OK, so I logged into my credit card's website today for something, and it has a pane with my recent transactions and there's one made Tuesday for $1.50 from "Wash Post Subscription" followed by the phone number for their subscription department. Obviously, I'm not sweating $1.50, but I find it odd since I (a) do not live in or near The District, (b) have never had a subscription to the Washington Post, and (c) find $1.50 to be the bargain of the century for a Washington Post subscription.
I tried calling the number and spoke to their billing department and they have no record of a charge to my name, address, card, etc. What should I do? My concern is maybe my account number has been compromised, but I checked all my other charges (and have no outstanding authorizations) and can't understand why someone would scam me for a buck fifty. Incidentally, my credit limit on that card was raised yesterday without any notice as well.
Forget it or call the credit card company and freak out over 6 bits?