i should have gone out. but as soon as i got home i just got into a funk and watched the WE channel all night.
boo, perhaps i'll have to meet director another night.
Originally posted by TheDirector217:
Apparently, I'm late on this. But when did stage-rushing become some kind of ritual at Morrissey shows?? When I think stage-rush, I don't quite imagine Morrissey. Somebody break this down for me nice & elequent-like, please . . . .
ive seen that at every moz show ive been to since the early 90s or so? when has it not been a part of the show when someone (or lots of someones) tries to get on stage with moz and then he leaves the stage 20 mins later

[/qb][/QUOTE]still waiting... anyone? anyone?
and what's the point in the end - to give Moz a hug? to freak him out, or to see if he remains calm while a fan is tackled by the bouncers? or is the point just to say that you're on stage with moz and try lasting as long as possible before being kicked off? i really don't get it. [/qb][/QUOTE]Saw the tribute band last night . . . . They were surprisingly solid. It was a great time. Met some cool people. People from this board . . .

But I digress . . . .
After asking 5 die-fuckin-hard Morrissey fans last night for an explanation about the whole stage-rushing thing, I was told it was something that originated during Smiths shows. The Smiths invited people onstage during their shows, so that was the origin of it. After that, it took on a life of its own . . . .
On the flipside of that theory, some cats are just plain crazy. Another guy whom I asked for an explanation said AND I QUOTE,
"Morrissey is like Jesus Christ. The man is a vegan, he's asexual, he does not pollute his body. I just wanted to touch him & feel his pureness. I'm not even gay, but it's just the love. Touch the pureness, release, then let it go . . . "
BTW, this guy above in question will have seen Morrissey 27 times by the end of the tour. :eek: This is not a misprint.
So there's your crash course on Morrissey stage-jumping 101. [/QB][/QUOTE]