<img src="http://images.amazon.com/images/P/B0002MIBW0.01.LZZZZZZZ.jpg" alt=" - " />
Very mellow throughout, but an enjoyable listen. At first glance, I'm not as thrilled about the cover of "The Scientist" by Johnette Napolitano and Danny Loher as the previous reviews had stated. I thought she would really belt it out, but instead she sort of mumbles her way through it. I do enjoy the Postal Sevice cover though.
The Stills track is in a foreign language. It's always good to hear Hope Sandovals voice. Jamie Wyatt seems a little out of place and what the hell is Lifehouse doing on this compilation?
Truth be told, most of the folks on this board can put together the compilation from their own collection and buy one or two of the decent extra tracks off some digital music store. Wish I had done the same, but Smackette will be most pleased so it's a win/win for me.