the only problem i have with black people is that a lot (not all) hate--no, they fucking despise--gay people. more so than any other race, creed, religion, or familial status. because of that g.d. religion.
Walkonby, I've tried to stay out of this, but your beef is with people who have issues with other people being gay, and a lot of religious people have issues with gays due to their standing on principles laid out to them in the bible.
It deosn't matter that they're black, white, purple or brown. You discredit your own arguments about hating somebody by openly singling out a particular race, when the unifying thread happens to be that they are religious.
I can assure you the black community did not spend the millions of dollars to make this an issue, but the religious community certainly did.
Pick a new fight. Try to pick the right fight this time.