All right, this is long, but I've met a lot of you jokesters. You all pretend to be scrooges, but I know otherwise.
Sonick's juicy double mix of a zillion songs (I know that's what started this thread, Doom!)...
He also gave me freebies for an artist I & he doesn't tease me about my selections. (Well, not as much...
) Netflix sharing, Canuckle humor - need I say more? Oh, his wifey is just as swell.
Koz - for being Kosmo. Ready to help with forum problems, show tips & music sharing. (Disco/dance and 80's! music he gave me)
vansmack - also a recipient of his techie / equipment knowledge. (that was fun, right?) And, a breath of fresh west coast air on the board.
snailhook: A wealth of knowledge, a literal walking music encyclopedia. Also, for dumming it down while keeping it interesting, just for me. ;p And - working so hard to support & bring music to DC. !
Rhett & wanderlust (
nee joe marshmallow?) - for not ditching me. (Kidding!) Nah, it was nice to actually meet up, finally, and at at random roll call.
BAGS! For buying me ticket after ticket at the 930 window! Even when it was too much, you always helped. Eternal gratitude.
930/Seth/twangirl/staphers you know who you are/bartenders: running the best damn club. Bringing in the artists so I don't have to go elsewhere. Always ready to help and answer even the most mundane & duplicated questions with professionalism & smarts. (can't tell you how many times I've been on the phone w/ another club, waiting, then to explain a "set time").
Seth - I always tell people how much you do for and listen to the patrons. Thank you.
Someone else, I can't remember her board name - the 930 "introduced" us.
It's admirable to see her give local & national musicians tons of support. Your sunny disposition is infectious. And, you support and pump me up which is always nice.
miss you.
redsock - thanks for your hard work, blood, sweat (and I'm sure tears) to provide us with BigYawn and a community. Live long and prosperous, BY.
930 forum and the rest of you jokers: giving the internet a run for it's money. Up-to-the-minute news/obituaries/movie, book and album tips/and the ultimate: "Just Announced" all in one spot.
Plus, some funny damn stuff has been said here.
(I feel like this is a belated Happy Thanksgiving roundtable)