Author Topic: Maybe we should just elect Trump president  (Read 941736 times)


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Re: Maybe we should just elect Trump president
« Reply #2295 on: November 10, 2016, 02:13:36 pm »
1) Trump ran on a platform of racial resentment.
2) The disenfranchised rural poor and lower middle class, (who are already largely republican) blamed Obama for their poverty.
3) The rural population was further disenfranchised by the social progress - gay marriage, LGBT bathrooms, etc - and blamed liberal city folk for messing with their values.
4) Trump sold the idea -without evidence- that Hilary was criminal.
5) Many women have tragically dismissed sexual harassment as a fact of life and did not consider that to be a major factor in who to vote for.
6) Trump nailed the "Jackass" vote.

Hilary ran on social progress, and to some extent, a continuation of Obama's policies.  Yes, she should have won. But no, she didn't get people riled up the way Trump did.

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Re: Maybe we should just elect Trump president
« Reply #2296 on: November 10, 2016, 02:37:48 pm »
White House Press Secretary: Obama and Trump "spent a large portion of the meeting discussing how to properly staff a White House operation"

Things are just gonna go swimming well I see...  I'm convinced the next four years are going to little than a long press conference


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Re: Maybe we should just elect Trump president
« Reply #2297 on: November 10, 2016, 03:01:23 pm »
I'm so over people blaming those who cast supposed "protest votes".  Fuck this whole "protest vote" narrative.  Unless you write in Mickey Mouse or Grover, a vote is an affirmation, not a protest.

Every election has a few million outlier votes.  This one is no different in that regard.

I am horrified at the prospect of a Trump presidency.  But his victory sits SQUARELY at the feet of the DNC and HRC.  They lost because of their own hubris, their own feeling of entitlement to people's votes.  They lost becuase Hillary was a shit candidate, an entirely unlikable candidate.  Scratch that...not unlikable, but unliked.  Period.

She lost because she was totallly unable to connect with anyone besides the tried and true base of her party.  But she was "next in line", so she was shoved down our throats.  She in no way captured the hearts and minds of her portion of the electorate that feel disenfranchised and unrepresented.  Trump did.  He may have done it with sideshow tactics and by appealing to the ugliness in people but he did it.

I am not angry at people who voted third party or write in, I'm angry at the DNC as a whole.  At least the GOP electorate had the balls to tell their establishment to go to hell and take matters into their own hands.  Unfortunately that leaves us in this horribly frightening predicament.

The takeaway is that people of tired of being served up the same old shit, cycle after cycle.  The Dems didn't see the writing on the wall, they couldn't adjust, or wouldnt.  Of course this outcome is the last thing I wanted, but all the finger pointing is so unbelievable.  They got their ass handed to them by DONALD FUCKING TRUMP.  They couldn't even beat him.  Shame on the Democratic party for being so blind, so sure of themselves and so entirely narcissistic. 
« Last Edit: November 10, 2016, 03:03:19 pm by chaz »

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Re: Maybe we should just elect Trump president
« Reply #2298 on: November 10, 2016, 03:13:17 pm »
Apparently the swamp isn't being drained it's going to be stocked with bottom feeders..

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Re: Maybe we should just elect Trump president
« Reply #2299 on: November 10, 2016, 03:27:08 pm »
Ali Rizvi:

In the last 48 hours:
- the Muslim ban policy was quietly removed from Trump's website as voters hit the polls;
- Trump praised Clinton highly and showed a willingness to work with her'
- Trump met with Obama and had a 90-minute conversation (which was originally supposed to be 10 minutes), which Obama called "excellent," with Trump saying it's "an honor" to have met Obama, that he hopes to meet Obama "many more times in the future," and??yes??even declares his intention to call on Obama for "counsel."
To some extent, this is normal transitioning after US presidential elections. But with Trump, a lifelong Democrat until a few years ago, this is going to be really interesting to watch. It's too early to say whether Trump just said whatever he needed to win at the time and will now roll back the worst aspects of it. It's too early to say whether this is that "pivot" he was supposed to make this summer. But, as they say in alt-right parlance, Trump's "cucking" has begun.
There will be no Muslim ban (it's unconstitutional anyway), and no one will be prosecuting Hillary, much less throwing her in jail, to the disappointment of the "Lock her up!" crowd. In fact, for a significant segment of Trump's supporters this past year, there will probably be several more disappointments to come.
This, of course, doesn't mean Trump isn't repellant on many levels. He is. But he's a textbook demagogue. And one thing about demagogues: when their audience and role changes, so do they.


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Re: Maybe we should just elect Trump president
« Reply #2300 on: November 10, 2016, 03:47:34 pm »

I am horrified at the prospect of a Trump presidency.  But his victory sits SQUARELY at the feet of the DNC and HRC.  They lost because of their own hubris, their own feeling of entitlement to people's votes.  They lost becuase Hillary was a shit candidate, an entirely unlikable candidate.  Scratch that...not unlikable, but unliked.  Period.

She lost because she was totallly unable to connect with anyone besides the tried and true base of her party.  But she was "next in line", so she was shoved down our throats.  She in no way captured the hearts and minds of her portion of the electorate that feel disenfranchised and unrepresented.  Trump did.  He may have done it with sideshow tactics and by appealing to the ugliness in people but he did it.

I don't get this mindset at all. You're arguing all these vague fuzzy concepts that might sound nice but don't mean anything. What specifically, in the real world, should she have done differently? She did countless rallies and appearances, she worked her ass off to appeal to a wide variety of constituencies, she was prepared and ready at the debates, she preached a positive message, and she fought right to the end.

How was she shoved down our throats? Bernie Sanders dragged out the primary for months. She got more Democratic votes than he did, so she won the primary. How else would you like to determine who the candidate is? She was not an ideal candidate, for sure. But who else would you suggest the DNC have backed? Also, she won more popular votes than Trump. I'd hardly say that he "handed their ass to them."

She lost because she was fighting an opponent for whom the truth didn't matter at all, who was free to lie and insult and blowhard his way through the campaign, and people were stupid enough to vote for him anyway. This election lies at the feet of the fucking idiots who elected him, period. And if poor white people were the backbone of his victory, I'm going to take some pleasure watching their worlds go even further to shit when he delivers nothing to them.

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Re: Maybe we should just elect Trump president
« Reply #2301 on: November 10, 2016, 04:07:08 pm »

I am horrified at the prospect of a Trump presidency.  But his victory sits SQUARELY at the feet of the DNC and HRC.  They lost because of their own hubris, their own feeling of entitlement to people's votes.  They lost becuase Hillary was a shit candidate, an entirely unlikable candidate.  Scratch that...not unlikable, but unliked.  Period.

She lost because she was totallly unable to connect with anyone besides the tried and true base of her party.  But she was "next in line", so she was shoved down our throats.  She in no way captured the hearts and minds of her portion of the electorate that feel disenfranchised and unrepresented.  Trump did.  He may have done it with sideshow tactics and by appealing to the ugliness in people but he did it.

I don't get this mindset at all. You're arguing all these vague fuzzy concepts that might sound nice but don't mean anything. What specifically, in the real world, should she have done differently? She did countless rallies and appearances, she worked her ass off to appeal to a wide variety of constituencies, she was prepared and ready at the debates, she preached a positive message, and she fought right to the end.

How was she shoved down our throats? Bernie Sanders dragged out the primary for months. She got more Democratic votes than he did, so she won the primary. How else would you like to determine who the candidate is? She was not an ideal candidate, for sure. But who else would you suggest the DNC have backed? Also, she won more popular votes than Trump. I'd hardly say that he "handed their ass to them."

She lost because she was fighting an opponent for whom the truth didn't matter at all, who was free to lie and insult and blowhard his way through the campaign, and people were stupid enough to vote for him anyway. This election lies at the feet of the fucking idiots who elected him, period. And if poor white people were the backbone of his victory, I'm going to take some pleasure watching their worlds go even further to shit when he delivers nothing to them.

You're not going to win any future elections taking that putrid point of view. Whatever happened to having a kind heart toward the less fortunate?


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Re: Maybe we should just elect Trump president
« Reply #2302 on: November 10, 2016, 04:10:00 pm »
Having a kind heart toward the less fortunate is why Hillary is at home today and Trump is at the White House, loser.

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Re: Maybe we should just elect Trump president
« Reply #2303 on: November 10, 2016, 04:14:35 pm »
Having a kind heart toward the less fortunate is why Hillary is at home today and Trump is at the White House, loser.

Hillary didn't have a kind heart toward the less fortunate. She dismissed  them as a basket of deplorables.


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Re: Maybe we should just elect Trump president
« Reply #2304 on: November 10, 2016, 04:28:46 pm »

I am horrified at the prospect of a Trump presidency.  But his victory sits SQUARELY at the feet of the DNC and HRC.  They lost because of their own hubris, their own feeling of entitlement to people's votes.  They lost becuase Hillary was a shit candidate, an entirely unlikable candidate.  Scratch that...not unlikable, but unliked.  Period.

She lost because she was totallly unable to connect with anyone besides the tried and true base of her party.  But she was "next in line", so she was shoved down our throats.  She in no way captured the hearts and minds of her portion of the electorate that feel disenfranchised and unrepresented.  Trump did.  He may have done it with sideshow tactics and by appealing to the ugliness in people but he did it.

How was she shoved down our throats? Bernie Sanders dragged out the primary for months. She got more Democratic votes than he did, so she won the primary. How else would you like to determine who the candidate is? She was not an ideal candidate, for sure. But who else would you suggest the DNC have backed? Also, she won more popular votes than Trump. I'd hardly say that he "handed their ass to them."


This is laughable question - for starters, in the primaries he got about 45% of the popular vote.  And only ONE sitting Senator endorsed him.  Does that sound like elected officials representing their constituents to you?  Or does is sound like everyone just stepping in line, too afraid to upset the apple cart?

And there was proven collusion between the DNC and the HRC campaign against the Sanders campaign.  Wasserman-Shultz steps down in supposed disgrace, and she's hired right up by the Clinton campaign. 

These actions alone were a huge fuck you to to Sanders supporters.  Many of these people, including myself, still voted Dem but this massive middle finger most definitely diminished the amount of passion, campaigning or stumping any of these people would commit to her campaign.


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Re: Maybe we should just elect Trump president
« Reply #2305 on: November 10, 2016, 04:34:06 pm »
I guess you can argue that Hilary should have handled things better, or done more to get more votes, but ultimately the people who voted for Trump are going to have to own that.

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Re: Maybe we should just elect Trump president
« Reply #2306 on: November 10, 2016, 04:36:44 pm »
I guess you can argue that Hilary should have handled things better, or done more to get more votes, but ultimately the people who voted for Trump are going to have to own that.

I didn't vote for Trump, but I'm hoping he does a surprisingly good job. Though if I were a betting man, I'd bet on him being a miserable failure.


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Re: Maybe we should just elect Trump president
« Reply #2307 on: November 10, 2016, 04:58:16 pm »
yawn.. the Bernie argument.. so over it.. really people its called politics.. of course the DNC did what it could to have Hillary be the candidate. .what do you expect? Bernie failed because he couldn't get a black person to vote for him....

the question to me isn't whether Hillary should have been the candidate or not.... I think she won the primaries... a few things like somebody telling Hillary a debate question did not determine the outcomes..

the question is whether Hillary erred big time in not picking Bernie to be her VP...we don't know the behind the scenes... but there was a point..before NY / Northeast primaries where Bernie seemed to be toning down his message and preparing for an exit...then after NY and all those primaries where he got clobbered he suddenly was "I"m going to the end.."

MY theory is that Bernie wanted and felt he was owed the VP and when Hillary told him it wasn't going to happen is when it got ugly.. that really hurt Hillary - and an earlier end before it got so ugly and Bernie gave Trump his talking points or at least validated them- with  Bernie being on the ticket would have resonated more with at least some of the voters that ended up going with Trump...

we may someday know what happened.. why did Bernie get so damn belligerent? To the point where his campaign argued that even with less delegates or votes he should be selected? I found his behavior atrocious and by the end I didn't want to see or hear from him again.

In the end, although I celebrated the Kaine selection with the failure at hand I have to second guess myself... even a Sherrod Brown (is that his name..the dude from OH) might have been better....

I don't get all the criticism for Hillary.. she worked her ass off.. nothing was handed to her at all! she campaigned her heart out.. she worked hard and beat him in all three debates.. the voters just didn't want to hear it...a lot of things we had no way to predict would happen when the primaries were going on.. the wikileaks.. Comey setting up Hillary....I don't know... I also don't know that Bernie would have won....I didn't think he could during the primaries....but you can't predict hypotheticals....

I think at the end of the day the American people just fucked up big time... that is what it comes down to... they elected an unqualified racist, bigot, sexist pig sack of shit over a tough as nails qualilfied lifetime public servant who knows the job of President better than anyone.. I think this election proves that a whole lot of Americans are deplorables.. sorry to say...

and I hope Trump does a good job.. I wish nothing but the best for the USA which I love.. but he will never be my president... making fun of the disabled is a disqualifier for me... there is no going back for me.
« Last Edit: November 10, 2016, 05:01:38 pm by hutch »


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Re: Maybe we should just elect Trump president
« Reply #2308 on: November 10, 2016, 05:03:45 pm »
Yes, it is amazing that the Democratic National Party wasn't predisposed toward non-Democrat, Socialist Bernie Sanders, whose campaign pledges were just as vague and non-realistic as Trump's. My heart is with Bernie. I agree with much of what he said and I would have loved to see him win the nom and become president. But none of what he said and how he said it had any basis in a reality where the GOP controls the House and is not inclined to move in any way on anything coming from a Democratic White House.


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Re: Maybe we should just elect Trump president
« Reply #2309 on: November 10, 2016, 05:04:57 pm »

and speak of the guy look at what he just posted on Facebook.. you can certainly read it as a swipe at Hillary.. kind of a low blow I think.. we get it BERNIE we get it.. YOUR SHIT DON'T STINK!

U.S. Senator Bernie Sanders
3 hrs ·
We cannot be a party which on one hand says we're in favor of working people, we're in favor of the needs of young people but we don't quite have the courage to take on Wall Street and the billionaire class. People do not believe that. The Democratic Party has got to decide which side it's on.