Author Topic: Service charges a little high?  (Read 32874 times)

Herr Professor Doktor Doom

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Re: Service charges a little high?
« Reply #60 on: December 08, 2009, 09:41:31 pm »
This is organizing. I'm posting in a public place and making it well-known.

You're not organizing, you're making a meaningless fuss on the internet.   You win the Comic Book Guy award of the week.


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Re: Service charges a little high?
« Reply #61 on: December 09, 2009, 01:42:09 am »
I would define transparency as when the charges are separated

if the ticket was just one price, and you couldn't see the breakdown, that would not be transparent, in my opinion

as far as taking it steps further, and then explaining who makes what out of those different parts of the ticket...I'm sorry, but that's just nobody's business, any more than if you laid out what everyone made at a store you bought something at

listen, when I answer with my "if you don't like it, don't go" type responses...this does not mean we don't appreciate everyone's fact, it's just the opposite...we appreciate our customers that pay a lot of money to see shows, and try and provide them with the best experience possible

but, by all means, bring on the discussions!

Hey all respect Seth..Great venue...And I'm glad you interact with us.

But "transparency" is not telling someone we're charging you for providing you a printed copy of the ticket and the service of giving you that ticket when in reality we're charging you X so we can give a chunk back to the venue so they allow us to hold a gun to your head (i.e. its this way or the highway)...And while we can buy tickets at the window thats not applicable for the shows that sell out quickly...

Also you say its nobody's business any more than anyone who bought anything at the store? So you and ticket sellers are the store? So why do you break it down then? You can't break it down as if its separate services (ticket to event and ticket selling service) and then say they are the same and we have no right to ask what it is that we are paying for.. How is that transparent?

If thats "transparency" please give me something shady!

Really Seth why don't you just come out and admit you're ripping off your customers who are too complacent and disorganized to do anything about it?


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Re: Service charges a little high?
« Reply #62 on: December 09, 2009, 02:19:53 am »
Anyone else wanna talk more about Alice's Restaurant and the fact that the Black Cat staff are typically nice to everyone; not just certain people for certain reasons? ;)

Both topics being more worthwhile than this one.



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Re: Service charges a little high?
« Reply #63 on: December 09, 2009, 02:22:31 am »
You want 'transparency', Hutch? How's this?

What Seth and the agencies aren't telling you is that those 'convenience fees' are 'a natural DC show' fee. A tax, of sorts, for the 'convenience' of all of those 'natural DC shows' for you spoiled, inside the Beltway lot who believe that all artists are duty bound to play DC on every tour. For the rest of us, it's for the convenience of not having to drive inside the DC beltway to pick up our tickets prior to the show.



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Re: Service charges a little high?
« Reply #64 on: December 09, 2009, 02:26:27 am »
You want 'transparency', Hutch? How's this?

What Seth and the agencies aren't telling you is that those 'convenience fees' are 'a natural DC show' fee. A tax, of sorts, for the 'convenience' of all of those 'natural DC shows' for you spoiled, inside the Beltway lot who believe that all artists are duty bound to play DC on every tour. For the rest of us, it's for the convenience of not having to drive inside the DC beltway to pick up our tickets prior to the show.


Best post in the thread.


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Re: Service charges a little high?
« Reply #65 on: December 09, 2009, 02:28:31 am »

You want 'transparency', Hutch? How's this?

What Seth and the agencies aren't telling you is that those 'convenience fees' are 'a natural DC show' fee. A tax, of sorts, for the 'convenience' of all of those 'natural DC shows' for you spoiled, inside the Beltway lot who believe that all artists are duty bound to play DC on every tour. For the rest of us, it's for the convenience of not having to drive inside the DC beltway to pick up our tickets prior to the show.



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Re: Service charges a little high?
« Reply #66 on: December 09, 2009, 02:34:12 am »
Thank you, gentlemen.

Seth Hurwitz

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Re: Service charges a little high?
« Reply #67 on: December 09, 2009, 08:13:57 am »
is there some charge I don't know about being added AFTER you see them all and decide to purchase the tickets?

or are we just talking about the total that is presented that you don't like?

kosmo vinyl

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Re: Service charges a little high?
« Reply #68 on: December 09, 2009, 08:14:42 am »
I would define transparency as when the charges are separated

if the ticket was just one price, and you couldn't see the breakdown, that would not be transparent, in my opinion

as far as taking it steps further, and then explaining who makes what out of those different parts of the ticket...I'm sorry, but that's just nobody's business, any more than if you laid out what everyone made at a store you bought something at

listen, when I answer with my "if you don't like it, don't go" type responses...this does not mean we don't appreciate everyone's fact, it's just the opposite...we appreciate our customers that pay a lot of money to see shows, and try and provide them with the best experience possible

but, by all means, bring on the discussions!

Hey all respect Seth..Great venue...And I'm glad you interact with us.

But "transparency" is not telling someone we're charging you for providing you a printed copy of the ticket and the service of giving you that ticket when in reality we're charging you X so we can give a chunk back to the venue so they allow us to hold a gun to your head (i.e. its this way or the highway)...And while we can buy tickets at the window thats not applicable for the shows that sell out quickly...

Also you say its nobody's business any more than anyone who bought anything at the store? So you and ticket sellers are the store? So why do you break it down then? You can't break it down as if its separate services (ticket to event and ticket selling service) and then say they are the same and we have no right to ask what it is that we are paying for.. How is that transparent?

If thats "transparency" please give me something shady!

Really Seth why don't you just come out and admit you're ripping off your customers who are too complacent and disorganized to do anything about it?

Who cares if part of the fee goes back to the venue/promoter, what difference does it make?

As Seth once brilliantly stated here, and I'm paraphrasing,  "Do people go around questioning why Milk costs what it does?".  Don't like the fees don't pay them, just don't be bitter when you learn after the fact how amazing the show which one missed over some fees... 

James Ford

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Re: Service charges a little high?
« Reply #69 on: December 09, 2009, 09:03:30 am »
As someone who grew up on a dairy farm, I'm interested in how the dollars are distributed.

And to equate concert tickets with milk is pure silliness.


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Re: Service charges a little high?
« Reply #70 on: December 09, 2009, 09:46:07 am »
As someone who grew up on a dairy farm, I'm interested in how the dollars are distributed.

And to equate concert tickets with milk is pure silliness.

agreed.  i can live without milk.


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Re: Service charges a little high?
« Reply #71 on: December 09, 2009, 10:08:54 am »
This is organizing. I'm posting in a public place and making it well-known. I just haven't got my friends to do it because, well, they don't care enough to make an account and say anything.

again, you're not organizing, you're a lone voice ranting (in a really whiny way, FYI).  a good organizer would have gotten his friends to understand the injustice at hand and motivated them to do something as minimal as sign up for a free board and say "me too".

One band called City and Colour.

from wikipedia: "City and Colour is the alias for Juno Award-winning Canadian singer-songwriter Dallas Green, also known as the guitarist of the post-hardcore band Alexisonfire. He started playing under this alias in 2004. He plays acoustic and folk music, [1] and is often accompanied by a varying number of musicians."

100% guaranteed that this show didn't sell out in advance.  you could have walked in to the show paying nothing more than face.  don't want to drive down to DC and risk a sold-out show?  ask in the FAQ if tickets will be available at the door.  oh, wait, that might be construed as sending a message to the club... nevermind.

If you're not making anything extra off the service charges, why are you so unconcerned about how your customers feel about them?

as mentioned previously, the 930 club's surcharges are in line with other large venues.  maybe you don't make it out to big-city shows that often?  to prove it to yourself, please try ordering tickets from livenation, or ticketmaster, or another venue using ticketfly.  you'll see that surcharges are similar.  i'm not saying you don't have a right to protest, but you make it sound like it's something that only the 930 club does.  are you ranting on too?  or do you think that the 930 owes you something?

Either way, those customers will stop paying "a lot of money to see shows" when you treat them like dogshit, bud.

do you seriously think that seth stays up late at night, dreaming up new & innovative ways to piss of his customers - because he hates them?  do you think he's been in business this long by alienating people?

I'll be sure to treat your venue as such the next time I'm there. Thanks.

excellent idea.  how exactly do you think this will play out?

CLUB STAFF: "excuse me boss, but someone has vandalized the club/caused damage/made a mess/etc.  it's going to cost $ to fix it."
SETH (shaking a clenched fist at the sky): "dammit!!!  i KNEW i should have lowered the surcharges!"

if anything, it'll make him look for additional revenue sources to cover the cost of damages.  now where could he squeeze out a few more bucks...

like this ranting thread, treating the venue like shit will accomplish only one thing: make you feel better.  it won't change the cause of your frustrations. 

you're 14 years old, aren't you?
« Last Edit: December 09, 2009, 10:11:00 am by sweetcell »

Julian, Alleged Computer F**kface

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Re: Service charges a little high?
« Reply #72 on: December 09, 2009, 11:27:20 am »
I love the ridiculousness of the transparency argument. My local mom and pop store charges $20 for a whoziwhatzit. Then, when I get to the register, they charge me a sales tax mandated by a third party on top of it. My receipt breaks down the difference. I know as a smart person, that the state gives a percentage of the sales tax back to the mom and pop store to cover costs incidental with the collection of sales tax. HOWEVER, when I ask mom and pop how much they're getting back, they also tell me its none of my business.

Using the hutch and mr_goodbomb logic, I should refuse to pay sales tax and boycott mom and pop for being in collusion with the Commonwealth of Virginia. IT'S ALL SO OBVIOUS NOW!!


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Re: Service charges a little high?
« Reply #73 on: December 09, 2009, 03:25:33 pm »
As Seth once brilliantly stated here, and I'm paraphrasing,  "Do people go around questioning why Milk costs what it does?".  Don't like the fees don't pay them, just don't be bitter when you learn after the fact how amazing the show which one missed over some fees... 
Yeah, so then I don't buy the milk. Just like I don't buy the tickets. We've already determined it doesn't make a hill of difference if I decide not to go. Why not just end it at "don't by the tickets" and not rub in our faces?


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Re: Service charges a little high?
« Reply #74 on: December 09, 2009, 03:34:50 pm »
listen, when I answer with my "if you don't like it, don't go" type responses...this does not mean we don't appreciate everyone's fact, it's just the opposite...we appreciate our customers that pay a lot of money to see shows, and try and provide them with the best experience possible

but, by all means, bring on the discussions!
Thanks for stating this, it does help to know, Seth. Especially when I just can't afford even the minimum amount of show I'd like to see and to know others can.
While you're open to discussions, how about lowering the cost of a small bottle of water (currently $4) or getting a filter for the water in the pitcher? It tastes like crap.
Loons tease me all you want, you know it does too.