Author Topic: Just Announced  (Read 10611432 times)

Julian, Alleged Computer F**kface

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Re: Just Announced
« Reply #18000 on: July 24, 2009, 04:36:36 pm »
Its one thing for someone to go "oh, man, I wish that show was coming to ________." But to propose a boycott of all venues outside of 5 miles of your house (and thereby trying to run people out of business) so that every tour will hit your city is pretty scummy. And then to label certain concerts as "natural DC shows," as though the natural order of things demands that ALL good concerts MUST take place in DC is ridiculous.

I guess the point is if someone wants to be hyperbolic sack of douche, I'll be right back, and I'm alot better at it.
« Last Edit: July 24, 2009, 04:55:56 pm by Julian, Certified WEBLEBRITY »


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Re: Just Announced
« Reply #18001 on: July 24, 2009, 04:37:01 pm »
I'm sick and tired of all these Baltimore shows. I live in DC. Jeez..WTF is going on in this town???

If DC people didn't go to this Baltimore shows they'd never be booked in the first place... Lets get them in DC. Now we also have natural DC shows being booked in Richmond.

We know the costs are cheaper to the north and south of us but come on.
Wow. What an asinine sense of entitlement you have -- all of us B'Morians and Richmanders should feel its our duty to drive to DC for every concert, but you have to do the opposite once or twice and you flip the fuck out. And "natural DC shows??" I suppose you're going to drop a line next about how Obama is stealing a "natural white male job" next, huh, plutocrat? Sweet Jesus, go use to a mirror to find your penis, sever it with a spoon, then choke on it, k?
Julian you are such an asshole. seriously dude. go fuck yourself. I don't believe I addressed you so spare me your crap. And if you must post your hate spewed shit why don't you do it in "Julians Crapmerica" ok?

Sense of entitlement? I live in DC buddy and this is the 930 - last time I checked a DC venue- board! These shows are being booked north and south counting on me going. If it wasn't for me driving up there or down to that hellhole shit town you live in (in which I lived for four years so believe me I know what a shit town you live in.. and it is a shit town) you wouldn't be getting diddley. Maybe the ocasional Gwar show or Cracker reunion. thats about it .

I have no problem with Baltimore and Richmond getting their shows but when they get shows with the express purpose of having me drive up or down there to make them profitable then I do have a problem. Because I happen to live in DC and would rather see them here.

And Bearman: I do believe yes I do that we've asked Seth to book MBV a million times so come on man.. you're better than that!

« Last Edit: July 24, 2009, 04:39:47 pm by hutch »


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Re: Just Announced
« Reply #18002 on: July 24, 2009, 04:38:39 pm »
where is a cat pic when you need one

Julian, Alleged Computer F**kface

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Re: Just Announced
« Reply #18003 on: July 24, 2009, 04:49:43 pm »
Sense of entitlement? I live in DC buddy and this is the 930 - last time I checked a DC venue- board! These shows are being booked north and south counting on me going. If it wasn't for me driving up there or down to that hellhole shit town you live in (in which I lived for four years so believe me I know what a shit town you live in.. and it is a shit town) you wouldn't be getting diddley. Maybe the ocasional Gwar show or Cracker reunion. thats about it .

I have no problem with Baltimore and Richmond getting their shows but when they get shows with the express purpose of having me drive up or down there to make them profitable then I do have a problem. Because I happen to live in DC and would rather see them here.
You're right, I'm sure every venue in Baltimore and Richmond has the "express purpose" (a very fast purpose!!) of booking shows so that you specifically from DC come to them. I know the people working Sonar are sitting around right now going "oh man, if hutch from the messageboard doesn't come 4 times this year, we are FUCKED!!"

Here's a clue: all venues assume people from out-of-town are going to come to their shows. It's not as though Baltimore and Richmond clubs require 90% of their tickets to be bought up by DC people and the 930 Club is sitting there, getting no one from Maryland or Virginia. Be serious. The difference is, Richmonders and Baltimore-ians don't sit around bitching every time we have to drive to DC to go to a show. We don't view our trekking two hours as an act of infinite largesse towards your fair city. But you have to get in your car once in a blue moon for No Age and MBV and you flip the hell out and start calling for a boycott of any show outside of DC because "natural DC shows" dare be booked out of your comfort zone.

Oh, and the idea that a venue like The National can't be successful (particularly with a restaurant attached) without DC residents is asinine. You're right, no one lives in Richmond, Fredericksburg, Williamsburg, or the northern Hampton Roads area. No one. The thought that nothing but Gwar or Cracker can be supported without some mass exodus of DC people heading south is laughable. If The National limited MBV sales to people only to people  Fredericksburg and south, are you really going to tell me it doesn't still sell out? Don't be ridiculous, the maybe 100 people coming from DC to that show would be replaced by a hundred people in the area. Your myopia is staggering.

As I said before, I have no problem with someone saying they wish a certain show hit a certain venue or city, but to act like shows are being STOLEN from certain NATURAL cities and that DC residents should boycott all shows not in their backyard so that you and people of your ilk NEVER have to drive anywhere for anything is the most childish, spoiled, entitled load of crap I've ever heard. And I write Julian's America, for God's sake. Think about that: the guy who writes Julian's America thinks you're being childish, spoiled, and entitled. Get a hold of your life, man.


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Re: Just Announced
« Reply #18004 on: July 24, 2009, 04:51:51 pm »
the natural order of things demands that concerts take place in DC

I completely agree.  Do away with this Baltimore and Richmond nonsense once and for all.


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Re: Just Announced
« Reply #18005 on: July 24, 2009, 04:53:21 pm »
Seth should just book the bands to play DC, MD, and VA all at the same time

Julian, Alleged Computer F**kface

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Re: Just Announced
« Reply #18006 on: July 24, 2009, 04:56:25 pm »
Seth should just book the bands to play DC, MD, and VA all at the same time
No, that's LiveNation's job. And we hate them, remember?


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Re: Just Announced
« Reply #18007 on: July 24, 2009, 04:57:30 pm »
Sense of entitlement? I live in DC buddy and this is the 930 - last time I checked a DC venue- board! These shows are being booked north and south counting on me going. If it wasn't for me driving up there or down to that hellhole shit town you live in (in which I lived for four years so believe me I know what a shit town you live in.. and it is a shit town) you wouldn't be getting diddley. Maybe the ocasional Gwar show or Cracker reunion. thats about it .

I have no problem with Baltimore and Richmond getting their shows but when they get shows with the express purpose of having me drive up or down there to make them profitable then I do have a problem. Because I happen to live in DC and would rather see them here.
You're right, I'm sure every venue in Baltimore and Richmond has the "express purpose" (a very fast purpose!!) of booking shows so that you specifically from DC come to them. I know the people working Sonar are sitting around right now going "oh man, if hutch from the messageboard doesn't come 4 times this year, we are FUCKED!!"

Here's a clue: all venues assume people from out-of-town are going to come to their shows. It's not as though Baltimore and Richmond clubs require 90% of their tickets to be bought up by DC people and the 930 Club is sitting there, getting no one from Maryland or Virginia. Be serious. The difference is, Richmonders and Baltimore-ians don't sit around bitching every time we have to drive to DC to go to a show. We don't view our trekking two hours as an act of infinite largesse towards your fair city. But you have to get in your car once in a blue moon for No Age and MBV and you flip the hell out and start calling for a boycott of any show outside of DC because "natural DC shows" dare be booked out of your comfort zone.

Oh, and the idea that a venue like The National can't be successful (particularly with a restaurant attached) without DC residents is asinine. You're right, no one lives in Richmond, Fredericksburg, Williamsburg, or the northern Hampton Roads area. No one. The thought that nothing but Gwar or Cracker can be supported without some mass exodus of DC people heading south is laughable. If The National limited MBV sales to people only to people  Fredericksburg and south, are you really going to tell me it doesn't still sell out? Don't be ridiculous, the maybe 100 people coming from DC to that show would be replaced by a hundred people in the area. Your myopia is staggering.

As I said before, I have no problem with someone saying they wish a certain show hit a certain venue or city, but to act like shows are being STOLEN from certain NATURAL cities and that DC residents should boycott all shows not in their backyard so that you and people of your ilk NEVER have to drive anywhere for anything is the most childish, spoiled, entitled load of crap I've ever heard. And I write Julian's America, for God's sake. Think about that: the guy who writes Julian's America thinks you're being childish, spoiled, and entitled. Get a hold of your life, man.

Bottom line: Baltimore and Richmond lately are booking shows that should be booked in DC because they are counting on DC people travelling to those town to see them AND because its cheaper to put them together there and easier (less stuff going on around town). I live in DC - most of the people on this board live in DC (Julian, why don't you join the National board?)- and there is no reason these shows shouldn't be in DC.

No. I did not read your last post. I am done with you. I wouldn't mind discussing something with you. But when you act like a complete asshole thats just the way its going to be. Live by the sword die by the sword.

« Last Edit: July 24, 2009, 04:59:13 pm by hutch »


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Re: Just Announced
« Reply #18008 on: July 24, 2009, 05:00:51 pm »
Please go discuss this entitlement whatever BS in another thread.  This is JUST ANNOUNCED.  There's a commentary thread out there you can use, I promise.

Julian, Alleged Computer F**kface

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Re: Just Announced
« Reply #18009 on: July 24, 2009, 05:03:08 pm »
Bottom line: Baltimore and Richmond lately are booking shows that should be booked in DC...
You keep going back to this. Why SHOULD a show be booked in DC? Because when you say something should happen, it implies that the opposite is wrong or something that "shouldn't" happen. That's the point I don't get. Why is DC entitled to a MBV concert and Richmond not?

In fact, you just highlighted exactly why Richmond should have an equal shot at it: because people are willing to drive to concerts, it's going to sell out at either locale, and the venue's costs are less in Richmond (according to you). Sounds like in a sense, they've built at least as good, if not a better, of a mousetrap, metaphorically. Shouldn't that be rewarded?

And again, L-O-L at the thought that MBV couldn't sell out The National if ticket sales were limited to people living from Fredericksburg on south. Please, do indulge me and let me know, in your mind, approximately how many of the 1500 tickets sold for the event were sold to DC residents. Please do.


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Re: Just Announced
« Reply #18010 on: July 24, 2009, 05:22:19 pm »
Oh and by the way I've traveled to see shows plenty (heck I was at Pier 6 just last week!).. but thats different from shows being booked close to DC and then NOT BOOKING THEM IN DC even though they'd do just fine just to get DC people to show up... Anyone who has been following things knows that its been happening more frequently the past two years; of course in Julian's Fantasy America maybe its a different reality.

« Last Edit: July 24, 2009, 05:28:54 pm by hutch »


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Re: Just Announced
« Reply #18011 on: July 24, 2009, 05:28:09 pm »


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Re: Just Announced
« Reply #18012 on: July 24, 2009, 05:49:09 pm »
where is a cat pic when you need one

you're welcome.


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Re: Just Announced
« Reply #18013 on: July 24, 2009, 06:00:08 pm »
It would be nice to see a Monsters of Folk show at the 930 Club.

Looks like Philly or one of the NYC shows will have to do.

miss pretentious

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Re: Just Announced
« Reply #18014 on: July 24, 2009, 06:32:56 pm »
i can only hope to get this level of action on my birthday tomorrow.

i enjoy going to see shows in baltimore - i enjoy the people, i enjoy the cat photos, i enjoy the cheaper alcohol prices, i don't mind driving a few minutes out of the way, but mostly... i'm not a whiny bitch.

love ya'll