Walkie is inconsistent as he railed against chick fil a and my eating there...
truth... and if there weren't 100's of beers better than FW, I could understand... but there are too many offerings better to line their pockets.
yada, what are you go-to BBA'ed beers?
In my old age, I'm falling into a Space-esque few ounce pour when drinking BBA'ed stouts. I've also recently started to clear my cellar of them.
I don't even think I have a go to at this point, but have had many delicious ones over the past year. Cycle, Fieldwork, Trillium, Veil, and Central Waters stick out in my head as some of the best I've had, even KBS and Bourbon County are better. I find the trail blazer Parabola thin and watery compared to the ones mentioned above. Additionally, I probably shouldn't comment on Barleywine as I don't even like it.
I also loved CBS, my guess is Space didn't like it because of the space ratio vs. the actual taste.