It crushes me to be Debby Downer here, but man, that show was pretty bad. I'm too lazy to retype my thoughts, so here's a quick recap of my Google Chat with Joe:
J: how was it???
J: or did u get lazy?? hahahhaa
me: i went but it was pretty terrible. i actually left early and might skip it tonight
J: wow...why?
me: i knew they were playing new stuff with some covers and ween songs thrown in and i was fine with it but the new songs were not very good and i'm not sure if it's a gene ween band set of songs or new ween songs. the playing was just super lax. it seemed more like a living room jam than anything else
J: HAHAHAHAH...hippies!
me: i did get to see one ween song i've never heard before. also, the venue and crowd were terrible...a fist fight broke out next to security
J: wow
me: and the crowd is just getting lame. i was standing there listen to a ton of people try to one up each other on ween knowledge and who's seen more shows. i usually don't get too judgmental at crowds
J: but U are!
me: but i'm really starting to hate the jam band fans they're attracting
J: u are getting old i think
me: i just don't want douche bags. "oh, i saw gener 6 times on his solo tour!" well guess what, douche...i saw them with the fucking country band 12 years ago so suck that