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While probably not a good thing, this presidential race got exciting this week
We needed this (at least on the dem side)

since we knew it was T vs B for almost a year, it was hard to get excited and there was really nothing new (other than trump getting convicted)

hasn't even been 7 days and actblue is at $229,548,059 since saturday!
that doesn't include the 90 they got from biden and a long list of PACs
GENERAL DISCUSSION / Re: The Armageddon Election 2024 Or Apocalypse 2024
« Last post by hutch on July 26, 2024, 01:51:39 pm »
All this hullabaloo ignores the fact that he also accidentally revealed he's searched for dolphin porn!

-maxwell's sliver hammer
Not "accidentally searched", but "accidentally revealed he ran the search":
ah...accidently revealed, big difference

although searching for woman and dolphin isn't quite dolphin porn, but I'm here for the lolz
GENERAL DISCUSSION / Re: The Armageddon Election 2024 Or Apocalypse 2024
« Last post by nkotb on July 26, 2024, 11:43:15 am »
Not "accidentally searched", but "accidentally revealed he ran the search":

All this hullabaloo ignores the fact that he also accidentally revealed he's searched for dolphin porn!
how is that known?
how does one 'accidentally' search
GENERAL DISCUSSION / Re: The Armageddon Election 2024 Or Apocalypse 2024
« Last post by nkotb on July 26, 2024, 10:53:57 am »
All this hullabaloo ignores the fact that he also accidentally revealed he's searched for dolphin porn!
That page from his book can’t be real…it goes from brain drain to couch fucking in the same paragraph?
By jove, hutch is cracking the case, fellas.


I guess I am gullible
hmm, while it hurts me to say this...I think Hutch is right

I still stand by the couches, and this still doesn't prove he's not a couchfucker, just he didn't publish a book about it
I want to see his internet history! (the new "I want to see his tax returns)
GENERAL DISCUSSION / Re: The Armageddon Election 2024 Or Apocalypse 2024
« Last post by hutch on July 26, 2024, 10:39:57 am »
That page from his book can’t be real…it goes from brain drain to couch fucking in the same paragraph?
By jove, hutch is cracking the case, fellas.


I guess I am gullible
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