Author Topic: DC Smoking Ban Vote Today  (Read 11388 times)


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DC Smoking Ban Vote Today
« on: December 06, 2005, 03:58:00 pm »
Not sure I understand exactly what the rules will be....Looks, though, like bars and clubs are off the hook.  It's just restaurants that are dinged.  I didn't realize there were still restaurants you could smoke in.  As to the waiver, how will you make a case that your business will decline by 25% before you prohibit smoking??
 D.C. Council Expands Smoking Ban  
 UPDATED - Tuesday December 06, 2005 2:03pm  
 Washington D.C. (AP) - On a 12-to-1 vote, the D.C. Council has expanded the city's smoking ban, making it illegal to light up in restaurants.
 The measure also requires bars and nightclubs to install ventilation equipment or separate accommodations by January first of 2007.
 But it also provides businesses with an opportunity to seek waivers in the event that the prohibitions reduce overall sales by 25-percent.
 Council may also consider adding an amendment exempting cigar and hookah bars sought by Councilman Jim Graham. The amendment could be attached to the bill on its second reading as early as January third.
 Copyright 2005 by The Associated Press
 = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = =
 Smoking Ban Expanded in D.C. Restaurants
 Dec 6th - 2:15pm
 WASHINGTON - If you like to have a cigarette after a meal, you may have to venture outside if you are dining in the District.
 On a 12-1 vote, the D.C. Council has expanded the city's smoking ban, making it illegal to light up in restaurants.
 The measure also requires bars and nightclubs to install ventilation equipment or separate accommodations by Jan. 1, 2007. But it also provides businesses with an opportunity to seek waivers in the event that the prohibitions reduce overall sales by 25-percent.
 Council may also consider adding an amendment exempting cigar and hookah bars sought by Councilman Jim Graham.
 The amendment could be attached to the bill on its second reading as early as January third.
 (Copyright 2005 by WTOP Radio and The Associated Press. All Rights Reserved.)

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Re: DC Smoking Ban Vote Today
« Reply #1 on: December 06, 2005, 04:43:00 pm »
<img src="" alt=" - " />
 Smoking babes are hot.  It's my fave fetish.


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Re: DC Smoking Ban Vote Today
« Reply #2 on: December 06, 2005, 05:30:00 pm »
This is long overdue.  How would a smoker feel if I pissed on him everytime I had a beer? It is not so fun to come out of a bar smelling like crap and feeling your sinus cavity struggling to get by.  You want to smoke - cool.  Just do it outside or at home.

Herr Professor Doktor Doom

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Re: DC Smoking Ban Vote Today
« Reply #3 on: December 06, 2005, 05:49:00 pm »
People who go into bars and complain about smoking make no sense to me.  You're doing far more damage to yourself by drinking than you are from breathing second hand smoke for a few hours.  You don't like the smoke, don't go to bars.   It's the same kind of mentality as people who move into an urban neighborhood because they want vitality, and then start trying to get places shut down because of noise.
 The only people who have a valid case on this issue are the employees, who don't really have a choice as to smoke exposure (except to seek out a different line of work).

Re: DC Smoking Ban Vote Today
« Reply #4 on: December 06, 2005, 05:55:00 pm »
If you're bored and want a good read, there's a 26 page debate on this here:
 At least the first page or two was a good read...

Herr Professor Doktor Doom

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Re: DC Smoking Ban Vote Today
« Reply #5 on: December 06, 2005, 05:57:00 pm »
If I'm ever *that* bored, I will kill myself!

Re: DC Smoking Ban Vote Today
« Reply #6 on: December 06, 2005, 06:03:00 pm »
Oh c'mon, how can you resist chatter such as this:
 Smoking bans suck ass I lived in a city with a smoking ban and it sucked my ass. Couldn't smoke anywhere you can bet your ass though that GAINES won't stand outside in the cold to enjoy a cigarette, at work I smoked in the staircase and I went to a bar that allowed smoking anyway because they know the mayor who put in the law sucks goat dicks for quarters.
 All you anti smokers are all a bunch of stupid fucks and can kiss my ass.
 I'll smoke wherever I want to in my town and there's not a GODDAM thing you can do about it, so shut the fuck up and inhale my second hand smoke you little bitch.
 I work right next to a guy in my office round here and I chainsmoke all the time, since that guy's a MAN he can deal with it and we're good friends.
 And the little cocksuckin fucks in Government don't see a penny outta me as I get my Winstons online, dutyfree.
 So stick that in your pipe and eat it.
 Warmest regards and happy smoking,


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Re: DC Smoking Ban Vote Today
« Reply #7 on: December 06, 2005, 06:08:00 pm »
Originally posted by Doctor Doom:
  People who go into bars and complain about smoking make no sense to me.  You're doing far more damage to yourself by drinking than you are from breathing second hand smoke for a few hours.  You don't like the smoke, don't go to bars.   It's the same kind of mentality as people who move into an urban neighborhood because they want vitality, and then start trying to get places shut down because of noise.
 The only people who have a valid case on this issue are the employees, who don't really have a choice as to smoke exposure (except to seek out a different line of work).
I for one am a nonsmoker, but against the smoking ban. However, your logic here makes no sense at all. To say that everyone who goes to bars are heavy drinkers doing more harm than the smoking is not even close to reality. I for one am a light social drinker and have been known to only have a couple drinks. Trust me when I say that the second hand smoke I'm breathing in for several hours is far worse for me than the one or two beers.
 That being said, smoking is just a part of that bar environment and those who don't want to be around it have the choice of not going.
 I like the idea of restaurants being nonsmoking as I should never have to be subjected to smoke (especailly cigar smoke) while enjoying a meal. Bars however have a different atmosphere and smoking is expected and tolerated in that setting.
 I've wondered if it would be practical and/or profitable for someone to open a nightclub/bar in DC that caters to nonsmoking patrons?


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Re: DC Smoking Ban Vote Today
« Reply #8 on: December 06, 2005, 06:10:00 pm »
Just playing Devils Advocate here: If smoking bans have worked in New York City and Los Angeles, why couldn't one work here?

Herr Professor Doktor Doom

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Re: DC Smoking Ban Vote Today
« Reply #9 on: December 06, 2005, 06:13:00 pm »
Rhett, substitute "smoking" with any other word -- abortion, guns, Democrats, Republicans -- and what you've got there is just generic boilerplate internet debate.  Boring!
 I don't think a non-smoking bar would be profitable, or someone would have already tried it.  It's just a fact of life that people who hang out in bars tend to be smokers.  In fact, many people I know smoke *only* in bars, and are nonsmokers the rest of the time.

Re: DC Smoking Ban Vote Today
« Reply #10 on: December 06, 2005, 06:14:00 pm »
We've had this discussion here before...
 But I for one would be much more likely to go to a bar for a drink or two if bars were nonsmoking. As it is, the smoke is my #1 reason I don't frequent bars (unless a very good band is playing).
 I am willing to wager that nonsmoking in bars would be a big draw, and more customers such as me would be drawn in.


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Re: DC Smoking Ban Vote Today
« Reply #11 on: December 06, 2005, 06:25:00 pm »
my only problem with smoking bans (and i'm not exactly referring to DC here) is that they are often passed by referendum ... the people who vote FOR a smoking ban in bars are often people who DON'T GO TO BARS! ... a public referendum on this issue is similar to banning gay marriage or some shit, the people who it DOESN'T AFFECT vote for it
 now, there's no referendum here, but i'd be interested to see a poll of local bar-goers to see how they feel on this issue (or even better, a poll of bar workers, which this bill is supposed to be helping) ... i'd gather that smokers would gladly give up smoking in restaurants if we could still smoke in bars, and i've seen informal polls in various washpost articles of bar workers who nearly unanimously dislike the bill
 and why aren't there more private businesses opening for people like rhett?  the new open city in woodley park is non-smoking and it's actually kind of nice, you can go there, or you have murphy's right around the corner if you feel like having a smoke with your beer ... choice is great, huh?


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Re: DC Smoking Ban Vote Today
« Reply #12 on: December 06, 2005, 06:28:00 pm »
Originally posted by Shadrach:
  Just playing Devils Advocate here: If smoking bans have worked in New York City and Los Angeles, why couldn't one work here?
I'm a very light smoker (only on weekends, if I'm drinking, then only 3 or 4...).  Not excusing it by any means, but admitting that I can do without.  
 The ban does seem to work in NY, and I have to say that clubs with bands are SO much more pleasant without the smoke.  You can always go outside if you can't make it for an hour, and actually it's quite a social scene outside.
 But, I'm not 100% convinced, I just know that I'd be happy with a full ban (I don't think it would impact places like 9:30 or Black Cat at all...Bowery Ballroom still sells out nearly every show).


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Re: DC Smoking Ban Vote Today
« Reply #13 on: December 06, 2005, 06:37:00 pm »
Seriously, catch up to the rest of civilized society and ban smoking in public places.  You know it's the right thing to do.
 Ten Years Later...
 Seriously, catch up to the rest of civilized society and legalize gay marriage.  You know it's the right thing to do.
 Sensing a trend here?


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Re: DC Smoking Ban Vote Today
« Reply #14 on: December 06, 2005, 06:41:00 pm »
Originally posted by Bags:
 You can always go outside if you can't make it for an hour, and actually it's quite a social scene outside.
yeah, the irving plaza smoking area rocks!!!
  <img src="" alt=" - " />
 there it is!! (but now they have a rope around it and you have to wait a while to cram out there)