Originally posted by Sir HC:
Can you sue the seller for giving you the wrong thing, or is there some "Use at your own risk" in the labeling?
but dont things sold in america have to be fit for use. If you buy a car that doesnt go, in the UK at least, it is deemed not fit for use and the seller has to pay the money back. In theory at least.
I guess though that using a lot of monkeys, as the study did, would have been fantastically expensive. As well as that the effect on the reputation on the scientists, institutes and journal will all have been severely harmed.
but it must be a niche supply company, the drug was ecstasy (MDMA?) and they shipped speed, (methamphetamine) by mistake. I doubt many companies are allowed to make or supply those drugs. I dont think there is a medical use for either, unlike cocaine or heroin (dimorphine).