speaking of VT: i'll be there next week. i'll have a case of Heady and "some" (a case?) of Sip of Sunshine waiting for me there. in addition i might hit up the Alchemist and Lost Nation on my own, TBD.
in preparation/as penance i'll be going beer-free this week. wish me luck.
Assuming you're in close proximity, you should scoop up some Focal Banger and Crusher at the brewery.
that will depend on whether or not i make it out to the brewery. it's about an 1:15-1:30 drive to get there, so this extended beer run would result in abandoning the family for a whole afternoon... hence, the TBD
the case of heady and the sunshine will be waiting for me, so even if i don't make it to the brewery i'll be having a taste.