Aw guys, I'm so touched you noticed/cared. Funny someone mentioned this today, as I am working on a message for the site as we speak. Truth be told, I had a ton of personal issues this Spring, that have directly affected every aspect of my life. And BY took a direct hit. I seriously had to re-think how to even operate the site anymore.
The solution is to come back more DC-centric, along the lines of brooklynvegan and musicslut are for NYC, chromewaves is for Toronto, etc. I think I always had some grandiose scheme of competing with the big Review sites, but that just seems stupid. It finally occurred to me that you can really focus on local content and still cover big news; those sites above being perfect examples.
So, expect BY to come back slowly this week, more formally next. It will seem more like a blog perhaps, with additional writers posting on the main page. But we will still have CD reviews, band interviews, and a lot more local concert coverage. It won't be as formulaic as it used to be, but in the end I think that is a good thing.
It has kind of surprised me that people actually cared about BY -- even the maybe 10 people i've heard from -- actually gives you hope that all the time and energy you've spent on stuff is actually going towards something.
Along those same lines, it is very worth mentioning that BY will be promoting a lot more shows for the rest of this year. The who what and where all tbd, but we've already got some stuff in the works. And, it is extremely worth mentioning that DAM! Festival 2007 is coming in October. Big plans in the work, some big meetings this week. All I can confirm for you are the core dates, October 11-13. Much, much more to be announced, expect something official sooner than later.