Author Topic: Is Justin over 21?  (Read 37956 times)

Seth Hurwitz

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Re: Is Justin over 21?
« Reply #15 on: August 24, 2003, 05:09:00 pm »
Originally posted by +H? ?ömþæ¥ Ððør§:
  As an analogy, the "old" Nightclub 930 was comparable to the old WHFS's programming department.
 And the new 930 to the new & improved 'HFS as well...
 I booked both the old and the new 930, and my criteria has never changed - I try and book:
 A. what I think people want to see
 B. what I think people need to start seeing
 C. what I think might turn some heads, good or bad
 as there are only so many nights on the calendar, I often have to pick between several different shows available. that is probably where people pick up on our preferences, as we tend to book what we think are more "important" stuff, artistically and/or culturally.
 but, rest assured, if nobody else wanted the dates, and we could book a month of Justin Timberlake sell-outs, I'd do it with no apologies.

Justin Tonation

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Re: Is Justin over 21?
« Reply #16 on: August 24, 2003, 05:27:00 pm »
Originally posted by Seth Hurwitz:
  the 21 and over thing was totally Justin's deal. he is definitely trying to establish the aforementioned  "cred", and wanted it to be grown-ups only, presumably to be more performance-oriented and less screamy. also, because it's such a late show, the thought was that it might be irresponsible to allow such a young crowd to be defying mommy & daddy and coming down to the bowels of the U Street corridor after Metro. or maybe they were trying to protect mommy & daddy. in any event, we didn't feel it was worth fighting over. had it been a regular showtime, we definitely would have.
Thank you for answering what was actually a semi-serious question (I just wanted to see how you spun it). It's too bad it became stupid flamefest.
who is to say what is hip and what is not?
Thirty years ago, Tower of Power sang a song that says all you need to know:
  So you want to jump out your trick bag
  And ease on into a hip bag  
  But you ain't just exactly sure what's hip
  So you start to let your hair grow
  Spend big bucks to cop you a wardrobe
  But somehow you know there's much more to the trip
  Tell me - tell me if you think you know
  If you was really hip  
  The passing years would show
  You into a hip trip
  Maybe hipper than hip
  So you become part of the new breed
  Been smokin' only the best weed
  Been hangin' out on the so-called hippest set
  Been seen at all the right places
  Been seen with just the right faces
  You should be satisfied
  Still it ain't quite right
  Hipness is - What it is! ( X 3)
  And sometimes hipness is
  What it ain't!
  You done even went and found you a guru
  In your effort to find you a new you
  And maybe even managed
  To raise your conscious level
  As you striving to find the right road
  There's one thing you should know
  What's hip today
  Might become passe
 chorus to end
😐 🎶


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Re: Is Justin over 21?
« Reply #17 on: August 24, 2003, 06:25:00 pm »
I can only speak for myself here but personally, I appreciate it when the club books an act now and then that I have no fucking interest in. As much as I want an exclusive 6 bedroom penthouse apartment hooked up with the 9:30 Club, it ain't happening. There is no way on this Earth that I can afford the time or the money to attend the club 3 or more nights a week, every week. And that doesn't even count the drive from north of Baltimore that I have to contend with!
 In the meantime, I think it's great that the club use what they have to offer to please others and (hopefully) rake in some good cash so that we (the hipsters....  :D    :roll:  ) can continue to see all the cool shows that we get to see, some on a very initmate and non-profitable basis.


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Re: Is Justin over 21?
« Reply #18 on: August 24, 2003, 07:25:00 pm »
It's justin timberlake.  it's a monday night.  It's after 11 frickin' 30 at night.  I'd never go to it, it's a crazy ass time, it's certainly not keeping any band out that I *would* have gone to see that late on a Monday night.
 So what do I care?  I think it's a hoot that Justin is going to bring in so much crazy money to the 9:30 Club, and actually, the idea of an adult show after the craziness that must be the MCI center show is really intriguing -- I can't wait to hear about it.  Hell, Justin's helping to pay for my Idlewild and Mike Doughty shows.
 Seth, go for it my man.  D.C. is a big city, and i love that I can both count on the 9:30 club for 5 - 10 shows I month I want to go to, and on the other nights, there are shows *other* folks want to go to.  
 Why do people get so wound up over things like this?


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Re: Is Justin over 21?
« Reply #19 on: August 24, 2003, 11:45:00 pm »
.... I actually like, "Justified" and would go if he sings, "Gone".  
 Seth: Good call on the Prof. Griff gig. Some promoters would had booked the guy regardless of what he has said about ethnic groups.

Rupert Pupkin

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Re: Is Justin over 21?
« Reply #20 on: August 25, 2003, 02:21:00 am »
so, why werent the White Stripes booked?


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Re: Is Justin over 21?
« Reply #21 on: August 25, 2003, 03:30:00 am »
Originally posted by jadetree:
 My point being what does it hurt if I state my opinion that Justin Timberlake sucks.  He will still sell tickets for $45, so why do you care if I say anything about him.
it doesn't hurt anything (until your negativity comes back to you eventually), and i couldn't possibly care less if you state that opinion.  
 what point does it serve, though?  does it make the bands that you like any more successful?  why rain on someone's parade?  why begrudge someone the enjoyment they get out of an artist just because you don't happen to share their opinion of the music?  why go out of your way to spend your energy to do something negative when you could be doing something positive instead?  why not post a message praising a band that you think is just great in place of a message belittling a band you don't like?
 i know, i'm a frikkin' hippie.


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Re: Is Justin over 21?
« Reply #22 on: August 25, 2003, 03:31:00 am »
Originally posted by Rupert Pupkin:
  so, why werent the White Stripes booked?
what are you talking about?  the white stripes played the club sometime last year, and they are booked to play an IMP show at GW in november.


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Re: Is Justin over 21?
« Reply #23 on: August 25, 2003, 05:04:00 am »
Oh, cry me a river, fer Christ's sake!  Keep it up and we'll send Atomic Kitten over for your listening pleasure.    :p

Seth Hurwitz

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Re: Is Justin over 21?
« Reply #24 on: August 25, 2003, 06:51:00 am »
Originally posted by thatguy:
i know, i'm a frikkin' hippie. [/b]
well you don't look like a frikkin' hippie


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Re: Is Justin over 21?
« Reply #25 on: August 25, 2003, 08:25:00 am »
Originally posted by thatguy:
  what point does it serve, though?  does it make the bands that you like any more successful?  why rain on someone's parade?  why begrudge someone the enjoyment they get out of an artist just because you don't happen to share their opinion of the music?  why go out of your way to spend your energy to do something negative when you could be doing something positive instead?  why not post a message praising a band that you think is just great in place of a message belittling a band you don't like?
I second this opinion!
 And as for Justin Timberlake: Though I can't quite figure him out or really get into his tunes, I am pretty curious about this show. Will he do costume changes or have dancers? Or is this just a straight set? If anyone goes, please report back.

kosmo vinyl

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Re: Is Justin over 21?
« Reply #26 on: August 25, 2003, 08:38:00 am »
Mr. Timberlake will be subject to my wait five years rule...  Where I'll choose to start listening to him long after the hype and over exposure wears off.  Five years down the road The Spice Girls turned out to better than I expected.  There is northing wrong will catchy pop songs as long as their well done, and sometimes their even better when it's become kitschy ala ABBA.


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Re: Is Justin over 21?
« Reply #27 on: August 25, 2003, 08:41:00 am »
Well, I purchased a ticket and plan on going to the show.  I suppose that makes me incredibly "uncool".  Does it make me any "cooler" if I tell that I only own three "teen pop" albums?  Does it make me any "cooler" if I tell you that the last show I went to was A Perfect Circle at the 9:30 Club?  Does it make me any "cooler" if I tell you about the absurd amount of Smashing Pumpkins bootlegs I own?  Does it make me any "cooler" if I tell you about all the "indie/underground" bands I've seen live?
 Music is music.  For me, I don't base my tastes on what is "cool" or "hip" or "indie" or whatever.  I don't feel the need to restrict myself to one style of music.  I like what I like when I like it.  I'm not a 16 year old TRL fanatic, but I'll admit that I do like a lot of Justin Timberlake's songs.  I'm not going to the show at the MCI Center...I'm not willing to pay that much money for those tickets and I don't want to be surrounded by screaming pre-teen/teen girls.  So yeah, I'm going to go check out the show at the 9:30 Club.  Maybe it'll suck, maybe it won't.  But, I'm curious to see him live.


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Re: Is Justin over 21?
« Reply #28 on: August 25, 2003, 08:41:00 am »
Originally posted by kosmo vinyl:
  Mr. Timberlake will be subject to my wait five years rule...  Where I'll choose to start listening to him long after the hype and over exposure wears off.  Five years down the road The Spice Girls turned out to better than I expected.  There is northing wrong will catchy pop songs as long as their well done, and sometimes their even better when it's become kitschy ala ABBA.
Ummm. He's already been around for five years.   :p

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Re: Is Justin over 21?
« Reply #29 on: August 25, 2003, 08:43:00 am »