Author Topic: Sex Pistols Query  (Read 6829 times)

kosmo vinyl

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Re: Sex Pistols Query
« Reply #15 on: August 11, 2003, 12:22:00 pm »
and csn is still singing about going to woodstock, or about an event in ohio, or teaching children to sing.  mccartney still want to hold your hand.  tom jones still gets knickers tossed at him.

Sir HC

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Re: Sex Pistols Query
« Reply #16 on: August 11, 2003, 12:31:00 pm »
Originally posted by Mobius:
  Why can't a band play with punk energy just because they're pushing 50?  The context is different from 1977, and the drugs may be different, but the personalities and chemistry aren't necessarily different just because they're older.
A band can, Mission of Burma did it.  These guys have lost that right (well Johnny at least) by becoming a huge success and being rich.  No longer can he sing with conviction about some of these topics because it doesn't ring true.  I am going to see Steve Jones, he has always been a great guitarist, saw him on his Mercy tour, would love to see him do his classics.


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Re: Sex Pistols Query
« Reply #17 on: August 11, 2003, 12:32:00 pm »
Originally posted by Robert Pollard:
Originally posted by MaLo:
  i feel like i am the only person on earth that doesn't like Jane's Addiction...i really can't stand them..and i've tried to listen to them too
I don't like them either [/b]
phew! im' not alone. i totally can't get into them. bleh.


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Re: Sex Pistols Query
« Reply #18 on: August 11, 2003, 12:51:00 pm »
Originally posted by paige:
Originally posted by Robert Pollard:
Originally posted by MaLo:
  i feel like i am the only person on earth that doesn't like Jane's Addiction...i really can't stand them..and i've tried to listen to them too
I don't like them either [/b]
phew! im' not alone. i totally can't get into them. bleh. [/b]


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Re: Sex Pistols Query
« Reply #19 on: August 11, 2003, 12:55:00 pm »
Originally posted by kosmo vinyl:
  and csn is still singing about going to woodstock, or about an event in ohio, or teaching children to sing.  mccartney still want to hold your hand.  tom jones still gets knickers tossed at him.
I suppose we shouldnt compare the Sex Pistols to Tom Jones, or CSN.  Considering Blink 182's recording career lasted longer than the Sex Pistols did. (and its still going i think)
   you are never too old to be sexy (Tom Jones) but i think after a certain age, screaming of anarchy and what not looks dumb.  Besides, do you want the last memory you have of this band seeing Johhny Rotten shit in his depends on stage?

Re: Sex Pistols Query
« Reply #20 on: August 11, 2003, 12:57:00 pm »
I imagine they have no support at the 9:30 because the 9:30 is a smaller venue than the other venues on the tour. To have a quality opener like Horton Heat would add even more to the ticket price. Horton Heat has a separate 9:30 show with Southern Culture on the Skids in September (in my book a much better show than the Sex Pistols).
    I was chatting with a guy at the BR549 show at the Birchmere recently who said he saw the Pistols at the Patriot Center on their last reunion tour, and he said they played 85-90 mins, and that the tickets were a lot less than $40.


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Re: Sex Pistols Query
« Reply #21 on: August 11, 2003, 01:04:00 pm »
This is the review of when I saw the Sex Pistols in 1996.   its hilarious, a true story, and NOT my review.
 and no i didnt win the contest, i just know people  ;)
 Addicted To Noise Toronto correspondent John Sakamoto reports:
 After being showered with beer and pelted with lit cigarette butts for 45 minutes, Johnny Rotten finally re-captured a glimmer of the original spirit of the Sex Pistols when he instructed the crowd at a surprise club show that took place on Tuesday night (Aug. 20) to go fuck themselves, and promptly stomped off stage.
 Though they'd played a rapturously received concert in Toronto to 9,800 fans just eight days earlier, the Pistols were lured back by another load of filthy lucre to be the "prize" in a beer promotion called Blind Date. The gimmick: contest-winners from across Canada are flown to a small club -- in this case, The Guvernment, formerly known as RPM -- to see a big-name act whose identity is kept secret 'til the moment the band actually walks on stage.
 Given the fact that previous Blind Dates have featured the likes of Soundgarden and Metallica, the initial reaction from the 500 or so winners to the sight of Rotten, Glen Matlock, Steve Jones, and Paul Cook ambling on stage could politely be described as mild disappointment. (It probably didn't help matters that, prior to the show, one mischievous industry type showed up early and broadly hinted to those at the front of the line that they were about to see Hootie & The Blowfish.)
 After uneventful (and uninspiring) versions of "Bodies," "Seventeen," and "New York" -- played exactly the same as they were at the previous Toronto show, the tour kick-off in Denver, and on the Filthy Lucre Live CD -- a small but noisy contingent of punters started up a soccer-style chant of "BOR-ing." That was soon accompanied by a steady stream of beer and lit cigarette butts, all hurled in the general vicinity of an increasingly pissed-off Rotten.
 "I'm warning you wankers, you can just stop that right now," he growled, glaring at the crowd. "If those responsible would like to come up here, I'll show you just how violence works." At which point the band launched into the best, most convincing version of "No Feelings" I've ever heard. Unlike the well-tooled arena version they've been trotting out on the rest of the tour, this one actually sounded like they meant it, man.
 As for Rotten, for once he wasn't in control. Instead, he was seething and, for one brief moment, the fat, forty-ish, 1996 version of the Sex Pistols had re-captured a glimmer of punk's original spirit. The previously indifferent audience, however, was having none of it. Half a dozen numbers later, amid increasingly louder jeering and a steady stream of foreign objects, Rotten finally snapped. After venting his rage at the apparent source of the lit cigarettes he'd been dodging all night, he uttered a few more choice obscenities, delivered a brief, self-righteous lecture, and walked off stage, shortly followed by the rest of the band.
 It was perfect.
 Unfortunately, Rotten & Co. ruined the moment by slinking back on stage 10 minutes later, and the rest of the proceedings qualified as a distinct anti-climax. The only notable moment came when Rotten surveyed the crowd one last time and dismissively remarked, "Look at you, you can't even handle your Molson," referring to the beverage that was the real reason the Pistols were there. Then, in the closest thing the band, in its current incarnation, has come to a subversive act, he insulted the sponsor's product.
 "You know," he sneered, "the British word for Molson is SHANDY."


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Re: Sex Pistols Query
« Reply #22 on: August 11, 2003, 01:09:00 pm »
"You know," he sneered, "the British word for Molson is SHANDY."
 HA HAHAHAHAHA HA HA HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA...that's classic, yet so true.
 So the British word for Budweiser,Miller etc must be "urine".


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Re: Sex Pistols Query
« Reply #23 on: August 11, 2003, 01:10:00 pm »
Will Markie be wearing his bondage pants at this show?


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Re: Sex Pistols Query
« Reply #24 on: August 11, 2003, 01:14:00 pm »
Originally posted by mankie:
  "You know," he sneered, "the British word for Molson is SHANDY."
 HA HAHAHAHAHA HA HA HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA...that's classic, yet so true.
 So the British word for Budweiser,Miller etc must be "urine".
I am not sure there even IS a british word for Budweiser....they probably prefer not to speak of it...

Re: Sex Pistols Query
« Reply #25 on: August 11, 2003, 01:17:00 pm »
I tend to notice people in other parts of the world treating Miller, Bud, etc. as if they were some kind of exotic beers.
Originally posted by mankie:
  "You know," he sneered, "the British word for Molson is SHANDY."
 HA HAHAHAHAHA HA HA HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA...that's classic, yet so true.
 So the British word for Budweiser,Miller etc must be "urine".


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Re: Sex Pistols Query
« Reply #26 on: August 11, 2003, 01:20:00 pm »
Originally posted by ggwâ?¢:
  Will Markie be wearing his bondage pants at this show?
I am not sure.....
 They are really a bit too good and a little too constrictive to pogo in effectively...... I did get a cheap seditionaries knock off anarchy T-shirt, "for soldiers prostiutes dykes and punks" for the occassion.
 I am keeping my expectations for the show at rock bottom. That way being half OK will seem like great.

Sir HC

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Re: Sex Pistols Query
« Reply #27 on: August 11, 2003, 01:41:00 pm »
Just so long as they don't do an "unplugged" portion of the show.


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Re: Sex Pistols Query
« Reply #28 on: August 11, 2003, 02:01:00 pm »
Originally posted by Rhett Miller:
 [QB] I tend to notice people in other parts of the world treating Miller, Bud, etc. as if they were some kind of exotic beers.

 You're exactly right...I remember going into the pubs back home and all the young-guns were drinking the nasty stuff, ROOM TEMPERATURE! I think it's just the obsession with everything American, they can't possibly have enjoyed it.


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Re: Sex Pistols Query
« Reply #29 on: August 11, 2003, 02:03:00 pm »
Originally posted by MaLo:
Originally posted by sonickteam2:
    boooorring. but if we all pay the $40 and go to the show, maybe some other bands that are better off remembered young and punk, not old and in need of a gig, will come know, like Jane's Addiction maybe!
i feel like i am the only person on earth that doesn't like Jane's Addiction...i really can't stand them..and i've tried to listen to them too [/b]
I absolutely hate that band! Can't stand Porno For Pyros either. It's mostly Perry Ferrel's voice that drives me fucking insane! It's that spoilt rotten brat little boy whiney that I can't take. They have one song that I think that I might like if it were performed by someone else and someone who doesn't try to sound like them. Took years to even get that far with it.
 As far as The Sex Pistols being able to rock out at their age, I don't see that as a problem at all. I will admit though that it is more common than not for a band to lose whatever energy or drive they once had to be convincing or enjoyable. If anything, I find a bigger problem to be a lot of the ageist within the public who jump to conclusions about someone because of their age rather than letting the performers speak, sing, or play for themselves. But, yes, I can't help but think that though there will be some great moments, The Sex Pistols will have a hard time conjuring up their whole original Punk mentality and image when they don't live that life anymore.