last night was the monthly DC Homebrewers meeting. first time in a year i've been able to attend. it was held at blue jacket.
the homebrews i drank varied in quality, from a few clearly problematic (brewer knew his beer had issues and brought it for evaluation) to mostly downright amazing (crazy IPAs, a kriek, a barrel-aged BDSA, hoppy saisons, etc.). my soured saison was well received.
i had a number of tasters of BJ's beers (
descriptions here)
DARLING BUDS: EQUINOX: equinox is a new hop that is getting rave reviews to i was excited to try this. result was disappointing. it's a wet-hopped beer, meaning that they used fresh un-dried hops. i got a lot of vegetal/grassy and not a lot of hop character.
VIGNETTE - fail. had a weird off-flavor (diacetyl) that made the sourness not enjoyable. not a lot of cherry.
GRGICH HILLS CHARDONNAY BARREL-AGED HIGH SOCIETY: not bad, but too much red wine character that didn't go well with the relatively sweet beer.
APPLETON ESTATE BARREL-AGED CASHMERE: excellent. complex. just a little rum character that didn't interfere with the belgian yeast's contributions. i could drink this all night long (slowly).
BRETTA WORLD PEACH: nice. not certain i'd order a full pour of this, vs. everything else they have, but it's solid.
BJ batted .500 based on my non-representative sampling. the homebrewers were in the 75% range based on the "want another taste of that" criteria.