Never had KBS! You can't freakin' buy it in MD! ugh.
Yeah, there's some strange distribution with Michigan coming to MD. MD basically blows for purchasing beer IMO.
Can you buy it in Delaware? That's just a hop, skip and a jump away from me. Actually, next month, only a hop and a skip.
I just wish that it was easier to purchase things in grocery stores and via online sales. We use to have a few grocery stores that sold beer and wine but they've all since closed and the ones still open don't bother. Oddly, we have a couple combination beer/wine/gas stations. Weird hypocrisy when you think about it.
We've got some weirdness down here with the liquor control boards who price fix everything. Nice that you don't have to shop around to find the lowest price except that they fix all the prices to sky high levels. Doesn't take much to realize that other than in a bar or restaurant, I don't buy much over the counter in Tax Hell, Maryland. They are now talking about allowing the Casino to operate as a warehouse but I don't understand any of that other than allowing them to serve alcohol all night, or something like that. I don't like gambling so it won't affect me unless they allow them to sell over the counter and they bring the prices way down.
Rhett, that $15 bottle of wine you were talking about is usually about $29 down here and it's rot gut that I'd rather not even touch. You can get better low end wine in Delaware for less than $15; however, the craft beers run about the same minus the over the counter taxes. Just to put them all in a little bit more perspective.