.

Perhaps you should start your own league, it's free on Yahoo and you can invite as many teams to join as you want. Good luck with that.

Yes.  I'm embarrassed to admit that I've played fantasy football before.  Having less teams makes it more selfish, megalomaniacal and frankly, a little sad.  You want AS MANY of the good players and NO ONE ELSE can have them.  It smacks of: "If I can't play it my way, I'll take my ball and go home."   Yes, teams in a 14-team league will have a few less good players than teams in a 10 team league.  So what?  It evens the playing field.  If you pick good players, it shouldn't matter.  And if your players get hurt?  Well, you really can't control that can you?

Here's a good idea, Shadrach.  I'll start a league with ONE TEAM.  And you can JOIN!  Then you can have Ray Rice AND Arian Foster!  Andre Johnson AND Larry Fitzgerald!  How cool would that be for you?!?


P.S.  Plus, there's not "money on the line."  It's only $20!  That's like, 1/7 of a Neil Young ticket!


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Re: fantasy football: a league of our own
« Reply #487 on: August 23, 2011, 01:30:14 pm »

Is this coming from someone who actually plays fantasy football? It's neither pissy, nor elitist to put a cap on the number of teams allowed in the league. It may be a "game" or a "diversion" but there is money on the line, which makes it a serious competition. In most fantasy leagues 10 or 12 teams is standard. More teams than that and the available pool of players is so watered down that it makes it nearly impossible to compete if you have a couple injuries. I'm speaking from experience, having played in many many leagues over the years. As for your "more than merrier" take, we've had problems filling the league with 10 teams in past years, so capping it isn't like shutting anyone out.

Perhaps you should start your own league, it's free on Yahoo and you can invite as many teams to join as you want. Good luck with that.

Yes.  I'm embarrassed to admit that I've played fantasy football before.  Having less teams makes it more selfish, megalomaniacal and frankly, a little sad.  You want AS MANY of the good players and NO ONE ELSE can have them.  It smacks of: "If I can't play it my way, I'll take my ball and go home."   Yes, teams in a 14-team league will have a few less good players than teams in a 10 team league.  So what?  It evens the playing field.  If you pick good players, it shouldn't matter.  And if your players get hurt?  Well, you really can't control that can you?

Here's a good idea, Shadrach.  I'll start a league with ONE TEAM.  And you can JOIN!  Then you can have Ray Rice AND Arian Foster!  Andre Johnson AND Larry Fitzgerald!  How cool would that be for you?!?


P.S.  Plus, there's not "money on the line."  It's only $20!  That's like, 1/7 of a Neil Young ticket!

Your understanding and expertise in the matters of fantasy football leave me astounded. I stand corrected. We should invite as many teams as we can. I am humbled and truly embarrassed by my selfish behavior. Where do I get off having the gall to make such outrageous demands as to limit the number of managers in the league? Thank you for showing me the way, I'm glad we have someone like you around with your uncanny vision to set us all straight. Much love and respect to you Brian.

Cock Van Der Palm

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Re: fantasy football: a league of our own
« Reply #488 on: August 23, 2011, 05:30:46 pm »
I may have to drop out.  I don't think I can stand being in a league with BW and his views from a douch.


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Re: fantasy football: a league of our own
« Reply #489 on: August 23, 2011, 05:44:46 pm »
I may have to drop out.  I don't think I can stand being in a league with BW and his views from a douch.

See?  Shaking from FEAR!


P.S.  "Views From A Douch."  Wasn't that a track on the first Arctic Monkeys album?  Or an old Duran Duran song?



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Re: fantasy football: a league of our own
« Reply #490 on: August 24, 2011, 05:17:12 pm »
so, ol' murphy has reared his head: a manager from last year informs me that he didn't get his invite, but would like to join.  i've informed him that we've hit our max number of teams.  i also said i'd ask if anybody wants out.

so if anyone has changed their mind about being in the league, you can drop out without guilt - we have someone who will gladly take your place.

I'll start a league with ONE TEAM. 

so essentially, you want to play with yourself?  ;D


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Re: fantasy football: a league of our own
« Reply #491 on: August 24, 2011, 05:56:14 pm »

So you're guilting someone to drop out?  I'm not surprised.  You have 13 that want to play now, right?  Here's what you do: 

1. Increase the teams to 14.
2. Shadrach drops out.
3. Boom!  12 teams.



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Re: fantasy football: a league of our own
« Reply #492 on: August 24, 2011, 06:05:16 pm »
nope, no guilting involved here.  just checkin' in case we can make everyone happy by letting out someone who wants out and letting in someone who want in.  it's a long-shot, but ya never know (certainly not without asking).

although i can't subscribe to it, the logic of your solution is flawless ;D

Cock Van Der Palm

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Re: fantasy football: a league of our own
« Reply #493 on: August 25, 2011, 04:39:01 pm »
I'll drop out.  Will do so sometime tonight. 
Crump's Brother.


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Re: fantasy football: a league of our own
« Reply #494 on: August 25, 2011, 04:54:09 pm »
I'll drop out.  Will do so sometime tonight. 
Crump's Brother.

"I don't want you to drop out! What would I do without you?...No, no, NO! No. You... you... complete me."
