Author Topic: Headphones recommendations  (Read 2784 times)


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Headphones recommendations
« on: August 27, 2005, 09:02:00 pm »
What do you guys recommend for travel/casual everyday use?  My budget is $100 and under.  Thanks for any help.

I Dare

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Re: Headphones recommendations
« Reply #2 on: August 28, 2005, 12:08:00 pm »
Shure E2C's


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Re: Headphones recommendations
« Reply #3 on: August 28, 2005, 01:36:00 pm »
Originally posted by general grievous:
 much cheaper than they were a few months ago
I bought some of these a year ago. Definitly cheaper now but the fact that the cords for the earpieces are not even, wear it to the left or right, was rather annoying. Also the cheap hinge on the case wears out fast causing the cover to not stay on. Suggest Shure E2c's or even Apple's upgraded ear buds.
 Better storage and similar sound to the Sony set.


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Re: Headphones recommendations
« Reply #4 on: August 28, 2005, 02:00:00 pm »
it's too bad your budget is $100 because my buddy has a $300 pair of bose headphones that sound magnificent


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Re: Headphones recommendations
« Reply #5 on: August 28, 2005, 08:58:00 pm »


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Re: Headphones recommendations
« Reply #6 on: August 28, 2005, 09:51:00 pm »
Sennheiser PX 100s
 Great for portability and the quality at that price is great.
 Either that or the Etymotic ER6i's


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Re: Headphones recommendations
« Reply #7 on: August 28, 2005, 11:45:00 pm »
Originally posted by wishfulthinker:
 Either that or the Etymotic ER6i's
i've championed these enough on here, but i heartily concur


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Re: Headphones recommendations
« Reply #8 on: August 29, 2005, 09:37:00 am »
Originally posted by general grievous:
 much cheaper than they were a few months ago
I picked up a pair of these.  The left side crapped out after about 25 minutes of use; never worked again.


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Re: Headphones recommendations
« Reply #9 on: August 29, 2005, 10:14:00 am »
I have a pair - soundwise they are quite good and I am approaching 9 months of use with them and I am hard on earphones
 but good god, whoeever designed them with a primary cord thats too short and an extension cord thats waaayy too long should be shot
Originally posted by ggwâ?¢:
Originally posted by general grievous:  
 much cheaper than they were a few months ago
I picked up a pair of these.  The left side crapped out after about 25 minutes of use; never worked again. [/b]


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Re: Headphones recommendations
« Reply #10 on: August 29, 2005, 10:18:00 am »
I bought a pair of the Shure E2c to use with my Xm2Go while riding my cycle. I love them and they fit nicely under my helmet and sound great.


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Re: Headphones recommendations
« Reply #11 on: August 29, 2005, 10:35:00 am »
Do some browsing in  You'll find a shit load of info and reviews in there.  I would also suggest maybe saving up some more money for a month or so and springing for some Shure E4Cs, Ety ER4Ps, or Ultimate Ears SuperFi Pro5s.  All of them are the plug style which seals up the ear and isolates outside noise.  Good thing about that is you don't have to turn them up as much in louder environments which will save your hearing in the long run. I have the Super Fis and am very pleased with them.


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Re: Headphones recommendations
« Reply #12 on: August 29, 2005, 10:56:00 am »
how considerate of you!
Originally posted by jmascis:
  I bought a pair of the Shure E2c to use with my Xm2Go while riding my cycle. I love them and I don't care that because they block out sound I become a danger to myself and others while cycling.

Julian, Alleged Computer F**kface

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Re: Headphones recommendations
« Reply #13 on: August 29, 2005, 10:59:00 am »
Originally posted by jmascis:
  I bought a pair of the Shure E2c to use with my Xm2Go while riding my cycle. I love them and they fit nicely under my helmet and sound great.
I'm appalled a Mascis fan would post something so Fukufuji-esque.


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Re: Headphones recommendations
« Reply #14 on: August 29, 2005, 03:59:00 pm »
Originally posted by brennser:
  how considerate of you!
Originally posted by jmascis:
  I bought a pair of the Shure E2c to use with my Xm2Go while riding my cycle. I love them and I don't care that because they block out sound I become a danger to myself and others while cycling.
Why thank you
Originally posted by Julian, faux celeb-porn CONNOISSEUR:
Originally posted by jmascis:
  I bought a pair of the Shure E2c to use with my Xm2Go while riding my cycle. I love them and they fit nicely under my helmet and sound great.
I'm appalled a Mascis fan would post something so Fukufuji-esque. [/b]
So am I!!! Sorry J....