:mad: :mad: Why is it that no one is bitching about the nonsense way in which these tickets are being sold? This is my FAQ discussion with Shadrach.
Me: The rules for tonights show are BS. My girlfriend bought me tickets as a gift and I'm taking my buddy. She doesn't even like the Pumpkins, but she's required to go? I understand her having to pick up the tickets, but why does she have to go? We have the same address, so it'll prove she's not a scalper. Please any thoughts?
Shadrach said: There was a VERY CLEAR disclaimer when tickets were purchased that all tickets were NON-TRANSFERABLE. That same message has been on our website since before tickets went on sale. The rules for will call tonight have been posted in the forum since Friday and an e-mail went out reminding folks of these rules.
Me: All tickets state non transferable when purchasing them, meaning not being transfered to another person or credit card after the purchase and when picked up at will call, must present that card and ID. The new "rule" states that the buyer has to go! That rule was posted 5 hours AFTER the show sold out. So, don't say this has been clearly explained. Prepare for some real pissed off people tonight. F!@# Billy! :mad: