Author Topic: Good things boardies have given you?  (Read 11329 times)

Herr Professor Doktor Doom

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Good things boardies have given you?
« on: December 10, 2008, 11:07:34 pm »
In this time of giving, I thought it would be a good idea to acknowledge the things we have given each other.

I'll start with a few:

from Jaguar: a deeper appreciation for Shoegaze and the knowledge of how to communicate with cats by winking

from I-don't-remember-who:  awesome Pixies tickets from a presale link posted here

from Medusa: a lot of great DJ nights

from Kosmo:  "Forum Party Mix," and especially "Compromise" by The Format which remains stuck in my head



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Re: Good things boardies have given you?
« Reply #1 on: December 11, 2008, 01:09:08 am »
In this time of giving, I thought it would be a good idea to acknowledge the things we have given each other.

I'll start with a few:

from Jaguar: a deeper appreciation for Shoegaze and the knowledge of how to communicate with cats by winking

HAHA! I had been wondering if you kept up the cat winking. Have you noticed that it only starts with winking? If you keep the connection going, the communication gets even deeper. In fact, you'll even learn to communicate with each other without using words. My last cat and I did it all the time. All I needed to do was use the subtlest nod of the head or eyes to have him come over to me or lay down. It was so subtle that another human wouldn't even notice the movements and it worked every time. It's amazing how much humans underestimate the intelligence and abilities of animals.

From Doom: A genuine friendship beyond the simple board chatter of semi-strangers.

From Azaghal & Snail: Another true friendship beyond the board and a little commraderie in the lonely world of non-Mainstream music.

From Smackie: Some helpful advice when I've ended up in a few jams.

From Kurosawa: Don't see her around anymore but the best that any friend could want.

From Seth: ..... No words needed. A whole lot of coolness.
« Last Edit: December 11, 2008, 01:15:59 am by Jaguar »


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Re: Good things boardies have given you?
« Reply #2 on: December 11, 2008, 12:30:55 pm »
a lot of boardies, in fact the boardies as a collective whole, give me a reason to smile.  awww, how cute.  like a stomach pump.


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Re: Good things boardies have given you?
« Reply #3 on: December 11, 2008, 01:48:19 pm »
Vansmack - All the techno blather I can stomach.

Julian, certified weblebrity - A reason to get up in the morning.

Charlie Naktestes - A model on how not to be when i grow up.

The staph - A new board.

Vas Deferens

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Re: Good things boardies have given you?
« Reply #4 on: December 12, 2008, 01:23:12 pm »
concert tickets. mainly from walkonby. It should be done frequently!


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Re: Good things boardies have given you?
« Reply #5 on: December 12, 2008, 03:51:42 pm »
I got a free Mars Volta ticket from someone... I totally forgot who though.

I also got my own essay done by Jewlion.

And other random stuff that I would remember but all the messages got deleted.


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Re: Good things boardies have given you?
« Reply #6 on: December 12, 2008, 04:13:20 pm »
el tee always has a fancy slew of buttons, stickers and promo CDs with her at all times.

  I think Sweetcell gave me a cold once.....

  manimtired gave me a headache more than a few times.

 ohhhh, good things...right.


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Re: Good things boardies have given you?
« Reply #7 on: December 12, 2008, 09:20:18 pm »
All right, this is long, but I've met a lot of you jokesters. You all pretend to be scrooges, but I know otherwise.

Sonick's juicy double mix of a zillion songs (I know that's what started this thread, Doom!)...
He also gave me freebies for an artist I  & he doesn't tease me about my selections. (Well, not as much...;))  Netflix sharing, Canuckle humor - need I say more? Oh, his wifey is just as swell.

Koz - for being Kosmo. Ready to help with forum problems, show tips & music sharing. (Disco/dance and 80's! music he gave me)

vansmack - also a recipient of his techie / equipment knowledge. (that was fun, right?) And, a breath of fresh west coast air on the board.

snailhook: A wealth of knowledge, a literal walking music encyclopedia. Also, for dumming it down while keeping it interesting, just for me. ;p And - working so hard to support & bring music to DC. !

Rhett & wanderlust (nee joe marshmallow?) - for not ditching me. (Kidding!) Nah, it was nice to actually meet up, finally, and at at random roll call.

BAGS! For buying me ticket after ticket at the 930 window! Even when it was too much, you always helped. Eternal gratitude.

930/Seth/twangirl/staphers you know who you are/bartenders: running the best damn club. Bringing in the artists so I don't have to go elsewhere. Always ready to help and answer even the most mundane & duplicated questions with professionalism & smarts. (can't tell you how many times I've been on the phone w/ another club, waiting, then to explain a "set time").
Seth - I always tell people how much you do for and listen to the patrons. Thank you.

Someone else, I can't remember her board name - the 930 "introduced" us. ;) It's admirable to see her give local & national musicians tons of support. Your sunny disposition is infectious. And, you support and pump me up which is always nice.;) miss you.

redsock - thanks for your hard work, blood, sweat (and I'm sure tears) to provide us with BigYawn and a community. Live long and prosperous, BY.

930 forum and the rest of you jokers: giving the internet a run for it's money. Up-to-the-minute news/obituaries/movie, book and album tips/and the ultimate: "Just Announced" all in one spot.
Plus, some funny damn stuff has been said here.

(I feel like this is a belated Happy Thanksgiving roundtable)


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Re: Good things boardies have given you?
« Reply #8 on: December 12, 2008, 09:22:16 pm »
el tee always has a fancy slew of buttons, stickers and promo CDs with her at all times.
Yeah, I'm kinda like Grandmas with Sweet-n-Low packets. ;)

And perfectly themed, I have Oasis and other stickers....see you on the 20th.

Herr Professor Doktor Doom

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Re: Good things boardies have given you?
« Reply #9 on: December 13, 2008, 08:59:09 pm »
I forgot to mention, Jaguar introduced me to these doodz:



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Re: Good things boardies have given you?
« Reply #10 on: December 14, 2008, 12:24:33 am »
Dupek sent me Jim Carrol Band's Catholic Boy and a few other gems.

I guess he pushed a few too many buttons around these parts. However, he loved that.

Although he certainly pushed the envelope toward the end, I miss him here nonetheless. It's real easy to overlook someone on here if you don't care for them, sad he got singled out. I'll just leave it at that. He was cool enough to go out of his way to send me some cool tunes, that's for sure. No strings attached. Although he did get an eclectic goodie bag in return.

Jag also swapped mixes witth me the 1st time we met. It still gets played on occasion. There's some great folk on here, that's a definite.
« Last Edit: December 14, 2008, 12:29:12 am by SPARX »

Darth Ed

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Re: Good things boardies have given you?
« Reply #11 on: December 14, 2008, 01:39:48 am »
Brennser gave me a CD sampler of Cathal Coughlan music.

Kosmo gave me a ticket to a sold-out 9:30 Club show. I think it was The New Pornographers?

Sweetcell bought a ticket for me for The Raconteurs. I still owe you a beer, man.

Greer Zoller gave me two tickets to Van Morrison. She like drove all the way to the Patriot Center to give them to me, too. Man, I still owe her big....

And, last but not least, Bags is always there to give me a hug and to introduce me to other boardies. :)

Thanks, everyone! Happy holidays!


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Re: Good things boardies have given you?
« Reply #12 on: December 15, 2008, 09:49:50 am »
Oh and Darth Ed gave me first cut at Smashing Pumpkins tickets...


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Re: Good things boardies have given you?
« Reply #13 on: December 15, 2008, 05:40:41 pm »
kurosawa: for a place to always stay when im in dc along with one hell of a friendship regardless where the hell we're living and endless amounts of music to listen to and a partner in crime at lollapalooza.

the rest of you that know me - well you know who you are :)

so heres to either me kicking your ass at hockey, sonic youth during the 4th of july and lots of beers after the show, countless concerts, dinners in NYC and drinks at popscene once upon a time. and to dave - i owe you a cd or two (i promise i didnt forget).

you be betty

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Re: Good things boardies have given you?
« Reply #14 on: December 18, 2008, 03:50:46 pm »
i'm surprised julian hasn't said "you be betty: a blowjob" yet.

i love all of you guys, and the best was going to shows in DC and having new friends to talk to