Author Topic: Rumor: Smashing Pumpkins at 9:30 Club July 10th  (Read 177027 times)


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Re: Rumor: Smashing Pumpkins at 9:30 Club July 10th
« Reply #840 on: July 11, 2007, 03:24:00 am »
as someone who was at asheville shows as well as tonight's show, asheville was better.
 seeing the floor practically half empty by the time gossamer was over was fucking hilarious, though.

Darth Ed

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Re: Rumor: Smashing Pumpkins at 9:30 Club July 10th
« Reply #841 on: July 11, 2007, 03:32:00 am »
Definitely show of the year for me. I doubt anything else can come close.
 I loved the whole political rally theme. When Billy and the other Pumpkins rode around the block in their vintage cars with the faux Secret Service security detail running alongside the cars, that was just a surreal moment for me. Definitely made the whole waiting-in-line experience worthwhile. And the barbershop quartet at the beginning of the Pumpkins set was a nice touch.
 Highlights for me... pretty much every song. I thought the set list was fabulous. Starting with "United States" right off the bat was a pleasant surprise. And when the crowd went nuts with "Bullets with Butterfly Wings"? Wow, that was intense. Ditto for "Cherub Rock" in one of the encores. "Doomsday Clock" was probably my favoriite song from Zeitgeist. It rocked so hard, better than than the album version for sure.
 I really enjoyed the acoustic mini-set around the halfway mark, especially the solo/acoustic "For God and Country." I thought that was really good. I had never seen or heard Corgan play acoustic guitar before, and he impressed me with his mad acoustic skillz. He should play acoustic guitar more, I think.
 I thought "Gossamer" was amazing. A little self-indulgent, sure, but I didn't think it was too much. It's intended to be a concert showpiece, and it succeeds at that marvelously. I was pleasantly surprised by the number of songs they performed from Siamese Dream.
 Kudos to the staff. Everything seemed to go smoothly from my perspective. My eternal thanks to Seth for booking them at the club.
 It was a lot of fun meeting floyd, bnyced0, TheDirector217, and sweetcell. You guys are cool! It was nice putting faces to some of the screennames here, like miss pretentious and Julian, though we didn't actually get a chance to talk, unfortunately. Huge thanks to bnyced0 for the ride back to the College Park Metro station after the show. I hope I can return the favor one of these days! Cheers!


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Re: Rumor: Smashing Pumpkins at 9:30 Club July 10th
« Reply #842 on: July 11, 2007, 03:38:00 am »
i didn't meet any forum members, but i did run into a guy i was friends with in high school that i hadn't seen in probably 10+ years and i thought lived on the other side of the country still.


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Re: Rumor: Smashing Pumpkins at 9:30 Club July 10th
« Reply #843 on: July 11, 2007, 04:00:00 am »
Screw the Pumpkins and screw the setlist.  Which one of you boardies hooked up with Miss P? That's all I care about!


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Re: Rumor: Smashing Pumpkins at 9:30 Club July 10th
« Reply #844 on: July 11, 2007, 04:08:00 am »
Smashing Pumpkins
 930 Club
 United States
 Aeroplane Flies High
 That's The Way
 Doomsday Clock
 Blue Skies
 For God And Country
 Crying Tree of Mercury
 If All Goes Wrong
 C'Mon Let's Go
 Heavy Metal Machine
 Cherub Rock
 Fuck You
 To Shelia
 With Every Light

Darth Ed

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Re: Rumor: Smashing Pumpkins at 9:30 Club July 10th
« Reply #845 on: July 11, 2007, 04:26:00 am »
Thanks so much for posting the set list!
 There was a song after "Gossamer," wasn't there? Or was that part of "Gossamer"?


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Re: Rumor: Smashing Pumpkins at 9:30 Club July 10th
« Reply #846 on: July 11, 2007, 04:54:00 am »
that setlist is not completely accurate.  they cut a couple of songs.  they left the stage and came back for cherub rock, then left again, then played gossamer, and left yet again before finishing with fuck you.

Frank Gallagher

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Re: Rumor: Smashing Pumpkins at 9:30 Club July 10th
« Reply #847 on: July 11, 2007, 07:24:00 am »
sweet mother of jayzus - the fucking thing is done with, now can we all get back to our normal lives, for the love of God!
 It does seem that the ticket sales rules was a bit eff'd up though with the non-transfer rule. How was a parent supposed to buy tickets for their concert-going kids for example? I can understand two per household but not to be able to transfer to someone at the same address at least.


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Re: Rumor: Smashing Pumpkins at 9:30 Club July 10th
« Reply #848 on: July 11, 2007, 07:38:00 am »
I'm not being one to start rumors or anything, but her and I left the club at the same time, well ahead of the rest of you jokers. Just saying...  :D  
Originally posted by vansmack:
  Screw the Pumpkins and screw the setlist.  Which one of you boardies hooked up with Miss P? That's all I care about!


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Re: Rumor: Smashing Pumpkins at 9:30 Club July 10th
« Reply #849 on: July 11, 2007, 07:57:00 am »
Originally posted by Aphex:
Originally posted by floyd:
Originally posted by miss p...dirty pirate hooker:
Originally posted by bearman:
  Here's hoping that they'll play "I Am One", which is still probably my favorite Pumpkins song. They played it in 1999 when they played the Club, actually that was what they opened with. Queens of the Stone Age were the opening band for that tour too.
i second that. [/b]
Third [/b]
Weird I just started listening to Gish.  I know its bad luck to listen to the band the day of a show, but i didnt know i had a ticket until recently, so i was not about to just stop.
 But yes, I am One would be unreal. [/b]
The bad luck starts 24 hours before showtime, listening to a band your going to see.  Other no-no's, wearing the band's merch on show nite, and the biggie looking at the set list of the last time they played.  Superstitious, yes, but having gone to a hell of a lot of shows following those few rules have served me well.  BTW Gish seems to be relatively off limits so far on this tour.


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Re: Rumor: Smashing Pumpkins at 9:30 Club July 10th
« Reply #850 on: July 11, 2007, 08:04:00 am »
Originally posted by Kevin Craig:
Originally posted by Epstein:
 yeah kinda a bad show
Your kidding right? [/b]
nope i'm not
 a wasted opportunity , with a set list where the only real "surprise" was starla. The new songs sounded horrid, BwBW and zero both sound dated. The Aeroplane Flies High Slayed, so heavy, really great to hear live. Before anyone pans me or flames me, I used to LOVE sp, I really did, but I just cant get into it anymore.  Siamese Dream kills, it really does, but to be honest everything else MCIS and after just are bad.
   Maybe it was me hoping they would go back to their "my bloody valentine meets sabbath days" but thats no more. You have someone in your band from the lassie foundation (the new guitar player), who put out some of the most underrated shoegaze/pop albums in years (go check out pacifico awesome awesome record) yet you don't utilize any of if on the songs? You couldn't try to get a more "dream-y" sound? Also I think I understand why smashing pumpkins wont play mayonnaise, but some on, that was one of the best songs they ever wrote period...but yeah james co wrote that so..
    Now before you think well "of course you'd hate it now", I love some of the heavy stuff they do/did, Bodies, XYU, Dross, cash (crash) car star, slunk, Jackboot all totally awesome. But most of the heavy songs off the new album, and anything off of MACHINA I suck. Oh and billy we all know you can fucking solo no shit, not every song needs one.
   as for grosshamer or whatever it is, lame lame lame. what a lame excuse for a semi improv song. It was like watching the mars volta with someone who cant do the lame wank-y stuff well or at all. Close with a song that has some fucking dynamics AKA silverfuck, or even porcilina...oh wait...cant play that one either I guess..
   The biggest highlight was Jimmy. He's such a great drummer, really underrated. It was like watching Rashied Ali or Ed Blackwell mixed with John Bonham. Jimmy's solo album he put out a few years back reminds me (granted a little cheesey and over produced at times) a math rock record of sorts. Jimmy really stole the show, and I would kill to see him in some weird fucked up avant-free jazz group.
   Will I ever see (the) smashing pumpkins again? No, and hey, more tickets for the real fans right?  The smashing pumpkins are a band I will never quite understand. There are glimps where it seems at ANY moment, billy could rip out a fucking epic, but he just holds back. I remember seeing that veauphoria video a few years ago. I remember billy talking about how what makes (the) (mighty??) smashing pumpkins different, is the Loud/soft dynamic. If anything that is something that billy  has not been able to do well for years, and at this point to me, maybe never again.
 PS I thought it was cool the BE SHARPS opened up, but where was the hit "baby on board" or the avant leanings of "#8"?
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miss pretentious

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Re: Rumor: Smashing Pumpkins at 9:30 Club July 10th
« Reply #851 on: July 11, 2007, 08:29:00 am »
ahhahaha.  :D  
Originally posted by vansmack:
  Screw the Pumpkins and screw the setlist.  Which one of you boardies hooked up with Miss P? That's all I care about!


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Re: Rumor: Smashing Pumpkins at 9:30 Club July 10th
« Reply #852 on: July 11, 2007, 08:32:00 am »
Originally posted by nkotb:
  I'm not being one to start rumors or anything, but her and I left the club at the same time, well ahead of the rest of you jokers. Just saying...    :D    
Originally posted by vansmack:
  Screw the Pumpkins and screw the setlist.  Which one of you boardies hooked up with Miss P? That's all I care about!
Since you're doing your best NOT to start any rumors, I'll try to do my part to ensure your efforts are successful and say that I think Miss P navigated the sketchy situation with aplomb even though NKOTB was... shall we say very "friendly."
   I was pleasantly surprised that the nerdy boardie stereotype was unfounded in most cases, everyone I met seemed well adjusted, and with few exceptions I could see hanging out with almost all in the future, for those falling into the exception area and you know who you are,  you scare me, nuf said  
 Show was 8/10 basically because of the crowd I'm not going to make too many anti-lookiloo statements, but  there was a plurality that came to see the "hits", the people around me near the soundboard were about 60/40 knowledgeable versus a little clueless as far as the catalog goes.  But anyone fortunate to get in, gets a pass so to speak, there??s no litmus test or prerequisite to go to a concert and I think the uninitiated have as much right as anyone else to see what all the fuss is/was about, but it was a little off putting to hear time after time ??I don??t really like them but my (insert significant other, or buddies name here) really does so I thought I??d come out anyway.?
 The theatrics (pre-show shit, political motif, etc) were inconsequential, though it should make the extras of the DVD cool for the locals that will find themselves in the footage.  I thought the set list was on par with any other on the tour thus far, nothing too surprising, really solid IMHO.
 Oh and if you weren??t there and wondered if Miss P??s pix were photographer tweaked or Photoshop enhanced to make her look good? if so the manipulation didn??t do her justice because she??s far more attractive in person than on the web, but with that said she still can??t come close to sexiness that is NKOTB, he??s still the board pin-up.  :eek:


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Re: Rumor: Smashing Pumpkins at 9:30 Club July 10th
« Reply #853 on: July 11, 2007, 08:54:00 am »
WTF was "Celebration"?  By the time we got in we were only able to catch the last 2 or 3 songs.  Maybe that was a blessing in disguise.
 Hippie drum circle + screaming chick + Hammond organ someone found at a garage sale.


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Re: Rumor: Smashing Pumpkins at 9:30 Club July 10th
« Reply #854 on: July 11, 2007, 08:57:00 am »
celebration was actually quite good in some parts, and if I'm not mistaken they are from baltimore
 the last song reminded me of a more dreamy take on some of the stuff liars did on DRUMS NOT DEAD, or even some of the boredoms 7/7/07 show...77 drumers, but not quite
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