Tivo lists this as Series, Season Finale. Not sure if they mean it's a series and it's the season's last episode or (since it's 3 or 4 episodes) that one episode is the season finale and one is the series finale.
I thought the last episode S.O.B.s wrapped up the storyline; it'll be good to see the storyline continue a little longer. Also, what's up with running this on a Friday? The dead zone of viewership. At least they could have put it on Monday, the time-slot for this season, or the orginal time-slot, Sunday.
Regarding below, the bleeps are intentional on the part of the creators. It's supposed to be an aspect of the documentary nature of the show. With that in mind, notice that whenever there is profanity the character will hide their mouth, or they will show another character's reaction to what is being said. If the show moves to Showtime, as was hinted at in S.O.B.'s, expect the same thing to occur.
Originally posted by nkotb:
That's great news! Hopefully a channel with some brains will pick the series up. And hopefully that channel will leave in the bleeped profanities. That kills me everytime.