Author Topic: More influential: Velvet Underground or Led Zeppelin?  (Read 9831 times)


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More influential: Velvet Underground or Led Zeppelin?
« on: May 17, 2006, 03:30:00 pm »
I'm on this other music message board and this topic has some people seriously duking it out.
 I'm interested in hearing some well articulated thoughts/insights on which band has been more influential to music as we know it today and why.


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Re: More influential: Velvet Underground or Led Zeppelin?
« Reply #1 on: May 17, 2006, 03:35:00 pm »
2 completely different bands, I don't think it's even a fair question. Zep influenced bands that for the most part have little or no overlap with bands influenced by the Velvets. That's just my opinion. It's like asking if Kraftwerk was more influential than the Ramones. They both have their impact on music, but in different ways.

Re: More influential: Velvet Underground or Led Zeppelin?
« Reply #2 on: May 17, 2006, 03:39:00 pm »
The Velvets probably had more influence on the music I like.. Though, sorry to be negative, I can't stand listening to either band.


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Re: More influential: Velvet Underground or Led Zeppelin?
« Reply #3 on: May 17, 2006, 03:55:00 pm »
 I understand how different both bands are   ;)  . Therein lies the discussion. Was there a carryover with the bands influenced, or not?
 I grew up on Zeppelin as a little kid, and got in to the V.U. as my music tastes matured....
 But I can see how both might overlap into certain styles of music. Say, a singer songwriter may have been influenced by both growing up and extracted elements...


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Re: More influential: Velvet Underground or Led Zeppelin?
« Reply #4 on: May 17, 2006, 04:08:00 pm »
I think a better match would be Led Zeppelin or Black Sabbath. This always also fueled a nice debate over which was the first "metal" band.
 Mindless Faith
 Deep6 Productions


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Re: More influential: Velvet Underground or Led Zeppelin?
« Reply #5 on: May 17, 2006, 04:45:00 pm »
Originally posted by MindCage:
  I think a better match would be Led Zeppelin or Black Sabbath. This always also fueled a nice debate over which was the first "metal" band.
The answer is.....neither.


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Re: More influential: Velvet Underground or Led Zeppelin?
« Reply #6 on: May 17, 2006, 05:31:00 pm »
VU was the more influential band.  Their influence can even be heard in Zeppelin, in terms of the use of dissonance and distortion.  VU essentially created the framework for hard rock (listen to songs like "I'm Waiting for the Man", "I Heard Her Call My Name", etc.)  Then they went and influenced pop music with Loaded.  Nearly every band in existence owes a debt to VU whether they are aware of it or not.  I'm not discounting Zeppelin's influence, but it's not as great as VU.
 Not to mention the fact that any band that acknowledges VU as an influence will undoubtedly be better than a band that acknowledges Zeppelin.

Herr Professor Doktor Doom

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Re: More influential: Velvet Underground or Led Zeppelin?
« Reply #7 on: May 17, 2006, 08:34:00 pm »
Let's not forget that Zeppelin had an unfortunate tendency to rip off old-time bluesmasters, with no credit or royalties...

Bombay Chutney

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Re: More influential: Velvet Underground or Led Zeppelin?
« Reply #8 on: May 17, 2006, 09:10:00 pm »
Originally posted by D O C T O R D O O O O O M:
  Let's not forget that Zeppelin had an unfortunate tendency to rip off old-time bluesmasters, with no credit or royalties...
I probably wouldn't have been as harsh, but I was thinking the same thing.  Zeppelin was primarily a blues band.  They're Muddy Waters and Robert Johnson cranked up to 11.  They may have inspired a bunch of people to get out there and rock, but I think VU had a bigger musical influence.


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Re: More influential: Velvet Underground or Led Zeppelin?
« Reply #9 on: May 17, 2006, 09:26:00 pm »
An argument could be made that since Zepplin was the more mainstream and far more popular of the two bands that they were more influential. People tend to be influenced by what they are exposed to whether it be art, music, film etc. etc.
 Iâ??m not taking anything away from VU, simply stating the obvious.
 However, an argument could also be made that since The Underground formed earlier than Zepplin and may have influenced Zepplin themselves, then by default and through osmosis The Velvet Underground was more influential.
 Of course I kind of find these debates silly to tell the truth. I mean who really cares?


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Re: More influential: Velvet Underground or Led Zeppelin?
« Reply #10 on: May 17, 2006, 10:49:00 pm »
Led Zep


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Re: More influential: Velvet Underground or Led Zeppelin?
« Reply #11 on: May 17, 2006, 11:07:00 pm »
No question its an apples / oranges question like asking which drug is responsible for better music - cocaine or heroin.  Interesting debate, but there can't be a definitive answer.
 As has been mentioned, Zeppelin's influence was broader, while VU influenced a select few with a big impact.
 I think VU introduced an element of music as "modern art" which I'm not sure existed before them.  That's huge.  And they were unique.
 Zeppelin amplified the blues.  As the Stones and the Who had done to varying degrees before them.  Where does the Who influence end and the Zeppelin influence begin?
 Each of VU's 4 official releases were completely different.  Between them, they cover all the bases, and influenced a very diverse group of followers.  From (for example) I'm Waiting for My Man to What Goes On to Sunday Morning to Sister Ray to the mellow come down of their third album to Sweet Jane to Rock and Roll . . . how many different genres did they inspire??  
 I suppose every guitar "wank" owes something to Jimmy Page. . . . but its like the White Stripes.  Awesome band.  New take on the blues.  But its more of a link in a chain than an inspiration.
 An interesting corallary question is who are the Top 5 bands influenced by each group?   Zeppelin's would be who - Aerosmith, Guns N' Roses, Licensed to Ill era Beastie Boys  . .who else worth mentioning . .  Motley Crue? Van Halen??  Who else??  Seriously . . .  Obviously the whole heavy metal scene of the 80s derived from Zeppelin, but what great bands has Zeppelin influenced that I'm missing.  
 VU . . .you can start w/ Bowie; Stooges; the CBGB scene; Modern Lovers; R.E.M.; Sonic Youth . . . everyone those guys influenced in turn . . .
 Of course some bands must be considered influenced by both - Jane's Addiction . . .  
 I'm going w/ VU.  They were a jump off point.  Zeppelin, like Aerosmith, GNR and White Stripes are more of an endpoint . . . taking the blues to another place . . . but not really having a long or strong lineage following it.


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Re: More influential: Velvet Underground or Led Zeppelin?
« Reply #12 on: May 17, 2006, 11:11:00 pm »
Originally posted by Mobius:
  As has been mentioned, Zeppelin's influence was broader, while VU influenced a select few with a big impact.
I would not agree with that statement at all.


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Re: More influential: Velvet Underground or Led Zeppelin?
« Reply #13 on: May 17, 2006, 11:22:00 pm »
What don't you agree with?  Everyone listened to Zeppelin.  And how many people picked up a guitar or started a band between 1972 and 1991 and wanted to play Zeppelin?  A kajillion?    Who even heard of VU?  I don't think any of the VU albums sold more than 10,000 copies when released.  Zeppelin sold zillions.  Only a few people were listening to VU, and not to repeat any cliches, they were influential.

Herr Professor Doktor Doom

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Re: More influential: Velvet Underground or Led Zeppelin?
« Reply #14 on: May 17, 2006, 11:23:00 pm »
Mobius, props to you for an excellent, thoughtful post.