Author Topic: Barkitechture  (Read 14514 times)


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« on: July 10, 2007, 02:00:00 pm »
 Barking Mad
 When one band acts up, a citywide club-alert system kicks in.
 By Jessica Gould
 Posted: July 3, 2007
 The band Barkitechture literally crashed onto D.C.??s music scene a couple of months ago. After a fight in May led to the band??s bassist, Britton Powell, tossing a bar staffer through a window, the Arlington-based group has found itself barred from several prominent D.C. venues.
 The incident happened when Barkitechture??comprised of Powell, Benjamin Daly, and Wilson Kemp??played the Red & the Black at 1212 H St. NE. Powell and Daly are 19; Kemp is 20. The tavern and music venue doesn??t allow all-ages shows, but it does permit bands whose members are underage to play. ??It??s unfortunately a financial decision,? club co-owner Bill Spieler says of the ban on all-ages shows. ??We would need to staff with at least two, three extra security,? he says. Why? ??To make sure that none of the patrons who are underage would be drinking,? he says.
 Still, if an underage band is good enough, the Red & the Black will give them a chance. Steve Lambert, who also books DC9 and the Rock & Roll Hotel, says he was drawn to Barkitechture??s experimental sound. In fact, he says, he liked them so much that in addition to booking them for the May 17 show at the Red & the Black, he penciled them as openers for Marnie Stern at the Rock & Roll Hotel on July 24. Lambert says that the gig at the Red & the Black was a sort of dress rehearsal for the larger space.
 It didn??t go well. From the minute Barkitechture??s members walked into the Red & the Black that night, they felt uncomfortable, Powell says, as if every move they made was being monitored. When Powell asked for water, he says, he was told to give the glass back as soon as he was finished. The band also received a speech from the staff about exit procedures. ??They told us to leave the second we were done playing,? Kemp says.
 But according to manager Corinne Meier, she was just explaining the rules so Barkitechture??s set would be problem-free. She says she told them that ??if a bottle drops at your feet, don??t even pick it up? because if they did grab it, they??d immediately have to vacate the premises. That??s just the way it works, she says. ??This is our license.?
 After her speech to the band, Meier took her post at the bar, where she learned that an underage girl had tried to get in. It was Powell??s girlfriend, and she was trying to see the show. Meier asked her to leave, and Powell??s girlfriend, 20, went outside. Then a friend of the couple, Anthony Morley, also underage, showed up. He says Powell??s girlfriend, who was crying on the curb, reported that she??d been kicked out. ??I was like, ??Oh, that sucks, because I??m not 21 either,?? ? but he suggested they go in anyway, ??which I admit wasn??t the best idea,? he says. Meier spotted them immediately, escorted them outside, and chastised them. The discussion got heated, Morley says. ??They were screaming,? Meier says.
 Powell got wind of the argument. He heard his girlfriend had been pushed, he says, and ??my temperature started rising.? (Meier says she never laid a finger on the young woman.) Powell rushed outside and within moments, Powell says, he was pushed by an employee from a nearby bar, a claim the staffer, who asked not to be named, denies. According to the police report about the incident, the staffer ??attempted to separate two people? after Powell??s girlfriend and Morley were refused entrance. However the fight started, Powell says, ??I ended up throwing him through a window.?
 The window belonged to Stacie Navarro-Joaquin, the owner of Stella Bleu, a clothing store and salon at 1208 H St. NE. She was upstairs when she heard her window shatter. ??He didn??t actually come clear through,? Navarro-Joaquin says. A mannequin seemed to break his fall. (According to the police report, he had cuts on his right arm and forehead but refused medical treatment.) The window cost about $350 to repair, she says. Joe Englert, co-owner of the Red & the Black, picked up the tab.
 Powell says he??s still processing the shock of the incident. ??I??ve been underage my whole life, and nothing like this has ever happened.? He??ll never play the venue again, he says.
 That??s for sure, says Lambert, and the same goes for the Rock & Roll Hotel and DC9. Lambert says he was so disturbed by Powell??s behavior that he??s banned Barkitechture from all the clubs he books. What??s more, he called Dante Ferrando, owner of the Black Cat, and told him about the incident. ??Everyone is interconnected,? Lambert says. Mess up once, he says, and ??you??ve just burned a bridge with the whole city.?
 Ferrando says he would ??definitely be hesitant? before booking Barkitechture at the Black Cat after hearing from Lambert. Blacklisting bands is rare, he says, but it does happen every once in a while. ??If any of the clubs have any really bad problems of any sort?word gets out, even among clubs that would ordinarily compete,? Ferrando says. He only remembers one situation, when a bandmember stole beer from the club??s walk-in refrigerator, that caused him to sound the alarm and warn other venues. But bands who steal, fight, or intentionally damage equipment are all candidates for being banned, he says, adding, ??most bands do stupid things, but they??re not like that.?
 Lambert says he put approximately 25 bands on his do-not-book list over the course of the last year, although his criteria are a little different from Ferrando??s. What gets you banned from the Rock & Roll Hotel, DC9, and the Red & the Black? Bringing alcohol into the building, disrespecting venue staff, and grossly overestimating a crowd, he says. Do that, he says, and ??you??ll never, ever play another one of my shows.?


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Re: Barkitechture
« Reply #1 on: July 10, 2007, 03:06:00 pm »
it's actually barkitecture.
 and i have many, many things to say about this, but i'll bite my lip.


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Re: Barkitechture
« Reply #2 on: July 10, 2007, 03:15:00 pm »
Personally, I think the Red & the Black guy comes off as kind of a jerk here.


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Re: Barkitechture
« Reply #3 on: July 10, 2007, 03:18:00 pm »
Originally posted by kcjones119:
  Personally, I think the Red & the Black guy comes off as kind of a jerk here.
I thought he sounded fine right up until the part about blacklisting 25 bands in the past year. That sounds a little excessive.  
 What did the other 24 do to warrant banning?  Did they post pictures of turds or something?


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Re: Barkitechture
« Reply #4 on: July 10, 2007, 03:20:00 pm »
Originally posted by kcjones119:
  Personally, I think the Red & the Black guy comes off as kind of a jerk here.
 snailhook, could you log on as an alter-ego and dish it out?  or at least send me a PM (this seems really interesting)?


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Re: Barkitechture
« Reply #5 on: July 10, 2007, 04:19:00 pm »
no need for alter egos. this is just a subject i take very personally, both as a booker and as a music fan, with a leftist bent.
 i was interviewed for this article, but she didn't mention me once. the author wanted to know what i thought about all ages shows, underage bands, underage patrons, etc, and what it al means to the dc music scene.
 also, i might be considered biased because i am friends with barkitecture and even collaborate with one of them musically. they are great kids who are very conscientious pacifists and activists. i have booked them before and they come to my shows at 611 and the warehouse, and they have never once presented any problems for me.
 immediately following the incident, i heard from both sides. i used to book at the red and the black, so i know how they operate inside and out. i don't know what truly happened since i wasn't there, but i heard both sides of the story. it is my belief that barkitecture were unfairly harassed and provoked into fighting.
 as a booker, i treat every band, whether they are over 21 or under, with respect. i will even let some underage kids into 21+ shows if i think they will "behave." 21+ is a rule, not a law, and each establishment can use their own discretion. dc9 and the red and the black are lazy and refuse to make an effort to even try to give underage kids a chance. they claim liability, which is technically true, but the 930 and black cat and warehouse could say the same thing. i'll say this: after years of doing all ages shows at the warehouse, we  hardly ever had a problem with underage kids drinking. it just wasn't an issue.
 as far as some quotes in this article, the one that stated it would take two or three extra staff members to watch underage kids at the red and the black is completely and utterly laughable, unless they hire incompetent morons. one extra staff member would suffice at a venue as small as the red and black.
 even more laughable is steve lambert's claim of banning 25 acts in dc for such outrageous behavior as grossly overestimating draw, bringing alcohol into the venue, and treating staff with disrespect. this guy has been booking in dc for less than a year and he has banned 25 bands? i have been booking here since 2003 and have banned two bands, and only because of violence and destruction of venue equipment. bands get drunk and act like assholes ALL THE TIME, it's part of the game. EVERYONE overestimates draw; you have to when clubs are demanding you bring in 50 "heads" a show. bringing alcohol into a venue? take it away and throw it out. banning bands for these reasons is unnecessary and absolutely megalomaniacal.
 this is just the tip of the iceberg and just a few of many reasons why dc9, the red and the black, and the rock and roll hotel should all die a slow, miserable death. dc needs venues, but not these. they are hard rock cafes and house of blues masquerading as independent clubs.


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Re: Barkitechture
« Reply #6 on: July 10, 2007, 05:28:00 pm »
Originally posted by snailhook:
  this is just the tip of the iceberg and just a few of many reasons why dc9, the red and the black, and the rock and roll hotel should all die a slow, miserable death. dc needs venues, but not these. they are hard rock cafes and house of blues masquerading as independent clubs.
lol, that's awesome ... thank you kindly for your lengthy screed

Venerable Bede

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Re: Barkitechture
« Reply #7 on: July 10, 2007, 05:40:00 pm »
come on. .
  ??I??ve been underage my whole life, and nothing like this has ever happened.?
 that is sheer comedic brilliance!  
 as is, oh, you got kicked out because you're under 21.. .whoa, so am i!!  let's definately try to get back in.


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Re: Barkitechture
« Reply #8 on: July 10, 2007, 06:23:00 pm »
Originally posted by snailhook:
 even more laughable is steve lambert's claim of banning 25 acts in dc for such outrageous behavior as grossly overestimating draw, bringing alcohol into the venue, and treating staff with disrespect. this guy has been booking in dc for less than a year and he has banned 25 bands?  
Damn. I've been booking all ages shows in Washington DC for 22 years, including 6 or 7 concurrent years in Baltimore, and while I've certainly had issues with bands and even banned a few, I'd be hard-pressed to come up with even 15 bands I've banned during my entire career.

Herr Professor Doktor Doom

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Re: Barkitechture
« Reply #9 on: July 10, 2007, 06:28:00 pm »
banning that many bands seems bizarre to me, too.
 On the other hand, throwing people through windows is generally not acceptable within our society.


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Re: Barkitechture
« Reply #10 on: July 10, 2007, 08:20:00 pm »
Damn. I've been booking all ages shows in Washington DC for 22 years, including 6 or 7 concurrent years in Baltimore, and while I've certainly had issues with bands and even banned a few, I'd be hard-pressed to come up with even 15 bands I've banned during my entire career.[/b]
exactly. i have been booking shows about 1/5 of this period, and i have banned two bands. i'd say lambert is in the minority here.
 while throwing someone through a window isn't generally acceptable, what would you do if some asshole bouncer pushed your girlfriend really hard? especially after you have been treated like scum for the past two hours, just for being underage? tension gets high, and people lose their cool. in my opinion, some people do deserve to get thrown through a window.


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Re: Barkitechture
« Reply #11 on: July 10, 2007, 09:18:00 pm »
Originally posted by snailhook:
Damn. I've been booking all ages shows in Washington DC for 22 years, including 6 or 7 concurrent years in Baltimore, and while I've certainly had issues with bands and even banned a few, I'd be hard-pressed to come up with even 15 bands I've banned during my entire career.[/b]
exactly. i have been booking shows about 1/5 of this period, and i have banned two bands. i'd say lambert is in the minority here.
 while throwing someone through a window isn't generally acceptable, what would you do if some asshole bouncer pushed your girlfriend really hard? especially after you have been treated like scum for the past two hours, just for being underage? tension gets high, and people lose their cool. in my opinion, some people do deserve to get thrown through a window. [/b]


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Re: Barkitechture
« Reply #12 on: July 11, 2007, 08:55:00 am »
 if you booked at the red and the black- could you answer something for me:
 there's a rumour going around that the red and the black/DC9 and rock and roll hotel are clear channel venues- true?


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Re: Barkitechture
« Reply #13 on: July 11, 2007, 09:18:00 am »
I see that you're putting on that negativland show now instead of the rnr hotel. Sweet. I'll definitely be going to that.

Sage 703

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Re: Barkitechture
« Reply #14 on: July 11, 2007, 10:39:00 am »
Originally posted by tigers scare me:
 if you booked at the red and the black- could you answer something for me:
 there's a rumour going around that the red and the black/DC9 and rock and roll hotel are clear channel venues- true?
Not true.