Author Topic: why I hate JT  (Read 6233 times)


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why I hate JT
« on: October 07, 2003, 11:30:00 am »
I used to be teenybopper. That all changed a few years ago when it finally hit me. "These teenyboppers are fuckheads. I'm gonna hang out with my real friends, whether people hate them or not." In this rant, I'm going to pretty much attack all these JT teenyboppers.
 Point 1: Free Thought? What's That?
  My first point is that all teenyboppers are preps. Yes, all of 'em. It's not that I hate preps because they are, well, preppy. I hate some preps because they are mostly morons. Of course there are few exceptions, who are actually pretty close friends of mine. But that's not the point. The point I'm trying to make is that all teenyboppers are preps, yet not all preps are teenyboppers. You see what I'm getting at here?
 The thing with all teenyboppers is that they're easily brainwashed. Tell 'em anything you want and they won't give two shits. However, tell a friend that everyone thinks is cute the same thing and ask him to tell it to said teenyboppers, they'll believe you. They won't give you credit, they'll give the cute person credit. Why? Looks. Pop culture has always been bull-shitted by looks. There's nothing you can do, it will always happen. TV, movies, music, magazines, EVERYTHING in today's society has been bull-shitted by anything with good looks. Always has, always will. Many of the great shows I've loved have been destroyed because the TV-industry and its surprisingly huge network of lawyers will choose crap over good shit. Angry Beavers, Rocko's Modern Life, Invader Zim, Sifl and Olly, Family Guy, Futurama, TONS of shows have had great potential and humor, and were dumped for crap. Enough of it. Bring back the good ol' days. Destroy the crap.
 But ranting about TV would have to come later. This goes on to say that teeny-boppers will say, think, do, eat, and wear whatever you want so long as you get a pretty person to tell them so. Why, you could make a terrorist organization of teeny-boppers so long as you got Justin Timberlake, Brittney Spears, and Carson Daly to be their leaders. I thought that long and hard, and I know you can. Get Justin and Brittney on TRL, have the three talk about terrorism and how it's "fun". The next morning you'll have six million+ teenyboppers and parents who think they're cool signed up and ready to die. That's one war I'll love to fight.
 I hate teenyboppers. They have no free will. Anything they know is bullshit. And you know what's worse? The fact that they take looks over personality. I've made attempts over the last year to make friends with these people (mainly because I didn't want my Accounting class to be shit with no friends in there), and lemme tell ya, they think you're ugly. That's the first thing they'll say to you.
 Me: Hi, I'm Andy. Accounting will suck. (true statement, it did, in fact, suck)
 Teenybopper: You know what? You're wrong. I think Accounting will be great. All you ugly freaks will go to Hell. (he ended up taking answers from me, of course I gave him false info after that, so he ended up failing. SUCKER!)
 But that's not the first time it happened. Try SIX YEARS. Six years I've tried to make friends with these people. All the time they've made my life fucking hell by spreading rumors, calling me a fag, punching me, and I was an idiot. I came back for more. I thought, "You know what? Maybe they'll accept me this time." for six years. It hit me my sophomore year, "These aren't my friends. Fuck 'em." and then I turned punk. In one week I've been given the equal amount of respect I actualy got from the teenyboppers in six years. Six years versus one week. I think I'll stay this way.
 Also, once you've gone punk, they try and convert you. Seriously. The stupid teenyboppers will sit by you and your friends. One of your friends pokes fun at another person for something he said, and a teenybopper will say, "Aren't they scaring you? Come sit by us!" Idiots. The guy said something very funny, and I laughed at it. I followed up, it was funny. Had this been at the teenybopper table, they would've ignored me. Nothing will go through those thick skulls. Not even entertainment. Like Mary Kate and Ashley.
 Point 2: Mary Kate and Ashley: STOP
 I did a  Photo Comic about a Mary Kate and Ashley game. I told a teenybopper the other day, and his response was, "Andy, WHY do you hate Mary Kate and Ashley? I'd bone 'em in a second! Are you a dumb faggot?" Well, if hating people because the majority of their fans think they're cute rather than their acting skills means I'm a faggot, than I guess I am one. But, in reality, faggot means a bundle a sticks, which I am not one. The perspective is that I am apparently gay because the game that was released was crap (the Funcoland guy made me play it out of his amusement for ten minutes before taking his pictures. Let me reassure you, I was right, you were right. The game sucks because it's Mary Kate and Ashley that and control and graphics sink very low.) and I didn't want to fork over $50 because of it. Remember, teenyboppers only care about looks, and anything else is tossed out the window.
 Back to Mary Kate and Ashley; they need to stop. Seriously. Stop merchandising, stop singing, acting, everything. Wait until you're 18. Then, the day you both are officially turn 18, go into lesbian porn. I guarrantee you'll sell a copy to me. Hell, hire the writers you've used for your other crap movies, I don't care. 10-minute cutscenes? I'll fast forward so long as you two are making love to each other. Even if you have to go to Switzerland on a $5000 budget, that movie will be the only one I'll enjoy.
 But enough about my fantasies. Any movie-goer will agree, the Mary Kate and Ashley franchise was shit ever since Full House ended. I've given their series a shot, but they're all the same plots. It's always "We're twins! Let's go shopping!!1" with those two. Same with the movies. I'd put up a review of a movie I sat through because I was bored, but I can sum it all up very quickly, a movie called "Getting There": "We're going to Salt Lake City! Look! Boys! Shopping! Cars! OMFG!!! LOLOLOLOLOLOL! Girls Rule! Friendship! Going Home! BOY BANDS! WOOOOOOOOOO!!!1" I'd give it a .4/10, because they actually had good taste with a character named Toast, a stoner who acted like that one guy from Half Baked until they made him teenybopper in the end. It would've been better if they kept him the way he was, but they decide to add plot to it. Wow. I'm so amazed. I think I'll go convince my overly rich parents to buy me a new car so I can ride a plane to Salt Lake City so I can hook up with a blonde hair/blue eyed person of the opposite sex in a based-on-looks style. Please.
 You two need to stop. Seriously. End it all. For the love of God, end the cruelty until you make lesbian porn. Then it'll get interesting. Especially the merchandising, "HEY KIDS! Get your parents to buy the Mary Kate and Ashley dildo! *Insert jingle here* MK&A Dildos may gave you SiphillysBUY ONE NOW!"
 Back to teenyboppers. I've got another interesting thory of them, I'll call it...
 Point 3: Teenyboppers are Neo-Nazis
 For those of you who have stayed, thank you. You are either brave or have the same points of view as myself. Now let's get started.
 My first and overly obvious point is that Teenyboppers are homophobic. This is very true. A large majority (I'd give 85-95%) of them will call people they hate fags. It dosen't matter if they are gay or not, if you are hated, then you are a fag. Even if you've banged 10 girls in two weeks, you're still a fag. Hey, teenyboppers hate gays. It's proven. Wasn't there a guy in Colorado killed because of this? Or two kids in that same state who shot up their school because they were called fags? What about all the other school shootings in the country? And the funny thing is is that they blame the punks. Why? They don't like us because of LOOKS, which goes back to Point 1. Even though some punks were bullied to the point of them killing people, half, if not, more, of the school shootings in the country were because of some prep didn't like another person, "because he was a fag". This is bullshit. Teenybopper kills people, label the punks. Idiots. Also, I believe a German mustached guy in David's comic put quite a few homosexuals in concetration camps. And they still discriminate.
 My second point on this issue is race. Yes, race. Even though the 60's have ended, some teenyboppers will show this trait. I've seen it. Heard it dozens of times before. Fights have broken out in my school over this. A white teenybopper guy, who listens to only rap, calls a black guy a "N---er", thinking it's fine. Although since this guy is an IDIOT, a fight breaks out from a person's stupity. I had no idea a white guy could bleed that much. It was quite funny. But other than that, I do hear the N-word quite often, and that N word is not Nintendo. And Hitler went along and killed more Blacks.
 Thirdly: Teenyboppers abilities to follow a leader with good charisma, even if their points are stupid and invalid. Germans followed Hitler, causing 12 million people to die in concentration camps, Teenyboppers follow Carson Daly, causing N*Sync. Coincidence? Not really, but still similar.
 Forthly, religon. Now I'm going to go further into the punk stereotype. I talked to a teenybopper, he said, "I hate freaks." I go, "Why's that?" He says, "Because they worship Satan."
 Still Bullshit. Once again the pop industry has bullshitted more teenyboppers to think that only Satanists are punks. This is a HUGE no. A good portion of the punks I know, including myself, are in a religon in the Christianity region. Many of them are Protestant (such as David, John, Adam), but small numbers are Catholic (like Joey). To say that we all worship Satan is bullshit. Although some of my friends are Atheist, I don't know anyone in reality that worships Satan. A few are Wiccan and hexed teenyboppers (to all our delight), but they're not devil-worshipers. Even if, dosen't the Bible say to love your enemies? If if Satan is supposed to be your worst enemy, that dosen't mean you should hate the followers. They could end up being your best friends. But that dosen't mean you have to share points of view with them. Get diverse. Learn other cultures. Meet people. Have fun. Isn't that why we're here? I can't find another reason why God created the universe, so I may as well enjoy it. I think the reason we're here is to have fun. Enjoy life. You only live about 80 years, so you should enjoy every second of it. Having 1/5 of my life gone already is sad, but I know I still have 80% of it left to enjoy. And I will. With God, my Christian friends, my Atheist friends, and my Wiccan friends. Every second of it.
 But enough about that, how else do teenyboppers fare in this? Simple. Lend a guy you hate (teenybopper) a couple bucks. Because you're nice. Now, wait a few weeks, and you need lunch money. Hey! That guy owes you money! Why not politely ask him for it back? It's not a big deal, right?
 "Andy, why the fuck you gotta be such a fuckin' Jew about it? It's just money! Go back to your fuckin' Synagouge, you'll find all the money there. Fuckin' Jew." A couple even backed him up. Various TV shows and webcomics from punks back up this to prove that about 5-10% of teenyboppers hate Jews. Idiots. And if my U.S. History, with a 98% Average, proves me correct, then Hitler killed over 6 Million Jews in WW2. And since we've got Jew-haters running around, we may as well take our eyes off the punks for a second and keep a close eye on the teenyboppers.
 My fifth and final point: Looks again. An average teenybopper will tell you that their dream date would include "Blond hair, Blues eyes". Again, Hitler comes in. Hitler imported Swedish women, Blond/blue, to fuck a bunch of drunk German guys during the Holocaust. The Aryan race. Now that teenyboppers love the "Aryans" so much, it assures me that they are willing to make our country full of 'em.
 All this, Racism, Homophobia, Brain-washing, and the Aryan race, makes me believe that the Nazis have been planing World War 3 ever since our troops left Germany.
 "Let's see: First we get the people there to hate the Blacks and Jews, oh, and Gays! Can't forget about them! Hmm...They have to be Catholic. And we'll have to get the Swedes over there to fuck drunk Americans, too...We'll destroy them! We WILL! BWAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!"
 Seriously. I think they almost succeeded. The 60's are a good point. Mass racism there. And since the "Aryans" and Charismatic brain-washer "entertainers" are exploding today, I personally think the Nazis want more bombs up their asses.
 Oh, but I'm not done yet. I've got one more thing that will shock everyone. It even shocked my punk friends. It is...
 This one is an interesting one. I'm going to be straight-forward about this. Popularity in High School does not exist.
 See, since the pop industry is making us think that by "popular" it means preppy, smart, pretty, involved in 1092384 clubs at school, has the cutest boy/girl, and can only have a few good friends. This cannot be. That's the movie world. In the real world, popularity means the amount of friends you have. One could challenge this and say that popularity does exist, saying that "I have tons of friends, therefore I'm popular". I must then tell you wrong. "Well, I was nominated by my fellow students to be on the Prom Court!" Wrong again.
 See, half the people don't really care about popularity races. They've got more important things to worry about. Grades, personal life, clubs, jobs, video games, webcomics, Saki, to even worry about who's popular. Everyone in my class in 8th grade voted someone at random because they didn't care. Although one girl was winner, it was rigged to make her, a very ugly girl, dance with a preppy guy we all hated. Names won't be named, but it did work. This carried on to last year. I can prove people don't care about popularity enough. Get a punk friend to run for prom, and convince all your friends to convince all the classmates to get the friend elected. Since it'll probably work, you get your friend to drop from the race when he is announced a nominee. I guarrantee that will happen.
 And since nobody keeps track of who's popular, there is no popularity race. There is no statistics. No sane person does that sort of thing. Nobody likes a person based on his popularity.
 Once again, popularity in the real world is based on the number of friends you have. Everyone has friends, even that nerd kid you hate. Even if that guy is friends with the janitor, he's still popular to that person. You have friends, right? Doesn't that make you popular to them? Your friends are then popular to you. Everyone is therefore popular. And nobody keeps track because there's no way to do it.
 But since we've all been bullshitted by the media, the two cannot coexist. In the media world, popular people are liked by everyone, because the BS-ed people like them because they are popular. No actual friendship, just based on a non-existant popularity race. Since this dosen't happen in the real world, the popularity we are taught dosen't exist either. And everyone in the real world is popular, unlike people in the media world. And since the balance has been broken to the way we are taught, popularity in high school does not exist.
 But since the media is still bullshitted like that, teenyboppers believe it does. A news story about two girls who died in a car crash pissed me off. Not because the roads were dangerous and the deaths could've been avoided, but because the media rambled on saying the girls were popular. Popularity in this sense means preppy, which may end up being teenybopper. Again, not all preps are teenyboppers, yet all teenyboppers are preps. Had two of my punk friends die in a car crash, the media wouldn't give two shits because they weren't preppy/popular. They'll go straight to sports. In fact, the school will have a Pep Rally the next day. A moment of silence, but then followed by loud annoying screams of BS-ed teenyboppers and preps about BS-ed School Rivalry.
 Teenyboppers are bullshit. Enough said. Pracitcally everything they do is Bull-shitted on them. If you are a teenybopper, get a grip. You are being bull-shitted. You are being lied to. Stop thinking popularity exists and find your true friends, pretty or not. It'll make school go by quicker. I'm glad I know this. I'm happy for my true friends, ugly as they are. I don't care about looks. Just stop being the way they are, or at least stop discriminating against us. It's prejudice. You're prejudging on us for our looks, and you're prejudging your friends for their looks. Your prejudice is what's making the world go poo. And for that, you must find yourself. If you seriously like the things you do, go on with it. Enjoy it. If you don't, and think the things you do will make you cool, stop. You're hurting yourself, and nobody is buying your shenanigans. Stop being as asshole and start LIVING. And stop sitting by us as lunch and pretending like we can't hear you make cracks about us. That is wrong, prejudice, and may one day get you hurt. Just stop being someone you are not. You may not be punk, and that's fine, but at least stop being someone you're not. Find yourself.

kosmo vinyl

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Re: why I hate JT
« Reply #1 on: October 07, 2003, 11:36:00 am »
are you trying to live up to your screen name?  :D  
 and what is the source material so as to cya when 97% of the clubs capacity comes to kick you with their manolo's


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Re: why I hate JT
« Reply #2 on: October 07, 2003, 11:38:00 am »
thanks Kosum, I feel better for getting all of that out of my system.
 Wow. I am so glad I turned punk  ;)


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Re: why I hate JT
« Reply #3 on: October 07, 2003, 11:40:00 am »
 for 1- that was just way too long to read
 for 2- the parts i did skim, i got this sense that you have a lot of personal issues that need to be taken care of
 for 3- you generalized wayyy too much!!! yes i like some pop music, but no i dont pick friends based on looks race or religon, no im not homophobic, and no im not being someone im not.
 i respect that you hvae your opinon, and i hear ya in some stuff you said... but i think the crowd you are speaking to doesnt hang out on this forum. these people you are talking about are in middle school and high school and are in school at this time of the day. but seriously dont get wrong, like i said a lot of what you said has logic.. but i do think you generlaized to much. just cause someone likes pop music doesnt mean we are teenyboppers who are oblivious to the world around ues


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Re: why I hate JT
« Reply #4 on: October 07, 2003, 11:45:00 am »
**Many things in this world baffle me, however none so much as WHY DO PEOPLE LOOOOVE JUSTIN TIMBERLAKE????   I really don??t get what people like about him.  First of all, he??s not EVEN that fine, much less cute.  Second of all, his voice is the most annoying sound in the world.  However, I will admit, when I saw him in concert, his voice was kinda pretty?not great, but pretty.  Also, his hair.  WHY?????  It is the stupidest looking hair I??ve ever seen in my life.  He needs to keep it one color and keep it short because most of the time it looks like something straight out of the 70??s.  For all you people who don??t understand, that means that he has a ??fro.  An afro is when one has extremely bushy hair that poofs out about six inches from the head.  And that??s Justin.  Now let??s talk about his nose.  It??s smashed flat against his face and just looks plain weird.  Oh, and this whole baby blue fetish he??s got going on isn??t too attractive and he should lay off the basketball thing too, while he??s at it.  No one wants their man THAT obsessive.  He??s also quite conceited, from what I gathered at chats that I??ve participated in.  He thinks he??s the best at everything, and that just plain bothers me.  Have y??all ever seen him do an interview?  He LOVES to act like he knows what he??s talking about, like he??s an expert or something, and he??s ONLY 3 months older than I am?which does not qualify one as an expert on anything.  He seems like such an idiot and those little hats he wears are just atrocious.  And about his mommy?oh don??t even get me started?he??s way too attached to his precious mommy dearest.  The thing that bothers me a bit more than anything else is his tongue. He sticks it out too much and his ??excuse? is that ??it just pops out?it has a mind of its own.?  WhatEVER Justin?we all know that he wants to get with one of those little 10 year olds and that??s just this own little way of doing it.  Another thing about Justin, he doesn??t seem to think that he??s a white boy.  He tries to act like a brother by the way he talks, acts, and dresses.  About *N Sync in general (especially Chris)?what??s up with the FUBU shirts??  Don??t they even KNOW what FUBU stands for???  It means?For Us, By Us?and let me tell ya, it wasn??t no white boy that made up that clothing line.  That??s all I??m sayin about that.  As you can see, I could go on and on and on and on about how I hate Justin all day.  But I think I??ll stop now because I??m getting a little tired now.  But I think you get the picture.  ??Wassup with dat y??all??**


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Re: why I hate JT
« Reply #5 on: October 07, 2003, 11:50:00 am »
Look, I have some sympathy.  After all, how many hipster indie music fans started out as teeny boppers?  I admit it, I was crazy obsessed with the Osmonds, and of course Donny in particular.  I called the radio station every hour to request his one lone radio 'hit,' "Puppy Love."  I put an old-school tape recorder up against the t.v. to tape "The Donny & Marie Show," and I would listen to the whole thing again before I went to bed (this is pre-VHS, even pre-Beta, folks).
 But looking back, that was really the first manifestation of the visceral love for music I've had my whole life.  I matured from my teeny bopper days into a hardcore indie/alternative music fan who supports all kinds of music, both live and recorded.
 That said, I was out of the bopper phase by the time I was in high school, though I will also admit to having a hell of a lot of Police buttons on my jean jacket.
 So, it's a normal phase that can lead into real music fandom.  
 The Pariah's rant doesn't really say much.  In fact, it's a true rant in that I have no idea where he's really going with it, except to get some old shit off his chest (and I'll admit to not being able to read it sort of meanders around areas without a point).  But I"m glad he got it off his chest, and left if off of someone else's!  That's a good way to handle frustration; he didn't lash out at anybody personally.
 I'm taking the opportunity, though, to say I understand, but by the time you're old enough to go to a 21+ show, maybe it's time to mellow out just a tad.


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Re: why I hate JT
« Reply #6 on: October 07, 2003, 12:11:00 pm »
 I'm taking the opportunity, though, to say I understand, but by the time you're old enough to go to a 21+ show, maybe it's time to mellow out just a tad.
i totally agree with you bags. im glad pariah was able to clear his chest, but i hvae no idea what he was talking about or where he was going with it. and for the parts i did get to read,i do i just think it was way to generalized. but like you said.. at least he got it off his chest.
 as for your quote.. im not sure if its directed at me.. but i am 21, and i have mellowd out a lot. jt is one of the only pop artists i listen to these days. throughout high school and college i have aqquired a taste for all types of music.. just like you did.


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Re: why I hate JT
« Reply #7 on: October 07, 2003, 12:16:00 pm »
i really hate justin and if you find that offending, please don't cry me a river


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Re: why I hate JT
« Reply #8 on: October 07, 2003, 12:18:00 pm »
for real.. i dont find it offending that you hate him at all. i just think your long article thingy was way to general... but we all have our own opinons right?

kosmo vinyl

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Re: why I hate JT
« Reply #9 on: October 07, 2003, 12:20:00 pm »
i'm suprised ggw hasn't blown the pariahs cover...


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Re: why I hate JT
« Reply #10 on: October 07, 2003, 12:21:00 pm »
Originally posted by Cindy:
  for real.. i dont find it offending that you hate him at all. i just think your long article thingy was way to general... but we all have our own opinons right?
See I could deny his talent. Easily. His singing is pretty unimpressive. He can reach high notes but other than that it doesn't seem very dextrous at all. He also has no, for want of a better word, soul in his voice. He sounds like michael jackson without the funk.
  The songs themselves are pretty well put together, some of the remixes are ok. But how much of that is down to him? Probably very very little.
  And he CANNOT beatbox. The whole idea of a beatbox is to make a "beat" thats sounds like it came out of a "box", not out of a "bloke who's trying to sound like a box." He also can't do that robot dance thing.
  But, because he's got the "right image" and the corporate machine chugging away in the dusty depths of chateau de timberlake, he'll be a bloody star. And someone who can beatbox and machine dance is paid to clean his platinums.


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Re: why I hate JT
« Reply #11 on: October 07, 2003, 01:24:00 pm »
Just read the rant. . .Well, a quarter of it.  Firstly and lastly, if you were ever a serious teenybopper, then you have no merit when it comes to understanding anything punk related.  Hi my name is Pariah and my favorite punk band is Blink 182.  Please.


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Re: why I hate JT
« Reply #12 on: October 07, 2003, 01:30:00 pm »
I love blink 182, i hate when people say they're not punk. it doesnt matter what they are they're awsome anyways! & very very talented singers....Tom and Mark and Travis are very sexy!  They are my favorite band out of all the bands in the world! They are everything to me...No, i never got to see them live in a concert, maybe one day i'll get to...if that will ever happen. It would be cool if I could. I dont think i will ever get to, but maybe sometime i'll get that chance....I luv u blink 182!


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Re: why I hate JT
« Reply #13 on: October 07, 2003, 01:45:00 pm »
I'm not questioning whether they're good or not, especially since I don't listen to them.  It's simply a point that while you were ranting and raving like an uneducated Dennis Miller, you turned into THAT guy.  You completely bashed the "preps" (some points have serious validity), but you turned around and completely bagged Justin Timberlake.  His nose and hair and what he wears. . .If I'm not mistaken, that's exactly what you claimed to detest.  Also, I'm not taking any side.  I claim neutrality, just pointing out fallable statements.


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Re: why I hate JT
« Reply #14 on: October 07, 2003, 02:02:00 pm »
Twenty years ago if you wanted to hear preachings of hate against most of the world's population, you might have had to attend a Klan rally or Neo-Nazi meeting. You certainly weren't going to see or hear it on television. But now, thanks to our "liberal media" (Ha ha) you can just flip on the government regulated hate box (Radio or TV, the choice is yours.) and be informed that as an American, you are part of the world's current master race. Dennis Miller appeared not once, but twice on the Jay Leno show in February to preach his hip brand of hate. You don't need to turn on the tube for long these days to hear some hate-mongering toward France, and apparently, Dennis Miller and numerous other media pundits have forgotten that after the 9/11 attacks the French were the first nation to come to the aid of the U.S., flying combat missions in Afghanistan. It's interesting to note that these war-mongering super-patriots are never found anywhere near a battlefield. George W. Bush managed to avoid military service in Viet Nam, and I'm sure that Leno and Miller would have loved to serve in the military, but unfortunately it conflicted with their scheduled dates to play the Ha-Ha Club. Isn't it interesting that Leno always performs with an American flag in his lapel. Here's a guy who makes millions of dollars tearing down this country on a nightly basis, and somehow sees himself as a patriot. Here is the transcript of the first of the two appearances Miller made on Leno in February. I have to let you know that in his subsequent apperance on Leno, February 25th, Miller literally advocated criminal assaults on peace demonstrators!!! It's safe to say that Miller has a lot more in common with the thugs who took over Germany in the 1930's than he'd care to admit.