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Quote from: Got Haggis? on October 29, 2015, 01:04:34 pmTobacco - U Street Music Hall - April 2ndOmyfuckinggod. Imustbethere. Imustseethisshow. Iwillsellmyselftoallthingsdesired,justtoexpierencethisshow.
Tobacco - U Street Music Hall - April 2nd
Richmond Matmos fans; They are performing at the Black Iris Gallery on Monday, and they willl be giving a talk at VCU on Tuesday.
This reading will be held at the 2640 Space at 2640 St. Paul St. and is featuring an all-star cast of Baltimore artists:The Grandfather: JOHN ASTINButtercup: LEXIE MOUNTAINWestley: MATT PORTERFIELDVizzini + Miracle Max: DAN DECAONInigo Montoya: JIMMY JOE ROCHEPrince Humperdinck: SPANK ROCKValerie + The Albino + The Impressive Clergyman + The Assistant Brute +The Ancient Booer + The Mother + The Queen: RAHNE ALEXANDERNOTE: we will have about 100 chairs for seating, but the remaining attendees will have to sit on the floor, story time style! Please bring your own blankets and pillows to ensure comfort and avoid splinters.There will be a 10 min. intermission during the show. Guests are welcome to purchase coffee, tea, and hot cocoa at the Space's coffee bar, and the Film Society will be selling baked goods.Admission to the reading is $5.