I've been following this rumor of a tour on I think this is his offical fan zine...
www.true-to-you.net states this:
U.S. tour information, opening date and onsale date details
4 March 2007
All date and venue information for Morrissey's forthcoming U.S tour will be announced next week. The tour will begin in Stockton (California) on 27 April at the Bob Hope Theater. All tickets for all shows will be available on 17 March.
North America tour information
19 February 2007
Morrissey will undertake a 40-date tour of North America beginning 27 April. Venue details and ticket prices will be announced within the next two weeks. Tickets for all concerts will go onsale on the same day.Support for all dates will be Kristeen Young.
If this is the case, I can't help but wonder where is he going to play in DC? How much are tickets? and Will there be a pre-sale? I just can't wait for him to comeback and play. I saw him last time and it was just wonderful.