it's not that i don't like wilco. that dar show was the only time i've heard them or seen them play. i wasn't impressed, and i have this horrible time of giving bands a "one chance experience," before i cast them to the gutter. i know i shouldn't do that. help me obi-one, you're my only hope. i never would of fell in love with everything lou barlow touches, if i wouldn't have given him another chance after first listening to folk implosion.
so tell me . . . what wilco album, or live whatever should i try to find and listen to, to perhaps sway me toward this thing called wilco.
and with the pixies, i just don't understand. i down right worship on hands and knees, the breeders and of cource, the amps, and i even like frankie black, but something about the pixies turns me cold. weird.