Originally posted by BadSushi:
You may not know it, but this forum has become fairly well-known for hostility, rudeness, aggression, and intolerance. I'm sure ggw can find the remarks in the Post on-line and DCist to back this up, and I've tried not to participate in the attacks - but on occasion, I slip and go after Peter who seems off-the-hook mean. Sorry.
I believe this is what you are looking for, and to me it's a ringing endorsement
Rhome: You know, I've never really read them. Care to toss out any specific ones? The few I've seen smelled faintly of being driven by an agenda, that clique'ish type vibe. I'm a big fan of staying up on the calendars of the local venues and going out regularly to check out stuff you've never heard. Most bands have websites with mp3's, or you can always preview material at washingtonpost.com/mp3. And if you stay tuned to this space, you might just see a new blog. Hmmmm...
Joe: Not a blog really, but I regularly amused by the discussions in the 9:30 club's forums page - especially when they are all bashing each other. The one problem I have with many of the local music blogs I've read (I won't name names) is the obsession with indie rock...and only indie rock. Gets boring pretty quickly.