Originally posted by Bollocks:
In a sad way it was funny, and like Joe said, "Can't blame the kid, he didn't come up with that idea on his own."
That's so true.
I use to hear a lot of the same kind of racist stuff from Black kids while I was teaching, except that it was anti-White. Generally speaking, the elementary kids were pretty innocent of it all and only mimicing their parents, or parent, or whatever authority figure they had in their lives. It wasn't until around Middle School that some of them started really understanding and really meaning what they were saying. That was downright scary!!!
My very favorite racial comments from them were when one of them would get pissed off at me and call me a White bitch. Then inveriably, some other student would say, "She ain't White! She's light-skinned." :eek: This has happened to a lot of other White teachers too. Very odd. The funniest thing about it, for those who haven't met me, my skin looks pastie British white, my hair is bone straight and was dyed even lighter blonde than it is now and I have blue eyes. All in all, I understood it to be a very high compliment meaning that I was accepted as one of them even though these kids honestly didn't understand what they were saying.