Author Topic: SlaughterHouse No Show, No Refund...  (Read 7151 times)

Cullens Marvel

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SlaughterHouse No Show, No Refund...
« on: September 01, 2009, 09:43:38 am »
What up 930 club?

Show was suppose to start at 7:00pm. Pete Rock, Supernatural, Slum Villiage, Slaughterhouse, and Talib Kweli & Hi-Tek... GREAT LINE UP!  Show started at 9:30 and no Slaughterhouse! Everyone that performed put on a great show don't get me wrong, but the energy was obviously not there.  I mean accept for dude with the white button down up front!  We all love the 930 club and we definetly love Pete Rock, but I dont want to listen to him mix for an hour... after I had to wait around for 2 hours for the show to start! When the main act isn't there I should get a refund.  The last two times I've gone to 930 I have been extremely disapointed.  I cant believe 930 had Mos Def back after he showed up at 10:30pm to do a 7pm & 9pm show... yeah... on a Monday.  I couldnt get a refund that show either, I waited until past midnight to listen to Mos Def rush through weak set... on a Monday!

I know 930 cant control the artist, but they can control customer satifaction.  When I go to a show to see an artist and that artist is not there, I should get a refund.  When I go to a show and the artist is 4 hours late, I should get a refund.  I love 930 club, but the last two times I've attended I have been disappointed. 


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Re: SlaughterHouse No Show, No Refund...
« Reply #1 on: September 01, 2009, 10:36:37 am »
Doors were at 7. Nowhere did I see a start time (because the staff more than likely didn't know what it was).

Reflection Eternal were the headliner. They showed up, therefore no refund.

Oh, and the last Mos Def show was great. He clearly did piss off a lot of people (due to circumstances beyond his control) in february given that both feb shows sold out but this recent one never did, though.



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Re: SlaughterHouse No Show, No Refund...
« Reply #2 on: September 01, 2009, 11:09:56 am »


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Re: SlaughterHouse No Show, No Refund...
« Reply #3 on: September 01, 2009, 11:15:33 am »

Cullens Marvel

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Re: SlaughterHouse No Show, No Refund...
« Reply #4 on: September 01, 2009, 01:28:47 pm »
First things first...  Talib put on a great show. Supernat put on a great show.  Slum Village put on a great show.  But like most people in attendance who have seen Kweli, Slum and Super, I was there to see Slaughterhouse.  Talib was the headliner no doubt, but the vibe throughout the show and the talk in the crowd was dissapointment that SlaugtherHouse was not there. 

Everyone who bought a ticket knew the show started at 7.  For 930 not to know what time the show was suppose to start is silly.

Mos Def has had a reputation for being late for shows and/or not giving his 100% (if anyone saw him at Rock the Bells '08 you know what I mean) for a long time.  His recent show not selling out and him not being on the Rock the Bells tour this year (right after he released a new album) is reflectant on such behavior. 

Perhaps the blame does not fall entirely on the 930 club because they cannot control the artists, but it is still fustrating that my last two shows at 930 did not live up to the billing.  I feel I should be reimbursed for having to wait 4 hours for Mos Def, I wanted my money back so I could go home. I feel like I should be compensated for not getting to see SlaugtherHouse.  I paid money for a product that was not recieved last night. 



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Re: SlaughterHouse No Show, No Refund...
« Reply #5 on: September 01, 2009, 01:36:31 pm »
I cant believe 930 had Mos Def back after he showed up at 10:30pm to do a 7pm & 9pm show... yeah... on a Monday.  I couldnt get a refund that show either, I waited until past midnight to listen to Mos Def rush through weak set... on a Monday!

So he only played 1 of the shows when he had 2 scheduled?


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Re: SlaughterHouse No Show, No Refund...
« Reply #6 on: September 01, 2009, 01:37:29 pm »
I think if you ask just about anyone they would say 9:30 runs about the tightest ship around when it comes to this stuff.  But shit happens that they can't control. 


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Re: SlaughterHouse No Show, No Refund...
« Reply #7 on: September 01, 2009, 02:09:17 pm »
You don't go to many 930 shows, do you? It's common knowledge that the time on the ticket is the door time. This goes for every show there. 99.9 times out of a hundred, the club gets a list of set times (probably from the acts who are playing) and makes these times known either on the day of the show on the main page or prior if asked in the FAQ section of this forum. Rather than guess on times and be completely wrong (since they didn't know the times or else they would've been posted yesterday), nothing was posted. More than likely, the artists are to blame for this.

Everyone who bought a ticket knew the show started at 7.  For 930 not to know what time the show was suppose to start is silly.


Cullens Marvel

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Re: SlaughterHouse No Show, No Refund...
« Reply #8 on: September 01, 2009, 03:34:44 pm »
Mos Def did both shows that night in Feb.  the 7pm show started at around 11 and the 9 show started around 12:30

I go to 9:30 club fairly often.  But last night doors open at 7pm.  Supernat starts at 9:30, Pete Rock standing up there playing songs of his Mac for 30-40min. Slum Village comes on, Pete Rock playing songs of his mac for another 30-40 minutes. 

I like Pete Rock and the tracks he produces, but there was too much random filler time because... SlaughterHouse was not there. 

I enjoy the 930 club, I've seen Common there about 2 or 3 times... Seen the Roots 2 or 3 times... Lupe play both albums last time he was there... Red and Meth tear it down... I saw David Banner jump off the balcony last time Talib was there, but I have been disappointed the last two times I was there.  The Mos Def disaster left a bad taste and last night was a let down as well.  Anyone actually go to the show last night and felt the any different? Anyone else wait 4 hours for Mos Def in cold ass Feb and didnt get upset?


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Re: SlaughterHouse No Show, No Refund...
« Reply #9 on: September 01, 2009, 04:21:04 pm »
Aren't these issues with the artist rather than the venue?  Seems like you should take it up with Slaughterhouse. 

And its not like last night's artists wanted to go on at 7 and the club wouldn't let them, or that Mos Def wanted to go on on time and the club wouldn't let him.  Your musical tastes veer towards artists that don't necessarily give a sh*t about being prompt, showing up, or not pissing you off . . .knowing is half the battle

« Last Edit: September 01, 2009, 04:23:04 pm by Mobius »

Cullens Marvel

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Re: SlaughterHouse No Show, No Refund...
« Reply #10 on: September 01, 2009, 04:36:55 pm »
I agree that the issues are mostly with the artist, but the venue is whom I pay my money. 

Mos Def is the reason I will never attend another Mos Def show not the 930 club...

My issue with 930 is simple.  If I arrive at a 9pm show and the artist has not arrived to perform the 7pm show yet, shouldnt I be entitled to a refund so I can go home?  I'm not asking for a free concert, just not to wait 4 hours for an artist to arrive.

When I arrived last night and SlaughterHouse was not performing, my frustration is directed at SlaughterHouse.  But why can't I get a refund, get back in my car and go home?

I am not a person at a restaurant who eats their entire dish, then complains that I didn't like it and doesnt want to pay.  I would rather leave the restaurant before I dine.  What is wrong with that?


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Re: SlaughterHouse No Show, No Refund...
« Reply #11 on: September 01, 2009, 04:44:20 pm »
For 930 not to know what time the show was suppose to start is silly.

  I feel I should be reimbursed for having to wait 4 hours for Mos Def, I wanted my money back so I could go home. I feel like I should be compensated for not getting to see SlaugtherHouse.  I paid money for a product that was not recieved last night. 

Hip hop acts are notorious for their disregard of show schedules.
If the artists don't feel like going onstage at a reasonable hour there's nothing the club can do about it except wait like everyone else.

The club is still obligated to pay the artists the agreed-upon price for the show even if they arrive late and go onstage late. Slaughterhouse was not the headliner for this show. The headliners performed the date therefore the club has to pay the full guarantee.  Your frustration should be directed at the artist who didn't show up, not at the club, which by your own admission has no control over the artists.


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Re: SlaughterHouse No Show, No Refund...
« Reply #12 on: September 01, 2009, 04:59:26 pm »
When I arrived last night and SlaughterHouse was not performing, my frustration is directed at SlaughterHouse.  But why can't I get a refund, get back in my car and go home?

you realize that sounds a little silly, don't you?  "i have a problem with the artist, but i'm expecting the venue to take the hit for it." 

don't get me wrong, you definitely have a good reason to be frustrated - but asking the club to make up for the artist's behavior is ludakris.

next time, don't spend your money on these acts.  maybe once they start seeing their concert ticket sales diminish, they'll get a clue that people won't put up with such behavior.

aside: why is hip hop beset with such poor punctuality?  it is really something as simple as an ego trip? ("this is my gig, people are there to see ME, so *i* call the shots and decide when i go on... those suckaz can wait").


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Re: SlaughterHouse No Show, No Refund...
« Reply #13 on: September 01, 2009, 05:04:48 pm »
i'm still waiting for the obligatory comment from julian's richmond.


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Re: SlaughterHouse No Show, No Refund...
« Reply #14 on: September 01, 2009, 05:06:47 pm »
he would say if this took place in Richmond we wouldn't have this happening  ;D