Author Topic: Spoon Roll Call  (Read 6285 times)


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Re: Spoon Roll Call
« Reply #45 on: June 06, 2005, 11:09:00 am »
Holy shit, Jenkins? You mean, Spoon might be an honest to goodness indie band? And after that OC song too. Damn them for not being a crossover, multi-platinum success a la Interpol, Franz Ferdinand, et al.   :roll:  
 I'm a total fanboy, so am biased, but this was my show of the year. Britt, Eno and crew were flippin' great. Best of the four times I've seen Spoon live.


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Re: Spoon Roll Call
« Reply #46 on: June 06, 2005, 12:08:00 pm »
I enjoyed the show.  I agree that the crowd seemed really into it overall, which always makes things better for me.  I was particularly delighted by a group of about five or six in the balcony who spent the entire show enthusiastically rocking out in unison.  They obviously were big fans, and weren't trying to dance to look "sexy" or impress people with their cool moves, like you so often see at these things, usually among the shrieking halter-topped girls who of course only know the one single and chatter during the rest of the set.  In fact, they weren't afraid to look dorky, they were just enjoying the show.  They made me happy.  There were a lot of really tall men there, though, and all of them seemed to be standing in front of me, as usual.


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Re: Spoon Roll Call
« Reply #47 on: June 06, 2005, 12:12:00 pm »
Originally posted by chimbly sweep:
  i just don't understand.
yowch. sorry to hear. they "looked smart"  ;)