I found the following Made-up Genres of the Month in a recent Entertainment Weekly highly amusing...
NMEasy Listening: Mellow often wishy-washy British Pop, usually accompanied by plenty of UK press hype. (See James Blunt's "Back to Bedlam", David Gray's "Life in Slow Motion", Robbie Williams "Intensive Care".)
Usage: "Nowadays, every romantic-comedy is required to have at least a half dozen NMEasy Listening songs."
Twee Rex: The combination of fey or high-pitched vocals, quite instrumentation, and a Marc Bolan-style boogie-woogie groove. (See: Belle & Sebastian's upcoming "The Life Pursuit", Architectures in Helsinki's "In Case We Die, the Rosebuds "Birds Make Good Neighbors.)
Uasge: Have you heard that track on the new Belle & Sebstaine joint? It's so twee rex, Stuart Murdoch even sounds like he's wearing glitter!"