Commish, is next season's draft order determined randomly, or is it tied in some way to final standings? I like the league I'm in where draft order is determined by standings in the consolation bracket (win consolation bracket, get #1 pick next year), then reverse order for playoffs (league champion gets last pick).
In short, if we don't have a draft-order policy, could we consider one?
currently, draft order is random.
we have the option of specifying a draft order, and as always i'm here to implement the will of the group. in our league, consolation bracket is between #5 - #8. should the winner of that get first pick? what about #9 - #12? they don't officially have a post-season, but those 4 teams continue to score in weeks 15 and 16 - should that winner of that "virtual playoff" get first pick, or the winner of 5-8? if not, should the 9-12 winners come after 5-8? if someone drops out and we have a newbie, when do they pick?
BTW, as someone who picked 11th this year, i don't think that having first pick is a huge advantage. picks 1, 2 and 3 are currently in 9th, 12th and 10th position... top of the league, in order of pick, is 5th in first place, the 11th, 10th and finally 12th pick in fourth. based on this year's outcome, i don't want first pick