Author Topic: Maybe we should just elect Trump president  (Read 1015024 times)


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Re: Maybe we should just elect Trump president
« Reply #2280 on: November 09, 2016, 10:53:01 pm »
Electoral college - time for a change?

The fact that the popular vote means nothing is disturbing.

And protests - what?  Did you vote?

« Last Edit: November 09, 2016, 11:16:54 pm by Shemp & Grits »


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Re: Maybe we should just elect Trump president
« Reply #2281 on: November 10, 2016, 08:49:47 am »
I like the electoral college... Argentina for example has no electoral college.. so candidates just focus on the big 3-4 states...

I hate the result though.. it should say something that Hillary got more votes.. unfortunately it just seems to end up saying sour grapes

Re: Maybe we should just elect Trump president
« Reply #2282 on: November 10, 2016, 09:29:39 am »
my gripe with the electoral college is it makes the candidates focus on the battle ground states
and pretty much all the other states get no attention and I wonder if the liberals in the red states would have been even more energized to get out since their vote would have really mattered

yeah and these protests (which I've not been following) are really kinda stupid
at very least they shouldn't call them protests and call them 'group mourning' or something else
Because it makes it sound like they are disputing the results and I think that's bad form
« Last Edit: November 10, 2016, 09:32:19 am by sadHatch 🛠|̲̅̅●̲̅̅|̲̅̅=̲̅̅|̲̅̅●̲̅̅|⚔ »

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Re: Maybe we should just elect Trump president
« Reply #2283 on: November 10, 2016, 10:06:08 am »
Electoral college - time for a change?

The fact that the popular vote means nothing is disturbing.

And protests - what?  Did you vote?

All I know is that the Dems have gotten the most votes in four of the past five elections, but have only gotten the presidency in two of them. Draw what conclusions you may from that.

And the protesters/mourners? More power to them. Protest and free speech are part of the fabric of our nation. I'm loving hearing my Trump-supporting in-law and her Trump supporting friends on Facebook make comments like this:

These fucking dumbass kids have no fucking clue
And they can't even vote yet shut up


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Re: Maybe we should just elect Trump president
« Reply #2284 on: November 10, 2016, 10:48:14 am »
You can also "thank" women, those under 30, the lower middle class, and hispanics.

Lower Dem turnout rate is pretty fucked. Trump got less votes than the last 2 out of 3 Republican candidates. I guess the Dems who disliked Hillary outweighed the Repubs who disliked Tormp? Mind numbing.


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Re: Maybe we should just elect Trump president
« Reply #2285 on: November 10, 2016, 10:57:19 am »
Can you imagine what a fucking crime scene his cabinet is gonna be?

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Re: Maybe we should just elect Trump president
« Reply #2286 on: November 10, 2016, 11:09:08 am »
Can you imagine what a fucking crime scene his cabinet is gonna be?

Sarah Palin in charge of drilling for oil in the national parks. Rudy Guliani in charge of anything.


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Re: Maybe we should just elect Trump president
« Reply #2287 on: November 10, 2016, 11:26:53 am »
these are very hard to read, trigger warning, etc etc etc:

Day 1 In Trump's America

13 Election Reactions That Will Disgust You to Your Core

worth remembering it's just a few bad apples... right?

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Re: Maybe we should just elect Trump president
« Reply #2288 on: November 10, 2016, 11:28:20 am »
I disagree with the criticism of people currently protesting the election of him.  This is how movements are started.  Tea partiers have been rallying and protesting Obama for the last eight years. 

Hopefully the protests starting today will turn into a motivated electorate in the midterms!


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Re: Maybe we should just elect Trump president
« Reply #2289 on: November 10, 2016, 12:17:51 pm »
Can you imagine what a fucking crime scene his cabinet is gonna be?

An Apprentice-like reality TV series for choosing cabinet secretaries would be awesome.


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Re: Maybe we should just elect Trump president
« Reply #2290 on: November 10, 2016, 12:56:15 pm »
You can also "thank" women, those under 30, the lower middle class, and hispanics.

Lower Dem turnout rate is pretty fucked. Trump got less votes than the last 2 out of 3 Republican candidates. I guess the Dems who disliked Hillary outweighed the Repubs who disliked Tormp? Mind numbing.

Exactly. Republicans wanted it more.. if you listened to Sean Hannity the day of the election he was- and he did this all week- berating people to get out and vote..

Democrats looked at the polls and thought they had won and some didn't "like" Hillary...also lets be fair: anyone expecting black people to turn out as much for Hillary as they did for Obama was just was never going to happen... it is an interesting point because if democrats really want to win they should consider someone like Cory Booker...

IT is really really sad...this was an election that is hard to understand how the hell we could lose...I also think the media and many of us spent too much time laughing and yukking it up about Trump... he just wasn't really taken seriously...

Two other big factors were the bad news about Obamacare .. why the heck couldn't they somehow manage to wait 10 days to deliver it?? And the Comey thing.. I really think Comey sunk her in the end... of course you can add the wikileaks shit.. that didn't help... Hillary's inability to confront has been very good for America... unfortunately Bernie pushed her on it and she ceded.. she ended up losing Michigan anyways (in the primaries)... she should have been making the obvious argument that trade has really helped America....

I'm mad and I'm worried.. people like frothing at the mouth Giuliani, Newt etc are going to be running the entire show now... Hannitty... etc. and they got blood in their eyes...they are just do damn angry about everything.. I don't even get what the fuck is so horribly wrong? We've had year after hear of growth, jobs being created. .its just not as fuckin' bad as these people have sold the American people....

This is a really tough loss to swallow cause we should of had this one... at the end of the day though its hard to believe that more Republicans voted for Trump than did democrats for Hillary but its what could probably count the number of Republicans that had a problem with Trump with one hand! nuts

« Last Edit: November 10, 2016, 12:58:39 pm by hutch »


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Re: Maybe we should just elect Trump president
« Reply #2291 on: November 10, 2016, 01:03:14 pm »
also lets face it.. the American people are sexist pigs.. I mean come on.. you have Hillary.. super qualified .. super prepared..trashed him in the three debates.. and she gets beat by Donald Frickin' Trump? Come on...

lets call it like it is.. Republicans are racist bigoted sexist pigs... apparently not one of them cared about the dozen plus women that said he groped them etc. .not one cared about the "I grab them by the pussy.. " tape.. NOT ONE??? Not one of the Republican women either??? I mean it defies belief...


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Re: Maybe we should just elect Trump president
« Reply #2292 on: November 10, 2016, 01:31:09 pm »
I mean right wing radio was telling their listeners that their life would be over if Hillary was elected and Trump was not (different variations of this theme.. some more focused on Hillary)....that their way of life...would be over and there would be no way to come back.. that it was their last chance.. that if Hillary was elected hundreds of thousands of Mexicans would be let in.. and hundreds of thousands of muslims... that their way of live.. that America would be over.. Hannity's credo playing every 10 minutes "YOU DECIDE WHETHER AMERICA LIVES OR DIES!!!!!!!!"

Did we have that sense of urgency on our side?

Of course not.. there were still people on the democratic side bitter about Bernie.. .did the Republicans care that Bush and Rubio got emasculated or that Cruz was now a pimp for the guy that screwed his wife? Not a one of them.

We were busy refreshing 538 and going "Oh good.. we got this.." and yukking it up about Trump's latest insanity...

They wanted it more.. that is the sad reality of what it came down to...
« Last Edit: November 10, 2016, 01:38:01 pm by hutch »

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Re: Maybe we should just elect Trump president
« Reply #2293 on: November 10, 2016, 01:54:49 pm »
white women without college degrees didn't show up to vote for hillary

i can't take the image of trump at the white house with obama.....after all the birth certificate stuff...i just can't handle it


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Re: Maybe we should just elect Trump president
« Reply #2294 on: November 10, 2016, 01:56:45 pm »
white women without college degrees didn't show up to vote for hillary

i can't take the image of trump at the white house with obama.....after all the birth certificate stuff...i just can't handle it

How do you think he (Obama) feels?