Author Topic: Europe & United States  (Read 2398 times)


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Re: Europe & United States
« Reply #15 on: September 14, 2007, 01:36:00 pm »
this would be so much better is somehow chankra khan found a way to return. i love south african hoodia.  someone should repackage the fat boys as a new name, "rap for fun band" involving the words hoodia gordonii.


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Re: Europe & United States
« Reply #16 on: September 14, 2007, 04:03:00 pm »
metal = pro wrestling


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Re: Europe & United States
« Reply #17 on: September 14, 2007, 07:01:00 pm »
any volunteer to really answer my questions about music in general (and not only metal)? is there anybody knowing Manu Chao for example?
 bnyced0, i saw in the schedules of 9:30 such bands as Silverchair, Stone Sour, Chevelle, Megadeth, Cannibal Corpse,... and on the other way, Paolo Nutini... so i am not really sure that my questions are totally at the wrong place. 9:30 nightclub seems to be a great place with a music diversity. But i have to say that i was a little horified by what i saw on the jaxx website. Is it the only music people here know about Europe?
 hippo, i am not only talking about metal but music... but i know that i am not clear...
 sweetcell, i am very happy to be 6000km away from France to learn that i must be annoying...  ;)


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Re: Europe & United States
« Reply #18 on: September 15, 2007, 12:15:00 am »
primlife - there are a lot of bands that play at the 930 club that board members won't be fans of.  don't assume that just because a band plays the club that it means we necessarily like them.  music knowledge runs pretty deep here, doubtful that any decent band - european acts included - would fly under everybody's radar.
 as much as people kick and scream about being labeled, the main genre (sub-genre?) on this board is "indie rock", as descriptive as that isn't.  britpop is well represented, along with a healthy dose of metal-heads, hip-hoppers, classic rockers, funksters, alt-country fans, etc.  genres that aren't as popular here are vapid mainstream pop, commercial hard rock, diva rock, and other corporate-spawned genres where marketing > talent.  just sit back for a little while and follow a few threads, that should give you an idea of what people are in to.  the "what are you listening to" thread is a good place to start, although some of the recommendations there i find to be on the obscure side.
 and before people jump on me for the above paragraph: yes, that was a GROSS GENERALIZATION.  there are all sorts of subtleties that i've glossed over.
 and yes, many of us know manu chao.  he played here merriweather in june, a number of boardees were at that show.


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Re: Europe & United States
« Reply #19 on: September 15, 2007, 01:44:00 am »
be nice to der Schweizer.  he's probably stuck on a mountain all day with goats, babysitting Heidi.  am I right?
 my favourite European band is the French Phoenix who have put on excellent shows at the 9:30 club.


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Re: Europe & United States
« Reply #20 on: September 15, 2007, 04:55:00 am »
ggw nailed it. tom warrior + martin ain = \m/
 in america, we love brainticket, especially the undisputed masterpiece "cottonwood hill".