I've had like six oral surgeries between the age of 12 and 20...the first one is always fightening, but after that it's not that bad, at least compared to other surgeries. Being put under will make it ALOT easier as you don't have to deal with massive novicane needles being jabbed into the roof of your mouth (like my first few surgeries). Also, since it's in your mouth, whatever is done tends to heal super quickly (like within a few days).
The last one I had at age 20 (I'm 26 now) was the infamous wisdom teeth removal. You're going to be doped up, sore and groggy for like two to three days, but most people recover pretty quickly after that.
From what I remember, Codine, salt water, ice cream and chicken noodle soup are going to be your best friends for the next few days.