Author Topic: Snailhook...  (Read 86868 times)


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Re: Snailhook...
« Reply #135 on: June 02, 2010, 09:02:42 am »
That's pretty rad. 

almost confirmed: Rangda/Major Stars/Kohoutek at Velvet Lounge, Friday 9/3


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Re: Snailhook...
« Reply #136 on: June 03, 2010, 03:48:10 am »
Would it be possible to grab Government Alpha while he is in the States in August?
Doing that Neon Marshmallow festival but that can't be his only US date, can it?

i'll look into it, but i doubt government alpha will do more than maybe nyc and chicago.  if anything, i might be able to get him to do philly.

Captain Jack

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Re: Snailhook...
« Reply #137 on: June 05, 2010, 01:03:09 pm »
that Rangda lineup rules hard.


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Re: Snailhook...
« Reply #138 on: July 18, 2010, 09:12:10 pm »
Keith Fullerton Whitman is looking for gigs:
"i had begun planning a more extensive tour of the u.s. to coincide with the september festival appearances, but it's going to be something of a bottleneck
what with
 running full-steam (if you haven't checked in a while ; i recommend you do so - we've been kicking ass over there) ; that said - i will be driving out
to chicago from the 17th to the 19th of of august, then back on the 23rd to the 25th -
get in touch
 if you want to schedule a stopover in any city that makes sense (ditto goes for the 6th through 8th of september between boston & raleigh-durham, the 11th
through 13th on the way back ; then the 22nd & 27th between here & baltimore) ..."


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Re: Snailhook...
« Reply #139 on: August 30, 2010, 12:24:47 pm »
Omar Souleyman is at JBs on 11/3 as per this. Local show would be 11 different kinds of awesome.


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Re: Snailhook...
« Reply #140 on: August 30, 2010, 04:56:51 pm »
Damn, R5's bringing Omar Souleyman to JB's?  and they're also getting Roky Erickson?  Precisely the kind of stuff I got canned for.  Go figure.

I'll talk to Rick Bishop on Friday and see if he has anything to do with this since Souleyman's on Sublime Frequencies.  My guess is he has a big-wig booking agent on Windish or Agency Group now.  I'd hate to see this at the Blowtel. The Black Cat would be rad.


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Re: Snailhook...
« Reply #141 on: August 30, 2010, 04:57:39 pm »
Arguably the show of the year...that is, for anyone who appreciates mind-melting, life-altering psychedelia. I couldn't think of a better "supergroup" to form in recent years, comprised of three musicians and proven innovators who continually push the threshold of experimental music. Kohoutek is honored to open for them and the fantastic Major Stars, and DC should feel honored to be able to see Rangda live.

Clavius Productions presents:

Saturday, September 4
Velvet Lounge
915 U St NW WDC
$10, 18+, doors at 9pm

Many centuries ago on the island of Java lived the witch queen Mahendradatta. When she was exiled from her kingdom for practicing her dark arts, she took revenge by using her witchcraft to spread chaos among the people. In defeat, she was transformed into Rangda, the demon queen of the leyaks. Rangda leads an army of witches in endless battle against Barong, the force of good. When witch-gods collide, it might sound something like this. Six Organs of Admittance?Richard Bishop?Chris Corsano. Riders of the apocalypse, it?s them vs. us. After absorbing their uber-holy dynamo, you?ll be prepared to join up with these wraiths, making it all of us against?well, whomever?s fool enough to stand in our way. To evil! Rangda?s been building up behind the scenes for some time now. As label mates and members of an exclusive mutual admiration society, Sir Rick and Kid Chasny thirsted for a conflagration involving two electric guitars plus a drummer. In such an environment requiring excellent survival skills as well as composition and improvisation rhythms, who better than Chris Corsano to work the skins? On paper, this was colossal, but actually getting everyone together proved awesomely impossible, with each man in a different city sprawled across the vastness of the United States ? not to mention each man?s diverse state of mind sprawled across the vastness of inner space. And so, time passed. Chuckling, the guitar men dreamed of visiting Rangda on our world, working figures on their necks in anticipation. Finally, with the desperate recklessness of the ancient witchsoul herself, they booked a live show, followed by a studio session with Seattle sound guru Scott Colburn. Beforehand, a mere ninety minutes was allotted for the three to further discuss ideas and play together for the very first time. What would happen? What do you think happened, stupid? Of course they planted a garden of lyricism seeded with several compositions and several improvisations! Placed end-to-end, the six pieces of the Rangda saga (part the first) rock from splintering onslaught to soulful meditation and back again with manifest precision ? this was a planned attack. Unceasing battery slides suddenly into ritual form with elemental ease. The fretworks of Richard Bishop and Ben Chasny split time while Corsano shapes the air around them. Each players moves as part of the whole of Rangda, and whether surging, cycling, or in pastoral, they are never less than explosive. This initial foray flies under the banner of FALSE FLAG.

The Major Stars
Nobody shreds like Major Stars -? they probably couldn?t if they wanted to. The Boston-based sextet (led by outsider/psych record label owners Wayne Rogers and Kate Biggar of Twisted Village) packs three full-time guitarists, all of whom, it?s fair to say, play lead. While on past Major Stars records, songwriting was treated as a necessary evil, on the group?s latest, Return to Form, precision and concision prove just as important as the guitar squall.

"People interested in music that defies the pop song convention, music that challenges that part of your brain that lies dormant during most aural experiences, need a band like Kohoutek. This [collective] began their wildly meandering journey across the more peripheral realms of free-form psych rock a few years back and from the very beginning they seemed determined to try to cross swathes of interstellar drone, guitar squall and loose, slowly evolving improvisations of drum and bass grooves and squelchy electronics with tapestries of gravitationally flowing darkness. What we get is a sonic bag that is raw, gorgeous, loud, dreamy, dissonant and mystical at the same time, somehow managing to transcend all sorts of seemingly limited genre barriers. Dedicated followers of bands such as the Spacious Mind, SubArachnoid Space and Ash Ra Tempel will for sure want to check these cats out, with a musical style that at its best rarely goes wrong in the live setting." (Mats Gustafsson)


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Re: Snailhook...
« Reply #142 on: August 30, 2010, 05:18:32 pm »
Roky is hip now that he made an album with those Okkervil River hacks.


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Re: Snailhook...
« Reply #143 on: August 30, 2010, 05:35:36 pm »
Man, every real Roky fan I know thinks that the record with Okkervil River and those live shows they did fucking blow. I saw them at SXSW and Okkervil River was WEAK. No balls whatsoever, and balls are a necessity to properly play Roky's songs. I don't even mind Okkervil River when they do their own stuff; they've never impressed me nor disgusted me. But they are simply not the right band to be backing the Rok.


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Re: Snailhook...
« Reply #144 on: August 30, 2010, 05:39:57 pm »
That was what I figured. I have not even listened to it yet in order to avoid the assured disappointment.


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Re: Snailhook...
« Reply #145 on: September 15, 2010, 09:57:33 pm »
I sent Mondo Drag an email asking about a DC "loft party" they had listed on their myspace set for Sunday and got this in response:
We were supposed to be playing a loft party but that just fell through so we don't have a show for the date.  If you know of anyone who can throw a party
or has a diy spot send em our way! Thanks!


He also left a cell number I can PM you if you can hook up something.

Britt's place would be perfect for them.


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Re: Snailhook...
« Reply #146 on: October 19, 2010, 11:17:12 am »
Now that The Points don't any longer have a gig on 10/31 due to the DC9 incident, you should snag them up and put them on the Zeros/Shirks bill. Would make for the best DC punk lineup in a little while.


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Re: Snailhook...
« Reply #147 on: October 22, 2010, 04:32:08 am »
I don't have room to add them to the Zeros show.  They were supposed to be on it in the first place but they fucked up taking a DC9 gig the same night.  The show is packed full as it is, and I'm not worried about it not drawing.  It will be sold out.


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Re: Snailhook...
« Reply #148 on: October 25, 2010, 05:34:32 pm »
Sounds as though that was supposed to be their last gig anyway. They've broken up.

You try booking Ut?

Kind of shocked that there isn't a Philly or DC date.

Tempted to do that Ut>Kemialliset Ystävät weekend in NY.


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Re: Snailhook...
« Reply #149 on: October 26, 2010, 01:51:12 am »
is there anywhere to possibly rebook the legendary pink dots in the city?