Author Topic: The Smiths  (Read 12712 times)

Herr Professor Doktor Doom

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The Smiths
« on: August 13, 2007, 10:02:00 pm »
So I was at Wonderland tonight, and this group of four people started ranking on The Smiths...  loudly going on about how boring they are, and how much they suck, and so on and so forth.  I thought about saying something, but they were being so loud that it seemed like they were just looking to piss someone off, and I didn't want to give them the satisfaction.
 Now, I can imagine how some people might not find the Smiths to be their cup of tea, but it still seems to me like anyone of intellect and taste would recognize that they were something special, even if they didn't personally care for them... am I wrong here?


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Re: The Smiths
« Reply #1 on: August 13, 2007, 10:06:00 pm »
you are wrong to assume everyone is capable of comprehending the greatest that is the smiths. almost 50% of all people have below average intelligence. those four were merely some of them.

Herr Professor Doktor Doom

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Re: The Smiths
« Reply #2 on: August 13, 2007, 10:17:00 pm »
You're probably right.  At one point, what sounded like the opening notes to the funk classic "Tell Me Something Good" came on, and this guy yelled out like he was having an orgasm, "I LOVE THIS SONG," and then it turned out to be a trance-pop song built on that bassline instead, and he seemed vaguely nonplussed while still trying to appear like he was into it.


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Re: The Smiths
« Reply #3 on: August 13, 2007, 10:44:00 pm »
Maybe they read this board. Posting your experience here may still satisfy their desire to piss someone off just for the sake of it. Not unlike nutjobs who commit a crime just to get in the news.


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Re: The Smiths
« Reply #4 on: August 13, 2007, 11:06:00 pm »
It's kind of funny, as I've gotten older I sometimes don't listen to certain bands that I held so dear to my heart at a point in time, but the Smiths always end up getting played even now.
 The Smiths represent a really dark time in my life. When most kids my age were discovering Metallica and Iron Maiden, I was listening to the Smiths. And I got a pretty massive case of teen angst at a young age (11). That was when I started suffering from clinical depression, which I dealt with on and off for at least 10 years after that. While most folks medicate themselves with pills (if they're in therapy) or booze or drugs, I medicated myself through music. And to me the Smiths were one of the few bands that truly spoke to me, both in music and words. Morrissey was so fucked up, confused, pathetic, lonely, and yet he had an ability to laugh at himself too, which was what I needed to hear.
 So when I think of the Smiths, it's kind of like comfort food. It's not exactly going to suit my palate all the time now, but it brings me back to a place and time when I needed SOMETHING to make me feel like everything was going to be OK. Someone was telling me that they felt the same way I did, and that was enough for me to get up every day. And it really cemented my love of music. I'm listening to "The Queen is Dead" right now, and some of it fucking ROCKS. "There Is A Light That Never Goes Out" still bums the shit out of me (not as bad as "Asleep"), but from a purely musical view they were (and still are) brilliant.
 If someone wants to be a dick and say that the Smiths suck, then I feel kind of sorry for them. That band's music is sacred to me, but at the time I felt like I was the only one they were talking to, and I treasure the incredibly personal aspect that their music gave to me. I think what made the Smiths special is the fact that they weren't afraid to be mopey, morbid, or depressed. They embraced it as part of humanity, and even if you think Morrissey is a whiny bitch who needs to get laid and eat a steak, he always carried himself with pride for being who he was. He was very unapologetic about it, and I admire that. I especially respect his stance on why he won't reform the Smiths. Good for him.


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Re: The Smiths
« Reply #5 on: August 13, 2007, 11:18:00 pm »
Originally posted by bearman:
  It's kind of funny, as I've gotten older I sometimes don't listen to certain bands that I held so dear to my heart at a point in time, but the Smiths always end up getting played even now.
 The Smiths represent a really dark time in my life. When most kids my age were discovering Metallica and Iron Maiden, I was listening to the Smiths. And I got a pretty massive case of teen angst at a young age (11). That was when I started suffering from clinical depression, which I dealt with on and off for at least 10 years after that. While most folks medicate themselves with pills (if they're in therapy) or booze or drugs, I medicated myself through music. And to me the Smiths were one of the few bands that truly spoke to me, both in music and words. Morrissey was so fucked up, confused, pathetic, lonely, and yet he had an ability to laugh at himself too, which was what I needed to hear.
 So when I think of the Smiths, it's kind of like comfort food. It's not exactly going to suit my palate all the time now, but it brings me back to a place and time when I needed SOMETHING to make me feel like everything was going to be OK. Someone was telling me that they felt the same way I did, and that was enough for me to get up every day. And it really cemented my love of music. I'm listening to "The Queen is Dead" right now, and some of it fucking ROCKS. "There Is A Light That Never Goes Out" still bums the shit out of me (not as bad as "Asleep"), but from a purely musical view they were (and still are) brilliant.
 If someone wants to be a dick and say that the Smiths suck, then I feel kind of sorry for them. That band's music is sacred to me, but at the time I felt like I was the only one they were talking to, and I treasure the incredibly personal aspect that their music gave to me. I think what made the Smiths special is the fact that they weren't afraid to be mopey, morbid, or depressed. They embraced it as part of humanity, and even if you think Morrissey is a whiny bitch who needs to get laid and eat a steak, he always carried himself with pride for being who he was. He was very unapologetic about it, and I admire that. I especially respect his stance on why he won't reform the Smiths. Good for him.
All I can say is....DAMN.


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Re: The Smiths
« Reply #6 on: August 13, 2007, 11:29:00 pm »
Sorry...I felt passionate about it  :)  I figure this is a place for discourse, not just the usual "blah blah sucks" vs. "blah blah rules".


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Re: The Smiths
« Reply #7 on: August 13, 2007, 11:39:00 pm »
This is an interesting topic. As I write I am listening to the Beatles who are still, in my opinion, the greatest band ever.
 However, when it comes to my favorite band of all time, I think that it may very well be the Smiths.
 I think that Morrissey and Marr were like two comets that collided. The fusion of Morrissey's lyrics and Marr's playing was and is irresistible to me.
 Many people simply don't or don't want to get the
 Smiths. As far as I'm concerned it is their loss.
 You may be interested to watch this youtube I recently saw of Noel Gallagher discussing the Smiths - you can say what you like about him, but I think he does a great job of providing an insight into the Smiths through the lens of a fan's eye:
 Especially when it comes to choosing a favorite song - it IS simply too difficult, I could narrow it down to about fifty if I was under duress. . .


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Re: The Smiths
« Reply #8 on: August 13, 2007, 11:51:00 pm »
 This is a wonderful segment.


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Re: The Smiths
« Reply #9 on: August 14, 2007, 01:36:00 am »
Bearman, I know exactly what you are saying about music and clinical depression. Nothing I care to elaborate on here but music has done much more to help me out than any prescribed drug that I always ended up refusing to bother with or help that others tried to extend...or never bothered to extend. One of the reasons I love Shoegaze is that it's kind of like a sonic massage for me, especially live. Bet you know what I'm talking about. Such joy along with being very pleasing to the ears.
 Doomie, you did the best thing by ignoring the Smiths haters. Allow them the respect of having their opinions and voicing them even if you don't agree. (I don't either!) They just don't get it when it comes to The Smiths. Apparently, both you and I don't get it when it comes to that song you mentioned you thought was starting. (I really hate that song!)

Re: The Smiths
« Reply #10 on: August 14, 2007, 07:10:00 am »
Is this story from 1987?
Originally posted by They call me Doctor Doom.:
  So I was at Wonderland tonight, and this group of four people started ranking on The Smiths...  loudly going on about how boring they are, and how much they suck, and so on and so forth.  I thought about saying something, but they were being so loud that it seemed like they were just looking to piss someone off, and I didn't want to give them the satisfaction.
 Now, I can imagine how some people might not find the Smiths to be their cup of tea, but it still seems to me like anyone of intellect and taste would recognize that they were something special, even if they didn't personally care for them... am I wrong here?


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Re: The Smiths
« Reply #11 on: August 14, 2007, 07:46:00 am »
I don't find the Smiths as godly as some but far be it from me to deny their influence, gotta love DC pseudo-hipster jackasses with nothing of substance to say thinking their "wit" will get them laid.

Julian, Alleged Computer F**kface

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Re: The Smiths
« Reply #12 on: August 14, 2007, 09:03:00 am »
Originally posted by TheREALHunter:
 ...gotta love DC pseudo-hipster jackasses with nothing of substance to say thinking their "wit" will get them laid.
Hey, what have I ever done to you?   :mad:


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Re: The Smiths
« Reply #13 on: August 14, 2007, 09:28:00 am »
Originally posted by Julian, good manners AFICIONADO:
Originally posted by TheREALHunter:
 ...gotta love DC pseudo-hipster jackasses with nothing of substance to say thinking their "wit" will get them laid.
Hey, what have I ever done to you?    :mad:  [/b]
If the super narrow Puma running shoe fits...


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Re: The Smiths
« Reply #14 on: August 14, 2007, 10:29:00 am »
Idiots are what they are, & have a right to express their wack ass opinions.  The Smiths are the shit.  Period.  As a songwriter, Moz has his own lane.  I can't begin to compare him to another artist in music history.  (That I've heard anyway.)  I in the past couple of years have really discovered their greatness, & my library is all the better for it.  Johnny Marr's rock god status has also been cemented for quite some time now.  I always thought of Morrissey (before really sitting down & picking apart what the man was saying) as the poster child of "gloom & doom" if you will.  But once I sat down & listened, I realized the man is fucking hilarious.  I don't think he takes himself as seriously as most would think.  An asexual (I think) fellow crooning (think an alt-rock/depressed Barry Manilow) about alienation in a tongue-in-cheek fashion over crunchy rock riffs.  Who woulda thunk it???  Fuckin' genius if I've ever seen it . . .