thanks for reaching down a level or two, you didn't go for the easy out of "pour some sugar". "only 17" always made me feel awkward, like i wasn't supposed to look.
First off - you should always look. Even after you're married. It helps with their self-esteem; there's nothing worse than getting up there and dancing naked with nobody paying attention. Could you imagine that? You're craving both attention and cash, but even taking off your clothes isn't getting it done for you? She's selling herself for sex at the next availalble opportunity if you don't look, so consider it doing
her a favor. Oh, but always throw some money on the stage - don't be the skeezy guy in the joint.
Secondly, a level or two? That's really just scratching at the surface. I've been known to ask for
this little diddy and ask the DJ (who always knows all the personal details of all the dancers by virtue of having sex with them but having to lay in bed with them afterwards) who cries first? I've never had a taker (or could never afford the DJ would do it), but one guy who thought it was brillant did say that when he quit his DJ job that it would be the last song he played. My response: why would you quit this job?