Author Topic: Pete Doherty To Face Drug Charges  (Read 8127 times)


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Re: Pete Doherty To Face Drug Charges
« Reply #45 on: February 14, 2006, 03:17:00 pm »
From tomorrow's Dagenham Evening Chronicle:
 The Samaritans have today recruited 600 extra staff to deal with an expected surge in calls as troubled fans come to terms with today's revelations about rocker and teen icon Pete Doherty. In a surprise press conference today, the men behind Doherty's career reveled themselves - and admitted that the Libertines, Babyshambles, the tales of drug use, the armed robberies and the affair with supermodel Kate Moss have all been part of one of the largest hoaxes in British history.
 The men behind the scandal - Bill Drummond and Jimmy Cauty, who were themselves infamous popstars under the name The KLF - admitted how they plucked a young Buddy Holly impersonator Doherty from obscurity and made him a media darling. "It was a meant to be a quick stunt to show the frailties of our celebrity-obsessed culture," said Cauty, adding, "there are too many people who are famous despite their lack of talent, usefulness and basic intelligence. We wanted to do something that held a mirror up to that." Mr Drummond called Britain's pop-culture "sick" and said that although he regretted the hurt caused to Doherty's many fans, he hoped "this incident taught us all some important things".
 In a prepared statement, the two men - famous for many other pop pranks, including the famous burning of GBP1million on a remote Scottish island - detailed how they manipulated the British Press into making Doherty an icon. Doherty - whose real name has now been revealed to be Trevor McDermott - was making a living as a part-time Buddy Holly impersonator in the Cornwall holiday circuit. He began a short-lived affair with the singer of a well known 80's rock band, and was introduced to Drummond and Cauty at a backstage party in London's West End. The men described how a drunken McDermott amused them with his slurred singing and frenetic dance movements, and how they then realised that this would be the perfect "dupe" for a plan they had been hatching for some time.
 "The plan involved proving three theories we have about current British society," reads the statement. "The first is that in the so-called "alternative" scene, everybody is too scared of missing The Next Big Thing to worry about anything else." To prove this, some session musicians were provided to compose the rest of the "band", The Libertines, and rumours of explosive gigs were leaked to the media. "The gigs in question never actually took place, but we didn't have to worry about that. Soon the buzz around The Libertines was so frenetic, journalists were falling over themselves to claim to have been at the front of every single fictional gig." Within weeks, The Libertines were appearing on magazines and receiving record offers. Gigs sold out in minutes, while their first album "Up The Bracket" flew off shelves.
 Feeling that their first point had been proved, Drummond and Cauty moved to their second theory: "We feel that our culture has become an enormous soap opera. We don't care what a person thinks, or creates, or contributes. We just care about what they do in their normal lives. Especially when it's something they shouldn't be doing."
 To demonstrate this, the men co-ordinated a number of scandals. First was a robbery staged in the house of one of the band members. When this took place, McDermott (aka Doherty) was unknown outside of the alternative music scene. An incident of this calibre was sufficient, however, to catapult McDermott onto the front page of every major national tabloid. "One day we has just another singer, the next day he was 'Disgraced Celebrity Rocker', and he hasn't been out of the papers since". Further revelations about drug abuse and violence kept McDermott and The Libertines on the front pages for months.
 One thing that took even Drummond and Cauty by surprise was the affair with model Kate Moss. "That was not something that we planned or had any involvement. Whether she knew about the hoax is something we are not party to. We have never had any contact with Miss Moss." However, this was the boost their project needed - where the drugs and crime had made McDermott a media sensation, the relationship with one of fashion's most famous women catapulted him into the world of true celebrity. "While we had not planned this, it certainly proved our point. There are many superior artists in the country today, but they never appear in Heat or The Sun, because they don't have the words 'boyfriend of Kate Moss' after their name."
 Despite this boost, the project began running into a major setback for Drummond and Cauty. Just as they were preparing to enter the final phase of their scheme, Doherty decided that he wanted to part company with them, the fake band, and begin seriously recording music. He stopped all contact with the men, and threatened legal actions if any details were leaked to the press. "We were upset at the apparent failure of our grand project, and also at the monster we had created in Pete Doherty. Our third theorem - that 'If enough people say that a piece of s*** is a bar of gold, we'll believe it's a bar of gold' - seemed to have been beyond salvation. Fortunately, at that point Pete released the first Babyshambles album."
 In the time since then, Drummond and Cauty have been locked in a vicious legal battle, which was eventually settled out of court by the discovery of a videotape showing McDermott singing "Peggy Sue" at a Butlin's in Devon. Publicly, McDermott still strongly denies all charges. How this affects the future career of Pete Doherty remains to be seen.


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Re: Pete Doherty To Face Drug Charges
« Reply #46 on: February 14, 2006, 03:32:00 pm »
Aren't these the same guys that fabricated the lunar landing and the holocaust?

Bombay Chutney

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Re: Pete Doherty To Face Drug Charges
« Reply #48 on: February 28, 2006, 01:27:00 pm »
I thought he was in mandatory rehab?
 go figure...

kosmo vinyl

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Re: Pete Doherty To Face Drug Charges
« Reply #49 on: February 28, 2006, 02:18:00 pm »
Originally posted by Bombay Chutney:
  Babyshambles Singer Pete Doherty Detained
  LONDON - Pete Doherty has been arrested on suspicion of stealing a car and being in possession of hard drugs, British police said Tuesday.
guess he got jealous that George Micheal stole the spotlight from him...

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Re: Pete Doherty To Face Drug Charges
« Reply #50 on: March 09, 2006, 11:32:00 am »
Pete Doherty: 'making progress' against drugs
 Singer's 'determination' praised at court hearing
 Pete Doherty has been praised today (March 8) for his attempts to quit drugs as he appeared for a review of his 12-month community order at Thames Magistrates Court.
 Despite turning up to court 30 minutes late, the Babyshambles singer was commended for his progress before being ordered to appear again before the magistrates again for a further review on April 12.
 Speaking afterwards Doherty told NME.COM, "I'm very happy about the decision, it's going very well," before he was mobbed by the handful of fans who turned up at the East London court.
 The singer is currently serving a 12-month community order for a series of drug offences he pleaded guilty to last month.
 In court Doherty, who wore a black jumper and white shirt, said very little and sat fidgeting throughout the proceedings.
 His solicitor Sean Curran said the singer had made good progress since last month's sentencing hearing at Ealing Magistrates Court, and he remained positive.
 Speaking to Doherty, Magistrate McIvor explained: "It seems as if his (Doherty's) determination is increasing, it is going well but it takes a lot of determination. The order is for 12 months and I expect very good results by the next review."
 Although the singer had tested positive for drugs during recent tests on February 23 and 28 which he must undergo as part of his order, the results had been lower than expected.
 Meanwhile Doherty will return to Thames Magistrates Court tomorrow (March 9) on an unrelated matter after he was arrested in Birmingham last week on suspicion of stealing a car and possessing class A drugs.

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Re: Pete Doherty To Face Drug Charges
« Reply #51 on: March 24, 2006, 03:52:00 pm »

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Re: Pete Doherty To Face Drug Charges
« Reply #52 on: April 06, 2006, 10:47:00 am »
Doherty to marry Moss
 Pete Doherty and Kate Moss will marry in Scotland later this year, the Babyshambles star has claimed.
 The couple, who have endured a rollercoaster relationship for the last 12 months, are reported to have resurrected their affair in recent weeks.
 Doherty is said to have made the announcement about their impending nuptials during a show at an Austrian porn club this week.
 He told the crowd: "We are going to marry. It's going to happen at a Scottish castle somewhere between September and November. A posh Scottish castle. That's gonna be so cool."
 Meanwhile, Doherty also told the crowd how much he enjoyed having debauched sex while on drugs, claims The Sun.
 "Drugs or sex - they are both great. The best is a combination of both of them. I really love sex on substances - nothing beats that," he said.


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Re: Pete Doherty To Face Drug Charges
« Reply #53 on: April 06, 2006, 11:10:00 am »
the rolling stone article on doherty this week was really really well-written ... put you right in his crack den and you could almost smell the heroin crackling on foil ... the abramoff piece was really good too, matt taibi is quickly becoming one of my favorite journalists, has that HST-gonzo streak in him

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Re: Pete Doherty To Face Drug Charges
« Reply #54 on: April 06, 2006, 11:16:00 am »
Originally posted by HoyaSaxa03:
 matt taibi is quickly becoming one of my favorite journalists
   <img src="" alt=" - " />
He's nothing compared to Mark Ames...


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Re: Pete Doherty To Face Drug Charges
« Reply #55 on: April 06, 2006, 11:56:00 am »
Originally posted by Ellis D. Fleischbach:
  He's nothing compared to Mark Ames...
as a chuck klosterman fan, i wholeheartedly disagree ... i'm sure you've read ames' retarded "critiques" of klosterman ...


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Re: Pete Doherty To Face Drug Charges
« Reply #56 on: April 08, 2006, 03:43:00 am »
Courtney Love - man that picture is worth a 1000 words.

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Re: Pete Doherty To Face Drug Charges
« Reply #57 on: April 18, 2006, 11:23:00 am »
Pete Doherty Misses Court Date
 Pete Doherty missed a court date to review his community order yesterday.
 The Babyshambles front man was scheduled to appear before a judge to review his progress on the community order that kept him out of prison on seven separate drug offenses. Doherty was in Paris with the band, which is touring to support its debut, Down in Albion (Rough Trade) (read Aversionâ??s review). His date with a judge has been rescheduled for May 12.
 Dohertyâ??s not the only one in Babyshambles running afoul of the law, however. Guitarist Patrick Walden was behind bars until today on assault charges


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Re: Pete Doherty To Face Drug Charges
« Reply #58 on: April 18, 2006, 11:30:00 am »
Originally posted by Ellis D. Fleischbach:
  Pete Doherty Misses Court Date
 Pete Doherty missed a court date to review his community order yesterday.
 The Babyshambles front man was scheduled to appear before a judge to review his progress on the community order that kept him out of prison on seven separate drug offenses. Doherty was in Paris with the band, which is touring to support its debut, Down in Albion (Rough Trade) (read Aversionâ??s review). His date with a judge has been rescheduled for May 12.
 Dohertyâ??s not the only one in Babyshambles running afoul of the law, however. Guitarist Patrick Walden was behind bars until today on assault charges
This is just a preamble to his new hip hop image makeover.

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Re: Pete Doherty To Face Drug Charges
« Reply #59 on: April 20, 2006, 01:18:00 pm »
...Busy day for Pete
  Pete Doherty avoids jail
  Pete Doherty Planning Prison Gigs
 Pete Doherty is reportedly planning a string of prison gigs, in the style of Johnny Cash, The Sun has reported.
 The Babyshambles frontman is said to want to perform at Pentonville, where he has spent time previously, and could be back again if he is found guilty of further drug charges later today.
 A 'friend' told The Sun: "Pete knows the staff and inmates from his stays and thinks it will be good for prison morale."
 "He loves the idea of making it into a prison tour and recording the shows."
 I wonder if Reese Witherspoon is still available to play Kate Moss in the soon-to-follow biopic?