Author Topic: Elephant 6 bands  (Read 3298 times)

Elephant 6 bands
« on: August 08, 2003, 02:17:00 pm »
Which albums by Elephant 6 associated bands are essential, and which band ranks as the best? I love Beulah, but am not really famliiar with Apples in Stereo, Olivia Tremor Control, etc. I did see Neutral Milk Hotel open for Superchunk a number of years ago, and wasn't that impressed, though perhaps my taste has changed...


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Re: Elephant 6 bands
« Reply #1 on: August 08, 2003, 02:23:00 pm »
The essential album from Elephant 6 is Neutral Milk Hotel's In the Aeroplane over the Sea.  Others I like
 Elf Power - The Winter Is Coming
 Apples in Stereo - The Discovery Of A World
 Inside The Moone  or Tone Soul Evolution (there albums have become cheesy these days)
 And I like all of Neutral Milk Hotel's material and am jealous you saw them


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Re: Elephant 6 bands
« Reply #2 on: August 08, 2003, 02:23:00 pm »
Originally posted by Rhett Miller:
  Which albums by Elephant 6 associated bands are essential, and which band ranks as the best? I love Beulah, but am not really famliiar with Apples in Stereo, Olivia Tremor Control, etc. I did see Neutral Milk Hotel open for Superchunk a number of years ago, and wasn't that impressed, though perhaps my taste has changed...
Neutral Milk Hotel is good. never saw them live though, but i like the album.  AIS kinda gets on the nerves.


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Re: Elephant 6 bands
« Reply #3 on: August 08, 2003, 02:32:00 pm »
I have an OTC disc and find it dull.
 I agree with Bobby Pollard on Neutral Milk Hotel.
 I saw Apples in Stereo a few years ago and enjoyed them, but haven't had a desire to pick up their CDs.
 I don't know anything about Elf Power.  Any relation to Cat Power?


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Re: Elephant 6 bands
« Reply #4 on: August 08, 2003, 02:36:00 pm »
Originally posted by ggwâ?˘:
 I don't know anything about Elf Power.  Any relation to Cat Power?
kid brother


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Re: Elephant 6 bands
« Reply #5 on: August 08, 2003, 02:36:00 pm »
Elf Power are pretty good but not great. Their songs tend to be hit or miss with none of them going in either extreme. Pleasant diversions between other songs.
 Nuetral Milk Hotel don't really do it for me but aren't bad at all. You may like them and are at least worth checking out.
 I can't stand Apples In Stereo. Really whiney fake college Art Rock. Noisy minimalist crap Rock.
 Olivia Tremor Control can be good but they have a lot of worthless filler. Sort of a subpar My Bloody Valentine.

Re: Elephant 6 bands
« Reply #6 on: August 08, 2003, 02:37:00 pm »
I know Elf Power opened a show for Wilco at the 9:30 a few years ago. Was late arriving and missed them...
Originally posted by ggwâ?˘:
  I have an OTC disc and find it dull.
 I agree with Bobby Pollard on Neutral Milk Hotel.
 I saw Apples in Stereo a few years ago and enjoyed them, but haven't had a desire to pick up their CDs.
 I don't know anything about Elf Power.  Any relation to Cat Power?


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Re: Elephant 6 bands
« Reply #7 on: August 08, 2003, 02:38:00 pm »
Originally posted by Rhett Miller:
  I know Elf Power opened a show for Wilco at the 9:30 a few years ago. Was late arriving and missed them...
I was at that show, and Elf Power was horrible that night because the sound was awful for their set.


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Re: Elephant 6 bands
« Reply #8 on: August 08, 2003, 02:42:00 pm »
Originally posted by Robert Pollard:
Originally posted by Rhett Miller:
  I know Elf Power opened a show for Wilco at the 9:30 a few years ago. Was late arriving and missed them...
I was at that show, and Elf Power was horrible that night because the sound was awful for their set. [/b]
I didn't see them and haven't seen any of their later area shows (mostly in Baltimore, I think) but their latest album is much better than their earlier one.


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Re: Elephant 6 bands
« Reply #9 on: August 08, 2003, 02:44:00 pm »
Originally posted by Jaguär:
  I didn't see them and haven't seen any of their later area shows (mostly in Baltimore, I think) but their latest album is much better than their earlier one.
They have 5 albums and a covers album, I personally like the older material more.


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Re: Elephant 6 bands
« Reply #10 on: August 08, 2003, 02:52:00 pm »
Originally posted by Robert Pollard:
Originally posted by Jaguär:
  I didn't see them and haven't seen any of their later area shows (mostly in Baltimore, I think) but their latest album is much better than their earlier one.
They have 5 albums and a covers album, I personally like the older material more. [/b]
Yes......but don't make me pull a Markie on you.   ;)

Sir HC

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Re: Elephant 6 bands
« Reply #11 on: August 08, 2003, 02:55:00 pm »
The Olivia Tremor Control "Dusk at Cubist Castle" has a lot of great stuff on it.  The other one I have is very much "not there" bland and filler.  This one has some great tracks, and just one section (the typewriter songs) that drags.
 I guess I am in the minority for liking Apples in Stereo.  They are a rock band, full of hooks in theis songs.  Have problems live as their singer just doesn't sing loud but cranks the amp.  I would say "Tone Soul Evolution" too though "The Velocity of Sound" has been growing on me.  
 Neutral Milk Hotel, "Aeroplane over the Sea" is brilliant though depressing.  The one before that has some good stuff on it but loses it after a bit.


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Re: Elephant 6 bands
« Reply #12 on: August 08, 2003, 02:58:00 pm »
Originally posted by Sir HC:
  I guess I am in the minority for liking Apples in Stereo.  They are a rock band, full of hooks in theis songs.  Have problems live as their singer just doesn't sing loud but cranks the amp.  I would say "Tone Soul Evolution" too though "The Velocity of Sound" has been growing on me.
No, I don't think so. I've heard a lot of people say that they like them. Don't know why but they do.

kosmo vinyl

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Re: Elephant 6 bands
« Reply #13 on: August 08, 2003, 03:16:00 pm »
i prefer apples in stereo on record than live... i've never felt sorry for a drum kit until i saw their drummer bash one at fletchers.  greenberry woods were the far superior band that night, and had their set cut short because they were the support act.  i split half way through the apples set..

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Re: Elephant 6 bands
« Reply #14 on: August 08, 2003, 03:20:00 pm »
Kosmo, I was there that show and fully agree.  I ended up doing monitors because of all the problems they caused (by not showing up until doors and the rest).  I saw them before there with the Lilys opening for them and they were great.  They sold paintings by the dude who did their album cover (and Pavement's) for $4 each.  I have two over the stereo.